Oh my friends, what a glorious day this is for us. First last night’s victories and tidal wave of new seats. This morning we get Rummy’s resignation. It just keeps getting better.
But what this is really all about for me is that we the people still have the power as long as we have the right to vote and challenge those votes.
Two years ago, I asked the gentleman that works for me here as my maintenance man(he was already on board when I was hired)if he was going to vote. He said yes, of course. Then he started asking me questions about Kerry. You see, he is an immigrant from Mexico but is a citizen of the USA now. He takes this right very seriously. He was so proud to tell me two years ago that he decided to vote for Kerry. He hated the war.
Yesterday, he asked me about some of the propositions here in California and I tried to explain where and why I stood on these, including a teeanger’s right to privacy about abortion and parental notification. He was very intent on knowing.
Today he came into my office beaming. He asked, “So, what do you think of the election”? Of course I was beaming and probably in the best mood I have been in a long time. I told him how excited I was. He looked me in the eye, smiling and said “Me too! I voted all democrats. ” He hadn’t heard of the resignation of Rummy yet so I told him. He said, “That is just the beginning. From my point of view, there will be many more consequences to pay. This is a good day.”
Yes, my friends, this is a very good day.
I didn’t hear any of the news last night while at work.
So I was tickled pink to find out this morning. I go from Snoopy Happy Dance of Joy to tears welling up… – to happiness and then to that feeling of “dread” … what’ll they do next feeling.
I just wished we could have defeated the Wall of Death (attack on immigration) and supported gay rights.
Love makes a family. Not hate.
I’ve had FREEDOM song in my head today 🙂
One step at a time sweetie. I honor your feelings as I have them too. We will be successful in our pursuit of truth and justice as long as we believe it is so. Hang tough girl. I hope things work out for hubby’s job too.
thanks 🙂
I just posted to OMIR that he’s going to start moonlighting back into fixing winery/brewery equipment. Something he loves but doesn’t have coverage. My new job does. So that enables him to do that opportunity.
hanging tight. As usual 🙂
Whoop! It is like dancing under an oil well, except cast that metaphor in green terms, I guess.
What is really cool is that he was about ready to vote Bush back in 04 but talked to me first and I think I really changed his mind. Man, if we could all do that with just one person we could start another party…lol. Thanks for reading.
Mrs. keepinon has been working on one of our neighbors all summer. The guy is a blue-collar UAW worker who views himself as a Republican. (cause the Dems want to take our guns away!) Had a “Sportsman for Bush” bumper sticker on his pick-up in 04. Anyway, my wife has been talking politics to him in a very patient way for months now. On Monday, he talked to her and told her that he was going to vote for Jennifer Granholm, (our new second term Democratic Governor in Michigan) instead of the guy who inherited his daddy’s company and hundreds of millions of dollars, Dick DeVos! That talk made her day, and mine too.
So many Republicans….so little time. Nah, just kidding. It really is such a great feeling to see this man so proud of his vote. We don’t speak on a personal level like this very often but he often surprises me when we do. He is quite private. I just felt so good this morning after talking to him I had to share the story. Thanks for sharing the Mrs. story too.
My mom – life long Repub (from back when Repubs were the anti-racist group in the South), actually went to work to elect her local Dem rep in Kentucky. She hadn’t wanted me to know. Typical mother-daughter political impasse over the years. Also admitted she was sick of Bush et al, esp. over the privatizing of public education.
I was happy about that, and so happy that almost all of the votes did so well. Here in Michigan, we did defeat the Dark Lord of ponzi scheme Amway. However, the Ward Connerly-driven anti-affirmative action initiative was successful. It was so strangely worded that many people thought that voting for the initiative was voting for affirmative action. Sigh.
Still, it’s a happy exhaustion in this household.
Oh, and, of course, it has to be Chocolate Icing!
chocolate it is for you. Great story about your mom. Now if I could just get my sis to switch.