As I plunged a clogged toilet at Mike Callaghan headquarters on Saturday afternoon, I thought, “This sums up what we’re trying to do for the country.” The Republicans have left us with a shitty mess and we’ve got to get the system working again to benefit everyone.
Let me begin at the beginning.
The Apple Harvest Parade was Saturdayin Martinsburg. Mike Callaghan’s local campaign office is on North Queen Street along the parade route.
We met early to make up signs and even though I suck at sign making (my daughters do better at making the signs than I do since I have trouble making my letters and staying within the lines).
Mike said he needed to wash his truck since his was dirty. When you don’t rake in the big money from the DCCC for your campaign, you wash your own truck for the parade.
Jane (injured foot) and I (torn calf muscle, partly torn Achilles tendon) decided to stay at the headquarters to pass out apples and allow parade watchers to use our restroom.
Being nice to parade goers, of course, is part of our nefarious plot to win votes. At least, I’m sure that’s how Republican Rubber Stamp Shelley Moore (I never said stay the course!) Capito would describe it.
Afterall, she’s the one who calls this ad by Mike Callaghan an “attack” on her.
Apparently those who live in fear of terrorists organizations like Florida Quakers and human rights activists are really weak-kneed when a Democrat criticizes bad decisions to go to war and Republicans protecting a sexual predator to hold on to political power.
When she marched in the parade, she stayed in the center of the road surrounded by her supporters like they were human shields to protect her from harm. When she marched by Callaghan headquarters her smile froze. She went “tharn” as javajunkey aptly described it in the comments Saturday. I burst out laughing and kept laughing as she and her supporters walked by and laughed even louder with some Republican named Raese’s supporters marched by. A Raese supporter said “Vote for some first name Raese, our next U.S. Senator.” I chuckled loudly and he looked up, and tried to pass out literature to people who wouldn’t reach out their hands to take it. Say what you will about Senator Robert C. Byrd (and I’ve certainly said my share) he’s got a lot of supporters among Democrats and Republicans in this state.
Callaghan didn’t ride in his shiny and clean truck, which was covered by signs (My “Vote 4 Mike” sign didn’t look too bad from the distance). Instead he walked along the parade route, shaking hands with people along the route.
So Jane and I watched the parade route from a table set up with campaign literature and bumper stickers to pass out and when people asked to use our rest room (long parade with no public facilities nearby) I’d show them where it was.
After one use by a young girl, her mother told me the toilet was clogged.
Being a campaign volunteer often involves promoting the lofty ideas of the political party.
And sometimes it means wielding the plunger.
I thanked her for telling me, told her I was experienced at this with three children of my own, and went to work.
You see, even if you’re angry at the Democratic Party for whatever reason, this is not the time to bail out on them.
This is the time to roll up the sleeves and do what ever it takes to get Democrats elected.
We have plenty of Torturecrats to oust from office in the future (I’m looking at you Senator Rockefeller), but the only way to put the brakes on this illegal war in Iraq and the on-going corrupt looting of the U.S. treasury by the Republicans.
The only way to protect Social Security and to provide real Medicaid drug benefits for the people instead of the pharmaceutical giants is to elect Democrats. The only way to implement real security measures as recommended by the 9/11 Commission is to elect Democrats.
Get off the computer and go volunteer. Go canvass neighborhoods and march in parades and wave signs and phonebank and yes, plunge toilets when needed.
Because if you believe this administration and Republican-controlled Congress has left us in a world of shit, you’ve got to roll up your sleeves and unclog the mess. Because a clogged toilet isn’t going to plunge itself. And it can’t be fixed just by posting on a blog.
Donate – Join the dedicated team of volunteers
Also please freep this poll (on the right) for Mike at the Charleston Gazette.
UpdateSince writing this, I learned the DCCC selected Mike Monday as an emerging race. Hurrah!
Looking good with 1237 responses so far.
Hope the trend continues. We’re stuffing a mailing tonight here. Hope the toilet holds up;-)
Hooray Carnacki! š
One of the things I think about is not just the next election… but where we’ll be in 5, 10, hell 40 years from now.
I think many people just expect that all the damage done by this regime (and media) will simply blow away but once rights are given up, they are so hard to get back. We have an entire Constitution to tape up. Our economy, our schools, our healthcare… So much hard work to do.
Yes, we need to unplug the toilets and clean out the septic tank too, baby.
PS to ya. I wore holes in my latest pair of shoes from all the marching and protests.
These are not the shoes of a blogger…