Robert Kagan is my Wanker of the Day. Who is your Wanker of the Day?
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Can I get a twofer? My wankers are Katie Couric and CBS reporter Mark Phillips for putting a happy face on climate change with a piece on how Britain is now able to grow wine grapes, coffee, and olives thanks to a warmer climate. No mention of how the grapes will do when they’re under water or ripped out by tornadoes or any of the other unpredictable effects of climate change.
OK, I’m just an ol’ crab, but this piece stinks of finding a way to toady to the corporate climate-change deniers without addressing any real information. Ick.
Katie Couric is a wanker any day, IMO.
Tuesday, September 26th, 2006
Exclusive: AWOL Iraq Veteran Turns Himself In Instead of Returning to Iraq
Agustin Aguayo Support Website
Army medic Agustin Aguayo and his wife, Helga, speak to Democracy Now. Later today Agustin plans to turn himself in to the military weeks after he went AWOL at his base in Germany. He faces five yeas in prison.
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Tuesday, September 26th, 2006
Salt Lake City¹s Mayor Rocky Anderson:
“This War Was Sold to the American People Largely by Fox and Other Members of the Media and We Were Lied To”
As Democracy Now! broadcasts from Salt Lake City, the city¹s mayor discusses why he spoke out recently at a protest against President Bush and the Iraq War.
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And Another Great Pitt Observation Editorial
William Rivers Pitt | The Deep Breath Before the Plunge
Dahr Jamail | A Broken, De-Humanized Military in Iraq
Ugh, a pundit attempts to second guess, what, like 16 agencies?!! He is a wanker for sure.
Tad Furtado, former #2 staffer to U.S. Rep. Charlie Bass (R-NH), who resigned under a cloud of ignominy today after being exposed as “IndyNH,” or “IndieNH,” aka “Inept Rightwing Troll” by the liberal blogosphere.
Dumbass used government computers to post as a “concerned troll,” which could represent a violation of House rules.
Now he’s an object of derision — perhaps just as much for the FUN! one can have making puns on his name as for his political stupidity.
Where is Senator Obama on torture?
Where is Senator Clinton on torture?
Where is Senator Byrd on habeas corpus?
Why is there even a quorum at this point? Why are the democrats not out on the steps of the capitol making a stink, when it was so easy for them to go out there and say the fucking pledge of allegiance when that guy was challenging the “under God” part in the SCOTUS?
Why are our Congressional leaders saying they’re not going to try to fight this one?
Wanker of the Day? The Democrats. All of them.
“I despise Kagan.”
A neocon chamberpot who claims to be an “expert’ on warfare and foreign poicy who could have passed through Air Force basic training.