Hello all…
A short diary.
On Friday I saw a video of the meeting among Butch, Cheney, Reid and Durbin.
Butch looked awful. Tie half undone on his neck, bloated, hair askew, twitches all in fine form….
I think that he is going to come apart. I really do. He looked MUCH worse than he did even in the first debate with Kerry.
We really rattled his cage this time.
I have searched and searched for that video on the net, or stills from it. I cannot find the video, and the stills that I find are inadequate. Do any of you know where I can access that video? Or how better to search for it? I have tried googling it plus searching on Yahoo and Youtube using various permutations of those 4 names, but no success so far.
Morning AG,
you feelin alright? A little feverish maybe? A short diary? Something ain’t right man. Get to the ER as fast as you can :o)
I googled “bush wired video” and came up with a link to a blog that has links to video of the debate. I did’nt check them out, but you might find something there.
Bush wired
in this video, the camera really doesn’t focus on Bush … which is odd b/c they focus on the others while they’re speaking … no close ups and it also looks like some splicing was done to the video … fwiw, link here
In looking at this video, I think Cheney actually looked worse that Bush – all slumped over in his chair.
I would have hated to be the person that had to convince him to attend this meeting. Don’t you know that he would have preferred being down in his bunker licking his wounds and trying to find a way to get back at Condi for convincing W to get rid of his buddy Rummy.
I agree. In several public appearances, Cheney is NOT looking at all well.
And, on the other side of the pond this election has rattled Tony Blair. It is reported in Brit papers that what is feared most; Dems investigating the lies that led to war considered a threat to Blair
There’s more news, secret dossiers on Iraq WMDs “new coverup” revealed in the conservative mag, The Newstateman
Rummy is out and Tony may be next to exit earlier than expected. Scotland Yard closing in on Tony Blair & Co.
‘Honors for cash’ Tony kept two sets of books, hiding some $24 million dollars in “loans.” … erm donations.
False Balance sheets? More than plain naughty.
Karma gods at work. Pass the popcorn, please.
Cheney wasn’t ‘slumpedf over.” Not by acccident, anyway. He was simply trying to diasppear. Try to be as invisible as possible given the absolute requirement that he show up at this jive show meeting/photo op. In plain sight, if necessary. That is his MO when in trouble.
Why even show up?
Because his absence would be big news.
He hides.
Remember after 9/11?
Big headllines.
Where is Cheney???!!!
“I’m hiiiiiiding…”
He’s just taking his normal defensive action.
He’s hiding.
Damned well, too, considering the mass and depth of his guilt…
Agreed, AG. At the first post-election presser — especially on entrance — Bush definitely seemed shaken. Frankly, he looked to be coming down from an intense acid trip — a test of his very basic assumptions of being.
Tough shit, Junior.
I haven’t noticed, everytime I look at him I just see his smirk. It looks slighly askew these days.
Old Junior hasn’t looked right for a long time. Heck, I remember back during the Prez debates a couple years ago the guy looked like he’d had a minor stroke. Of course as secretive as this White House is, I would expect that even if he did come unglued they’d just keep figuring out ways to prop him up for those occasional public appearances.
I have a gut feeling that if Butch does fall apart, it will be so horrific that there will be no propping up possible. Nixon had his native intelligence and an amazingly strong front to carry him through. Rigid but strong. You almost NEVER saw him publicly and plainly discomfited. He saved that for backstage.
He was a MASTER poker player. Literally. That’s how he financed his first forays into piblic life, playing poker.
Butch, on the other hand…man, anyone with eyes can see his every thought. Or lack thereof. Every negative emotion he feels flashes across his face for an instant before he has the wherewithal to even TRY to hide it. In a poker game with some decent, perceptive players he might get over for a while by running the nice guy/bully routine if he had the bankroll to run that game (Which of course he has had as President up until the most recent events) but eventually the players would see through his act and bust him. Towards the end of the bust his insecurities would present themselves so plainly that only the hardest of poker players would allow tthemselves to take full advantage of them.
Unless of course he pissed them off. And he DOES piss people off.
In big-time politics…the International League especially…Boy George is in with some hard sharks.
Some hard sharks.
Putin was a working spy in the East Germany/West Germany, spy vs. spy times. Now there’s a poker game where your LIFE is the stakes. Plus he is a seriously developed martial artist.
Butch is so outclassed…only his advisors have been holding him up. And they are dropping like flies.
Butch is just a rich mark waiting to be taken down.
He’s going to fall apart.