In its entirety?
You should.
Please do so.
It appears here, among many other places.
I quote its core below, as far as I am concerned. Its basic message:
As Silvio Rodriguez says, the era is giving birth to a heart. There are alternative ways of thinking. There are young people who think differently. And this has already been seen within the space of a mere decade. It was shown that the end of history was a totally false assumption, and the same was shown about Pax Americana and the establishment of the capitalist neo-liberal world. It has been shown, this system, to generate mere poverty. Who believes in it now?
What we now have to do is define the future of the world. Dawn is breaking out all over. You can see it in Africa and Europe and Latin America and Oceanea. I want to emphasize that optimistic vision.
We have to strengthen ourselves, our will to do battle, our awareness. We have to build a new and better world.
Dig it.
Ain’t ABOUT “the Devil.”
That’s just mediaspeak. BushCo spin.
It’s about survival.
And we WILL survive.
Because evolution ain’t through with us just yet.
Choose your sides well.
Or be the main course.
Tiips, recs, etc.
But Gov. Warner told me that Chavez is trying to stack his supreme court and showing other dictatorial tendencies and that we should kick his ass. Don’t you understand, Arthur?
Oh yes I did.
Hugo Chavez speech was more than the `Bush is the devil’ sound bite reported world wide. It had serious take-aways and resonates with the rest of the world looking at US, the bully.
Oh, and
Chavez beats Oprah. His plugging of Noam Chomksy’s book “Hegemony and Survival: America’s Quest for Global Dominance takes it to bestseller’s list – from 160,722 to 7.” Bush critcs unite..
wow. if I write a book I am going to ask Hugo to plug it. Screw Oprah…
With a reference to Silvio Rodriguez as well!
My husband was listening to a Spanish-language radio program last night when I heard him laughing. They were playing Chavez’s speech, and he was tickled by Hugo’s delivery of the “diablo” lines.
By chance, I was primed for a “devil” comparison – I’d just seen the 1926 silent film, “Faust,” by G W Pabst, complete with live, dramatic piano accompaniment. Emeril says he longs for “smell-a-vision,” but, by combining Chavez and Faust, I did smell the sulfur!
I did read it. What is also interesting to me is how he talks of the rest of the world beginning to solidify as a counterbalanace to American imperialism. And did you read how after Chavez quoted Chomsky’s book, it skyrocketed to no. 1 on Amazon? The world gets it. It’s our job to get 51% of Americans to get it, too.
51% will not be enough.
Bet on it.
You nailed it AG. I just finally had the time to read the whole thing and it confirmed what I had gathered from reading small clips.
Chavez was not talking to the US and certainly not the US govt. or chattering class. He was talking to the people of the world. He knows that the hope for defeating the US imperialists is for the people of the world to unite. Those of us in the US just might be the witnesses to the next great movement coming as the people of developing countries unite. There are times that I think if some of us can wrap our minds around that – our alliances with them as the leaders just might be the answer we’re looking for.
Precisely what is coming about.
Bet on it.
Read it AND listened to it on Democracy Now which also had an excellent interview with Evo Morales right afterward. I’m fond of both but being a passionate person myself, love Chavez’s sense of drama. Love your passion too, AG