This is a bit of inside baseball that is only for serious political junkies. Rahm Emanuel has done something truly impressive and praiseworthy. But it will take a little explaining to understand why. Nancy Pelosi will be be Speaker of the House. There will be a divisive battle for the number two position of majority leader (Tom DeLay’s old position) between John Murtha (D-PA) and Steny Hoyer (D-MD). After Majority Leader the number three position is Majority Whip (also a position formerly held by DeLay under the Gingrich regime). Here is where it gets complicated.
It all originates with the Intelligence Committee. Back when Pelosi became Minority Leader she overlooked James Clyburn (D-SC), a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, and made Jane Harman (D-CA) the ranking member of that committee. This irritated the CBC. They were also annoyed when Pelosi stripped William (money in the freezer) Jefferson (D-LA) of his position on the Ways and Means Committee. Now Clyburn wants the position of Majority Whip, which is a position that Rahm Emanuel thought he had earned by successfully running the DCCC to victory. But Rahm thought better of taking on Clyburn.
House Democrats avoided a potentially combative and divisive leadership race today, as Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-IL) decided to seek the post of caucus chair, rather than run for whip.
As of today, Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) is the favorite for the whip post, the third highest leadership post for the majority party. Rep. Diana DeGette (D-CO) is considering a bid.
Emanuel: “As the Chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, I have spent the last twenty months committed to recruiting and electing candidates in every region of this country and helping bring unity to our party. Now, we have the responsibility to carry through on the commitment of change and progress we made to the American people. And I hope to help meet that responsibility as Chair of the Democratic Caucus, under the leadership of Speaker Pelosi. I seek this post, and not any other, because I believe what we need now is a unified Democratic caucus, focused squarely on the business of moving this country forward.”
It has been widely reported that Pelosi has not been pleased with Jane Harman’s performance as ranking member on Intelligence and plans on picking someone else. This led Harman to reach out to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and ask them to lobby Pelosi on her behalf. This, apparently, has infuriated Pelosi and made her even more certain to pass over Harman.
The problem for Pelosi is that the logical alternative to Harman is the person next in seniority, Alcee Hastings (D-FL). Alcee Hastings is also a member of the CBC, but he also has the rare distinction of having been impeached and convicted by Congress when he was a judge in the 1980’s. Pelosi actually voted against him. The GOP is just waiting to use that history as a counterpoint to any culture of corruption investigations and to suggest that it is imperiling our national security. Pelosi doesn’t want to further anger the CBC, but she also doesn’t want to hand the GOP a powerful tool to counter her program of ethics reform.
She may pass over Hastings for Silvestre Reyes (D-TX), a hispanic congressman. If she picks Reyes, Rahm’s decision not to challenge Clyburn will make it easier for the CBC to swallow.
Okay. Enough of the inside baseball. I feel dirty. But I’m impressed with Rahm’s decision. Good for him.
It’s a good chance to try and shed some of that reputation as a disorganized party. The right wing noise machine constantly portrays the Democrats in that light so if they can make a fresh start as a united front with a clear agenda, they can probably keep up some of their election momentum.
I agree. I have disagreed with Rahm on tactics and I am not a DLC democrat like he is. But overall he got er done. And this was a very mature move for someone so ambitious and riding high. I will praise him when he deserves it and he deserves it.
At the same time, he is still trying to take too much credit and sees us as adversaries.
This is perhaps the only good move he’s done to date. The man can raise money, but he pissed away so much on one race – IL-06 – when even 10% of that money, spread out on tight races like NC-08, NM-01, OH-02, OH-15, and the NY races, could have flipped a whole lot more seats for us.
Rahm is not some sort of genius. He’s good at raising money, and that shouldn’t be a surprise – he’s an investment banker, and they get paid to raise money. But he is not some sort of genius strategist.
Chuck Schumer deserves more credit than Rahm does.
As you know, I fully agree. But you are being a little harsh on Rahm. He could have and should have done better, but he did what he was hired to do and he worked very, very hard.
I’m a critic, but I hope I am fair.
I’d be happier if Rahm stuck to raising money and stopped meddling in the affairs of what candidates we choose. He’s good at bringing in the dough…picking candidates, not so much. But based on what I’ve heard about the book he co-wrote with Al From, it really shouldn’t be a surprise that I’m not a fan of his complete lack of ideology (which seemed to drive his recruiting).
Let the grassroots – the people who live in-district – choose the best candidate.
I don’t think Psifighter is being too hard on Rahm at all.
To say that Rahm is overly ambitious is an understatement and not nearly as bright as he thinks he is. Pelosi needs to keep this rabid little terrier on a very tight leash.
I’m no fan of Rahm either, but I have to agree w/Booman that he did pull us well out of the toilet this cycle, and for that he does deserve a modicum of praise. Have to admit I’m impressed he didn’t push for the whip position, because I feared he’d have one of those LIEbermanish senses of “I’m entitled to it!” attitudes … but that said, if he’s happy with Caucus Chair, that’s a good thing.
I think Pelosi is wise for dissing Harman, as she’s barely a Dem in my book, and after her back-stabbing, she deserves to get stuck on the janitorial committee or something even lower. And don’t get me going on Alcee Hastings … I lived in FL when he got impeached and couldn’t believe what an embarrassment could masquerade as a Dem in that state (and there are many many masqueraders, believe me). Though I know little about Reyes, I too think he’d be a better pick, and would help reinforce the rainbow big tent image of the party.
Know what you mean about feeling dirty Booman … I actually went to and read a piece on Mehlman tonight on Wingnut Daily and felt I needed to shower immediately. Nice to see the wingnuts advancing the meme that they’re all infiltrated by the feather boa mafia though … hehe, go on and self-destruct folks, I’ll enjoy every minute of it!
Rahm has done well, and he obviously loves the party. We need both Rahm’s and Howard Dean’s visions.
Meanwhile, this does show just how much of a pragmatist Pelosi is, contrary to the right’s depictions of her as a wide-eyed loony.
The party’s in good hands, I think.
Everybody thinks of Pelosi a some wild-eyed liberal who comes from San Francisco, courtesy of the Republican smear campaign against her. She’s actually from a long-time Baltimore political family which dominated Balitmore politics for twenty years. She learned early on why you need to know the the nut’s’bolts of how the party is constructed and how to tighten them “just so” so that they’ll sing in harmony when it starts moving. Ideaologues didn’t last long in a gritty blue-collar town like Baltimore back in the 1950s and 1960s.
It hurts! It really hurts!!!!! (Deep breath). Good for Rahm.
Rahm got in the way FAR more than he helped. He should quit stabbing Dean in the back in the pages of the WaPo and NYTimes and stick to letting his district’s voters down.
Rahm wanted the entire DNC warchest spent on House races Rahm selected. That’s the same type of small-minded strategic thinking that Terry McAuliffe repeatedly practiced.
Where did that type of strategy get the Democratic Party? McAuliffe cost the Dems the White House, Congress, and the Supreme Court, and most of the state houses and governorships.
If Rahm had his way, Dems probably would have won back a small majority in the House… and that’s all. Dean won us back a big majority in the House, the Senate (including the ability to block SCOTUS nominees), the lead in Governorships, and control of several state legislatures (including stripping that witch Karen Minnis of State House Speaker here in Oregon… YEA!)
Dean was proven right on strategy. Rahm was dead wrong strategically. Give Rahm a small title and a pat on the head to reward him for doing good fundraising. Let’s dump a bucket of Gatorade over Dean’s head, put Dean on our shoulders, and carry Dean off the field for authoring the strategy that carried the Democratic Party to control of the House and Senate in victories all over the country.
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