Thinking about the future.
I’m the past. So his Waxman, Pelosi, Wrangle and Reid. We are all 65. We grew up in the 50s, came to political consciousness in the Civil Rights era of the pre-Vietnam 60s, suffered through Vietnam, either over there or virtually, lived through Nixon, came to power in some way under Carter, lost in under Reagan, regained it in our maturity under Clinton, and saw all our dreams and ideals crushed by Bush. I look at my life, and outside my personal achievements I see a wasteland that we let happen because we thought it would never happen.
I come from an FDR family. I am old enough to remember watching my parents sob at his death, and I saw Harry Truman come to my town, and I saw Jack Kennedy do a stump speech from a train in Springfield Ohio. And I was calling a taxi to catch a plane for Austin to spend the weekend at Lyndon Johnson’s ranch with the President when Jack Kennedy was assassinated.
Waxman and Reid and Pelosi are as old as I am. We won’t be around much longer. What we know will disappear. We have seven or eight years to give to all of you what we learned from what we suffered.
Tonight is an important night for my generation. It is our last chance to make a difference. Don’t expect us to carry this burden forever. :You have to pick it up and carry on. It’s something I learned from people who had lived through the labor movment of the 1930s. It’s a calling.
Powerfully put. I do know that as you said, we of this generation allowed this mess to happen and needed to get this mess cleaned up or at least started. Now children, it is your turn to carry the torch and for God’s sake, don’t get apathetic like we did. Don’t let the flame go out! We can still turn this country around by staying on our reps backs and staying alert to what is going on around us. Never forget, THEY work for us, we pay their salary and we have the power to take them out at anytime. Last night proved that.
Yes, Carry On!
I hope that many here read this. Thanks.
Too many of us dropped completely out in so many ways. When we woke up and looked around, it was the “me decade” and “they” were back in control. We lost the energy, the solidarity of the 60’s and 70’s. Looks as if the wave is building anew, though.
My youngest, who is in his 30’s, worked the polls yesterday. He reads liberal authors. He cares about others. Last night, after the victory party, he says, “You know, I think I’d like to get into this a little deeper”. There are many like him to be mentored.
I’m 28. Most of my friends are between 25-32, and not a one is to the right of center.
We’re still learning the ropes but you can bet we’re not going to be sitting on the sidelines. Ever.
If anything, Democrats can thank George W. Bush for screwing things up so bad that we couldn’t help but pay attention and start to do something about it.
Man, I’m glad you are all out there. This geezer has dropped back in and I need all the help and energy I can get. Last night’s results can’t hurt our recruitment, either. Everybody loves a winner.
From what I’ve read, trends show that kids are more liberal than their parents. So we’re heading in the right direction, if slowly 🙂
You’ve got to be especially happy with the Congressional results in your state. Those are huge pickups.
I am really pleased, as its a big improvement. Now, if we can just start pushing them to the left. The progressive primary candidate from IU who lost to Baron Hill in the IN-9th was gracious enough to publicly endorse him last week. I’m hoping she will continue to have some input on policy, as will we who helped him into office.
BTW, I’m way more liberal than my “I Like Ike” parents and grandparents. I’ve finally gotten my mom to cross over and vote Democrat now at age 89 😉
Everyone checking this thread should check out this diary.
I’ve been dragging my sister, who is only somewhat political, to events all year. We’re both in our 40’s. On Sunday we went to McCaskill’s GOTV rally where Obama spoke. While we were waiting, she turned to me and said “At last! An event with a diverse audience.” I thought she was talking about race and I said, “That’s not true. A lot of the events we’ve gone to have been racially diverse.” And she laughed and said — I meant it’s AGE diverse.
She said, “You keep dragging me to things where we’re the youngest people there. Peace rallies, etc. But THIS is different. It feels different. Look around. There are people of ALL age groups here.”
And she was right. And at Claire’s victory party last night every age from teens to geriatric were represented. You could feel the energy.