How do I love Joe Lieberman? Let us count the ways.
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
NOT. New Haven Register
Because, you know, according to Joe’s ‘principles’, it’s no big deal for a woman whose gone through a traumatic experience to ride around from health care provider to health care provider, begging for emergency contraception.
Thanks for reminding us, CG. Protecting principles is obviously more important than meeting the needs of real live human beings.
Beyond this, he is a sad opportunist, joining Repugs when they had the upper hand and now attempting to get back in the good graces of his former Democratic colleagues in the wake of the election.
Ugh. I loathe LIEberman. Personally, I would rather the dems give up their majority and toss LIEberman to the curb for betraying the Democratic party. But, that’s just me. I believe more in honor and principal than political favor. Then again, I’m a radical idealist and not a pragmatic voter.
Fuck LIEberman. I believe there is a special place in hell for self-serving, backstabbing bastards like him.
I bet I could talk you out of that opinion (about committe chairs) if you gave me a chance.
Don’t count on it. :>) LIEberman on Homeland Security…ack. The very term “Homeland Security” gives me the chills and a hack like LIEberman, who loves Bush’s policies, does not give me much hope for real change in that direction. Nevertheless, I’m willing to listen, and even change my mind, given a worthy argument. Is Joe going to help us repeal the Patriot Act?
First of all, we don’t need to repeal the Patriot Act. We need to amend it. Will Joe help? It is not unlikely that he will, although I don’t think his committee will be the one drawing up the amendments.
To give you an idea why you don’t want to give up the committees you need look no further than the Judiciary Committee. We just added Cardin and Whitehouse to that committee. They would never have allowed Alito to get through the committee for a vote. Bolton is done at the UN.
We need these committees and we just have to suck it up with Joe until we can add to our majority.
Care to elaborate on that statement? In my own personal opinion, freely offered and worth what you paid for it, the Patroit Act and its offspring are so flawed that they can’t be fixed.
Perhaps a similar law could be put together that doesn’t deprive average Americans of their rights, freedom, and privacy, and still allows the government tools it can use to monitor and intercept threats to this country. I just don’t think the current version of the Act can be made to do this.
Rather than debate the angels dancing on a pin, take a look and decide for yourself.
Seems that Boo-Man here has locked out most of my comments!! I guess the first amendment only works around here when you agree with narrow minded points of view. How very Republican of you.
i just responed to your email. I didn’t do anything to your comments. They were troll-rated by the community members here, and that is their prerogative. As far as I am concerned, the community sets the standards as much as possible without my top down interference.
BTW- this community almost never troll-rates anyone, so you obviously are not abiding by the standards of the community. Lieberman is still kind of sort of a Democrat, so I have given you a long leash here, but it’s the level of your discourse that is getting you in trouble more than your ideas.
And, your diary doesn’t conform to community standards due to its brevity and its lack of supporting text for the links. You can read about that in the FAQ.
Booman, I’m glad you haven’t booted his ass. Obviously, he is an idiot who cannot debate his way out of a paper bag. Hell, he can’t even figure out that he has been troll rated to oblivian. But, he has made me laugh and I love the responses he gets.
I would love it if he would actually debate us on the merits of LIEberman, but he seems to be a sheep. Not too surprising, but it would be nice to see a real debate. He strikes me as the Court Jester, and we all can use more humor in life.
eastboastrepublican has no ideas, at least none that he chooses to try to defend. He hasn’t given one single affirmative reasoned comment about any of his so-called ‘ideas’. [I do remember ONE comment, in which he listed some reasons for supporting Lieberman, but he had to throw in a back-handed slap to the community while he was doing it.]
This user has not complied with one single community standard, ever, AFAIK. He deserves to be troll-rated into oblivion. The community at large here has delivered a resounding and conclusive determination that this guy is a troll, and indicated its judgment repeatedly.
This user has contributed NOTHING, and I do mean NOTHING in the way of intelligent or reasoned thought. His diaries, such as they are, provide nothing but taunting and spouting off right-wing talking points about how wonderful Lieberman is (you know, the guy who got elected by Republicans, took big money from some of the sleaziest Republicans imaginable, and won’t disavow becoming a full-fledged Republican, and who always parrots right-wing talking points himself.) He doesn’t engage in any back and forth other than to taunt valued members of the community, even stooping so low at one time as to recommend psychological counseling to someone who had the audacity to disagree with him.
I don’t think it’s fun or funny at all to allow such a user to continue to profane the site and use it as a place to post insults to your integrity and our collective integrity as a community and as individual users. You have been more than patient with this person and I think it’s time to pull the plug on him.
Well, that’s my opinion, and I’m sure you’re tired of hearing it by now, so I don’t think I’ll be posting any more comments asking for a banning of this user. If you haven’t noticed the large number of folks here who regularly troll-rate this user, please take a look through his comments list and notice not only the sheer number of troll-ratings, but the quality of the users who have troll-rated this user repeatedly. It will henceforth be my personal policy to troll rate every single thing this person posts here because I am totally and completely fed up with his crap. If anyone cares to join me, we can get rid of everything but the lame-ass diaries. Only you can do that, AFAIK.
P.S. I’m now heading over to the diary that says you’ve got your head up your ass…… OK, I’m back now and I stand by this comment.
George W Bush sez Lieberman’s a good kisser and very bendy.
Look for me leiberman will not leave the democratic party. He knows which side of the bread his goodies are buttered on. If he leaves for the repub party then in 2 years he will definately be in the minority! We stand to get more senators elected in 08 too. If he leaves the dem party , his democrat backing in CT will never have anything to do with him again. So he is not leaving. It would be wise for the democrats to act according with him or forever hold their peace. It is ok to be friends but follow their rules and do what they have to do. If he gets the hls committee, then they can hold him responsible for anything they want done. He needs to be told he will function accordingly with the party’s desire or else.
This ECM does not bother me, for he is nuts. We have nuts in society every day that we have to deal with. Besides, once the voters spoke and joe fliped floped the way he did onthe war, he will do so again and again. The voters have spoken..It is advisable that the congress adhear to what we have said or else forever hold their peace too. If they do not believe us, then just remind them of the election of 06…right??? I do nto like lieberman either, but so be it. we can handle this situation and we will…so do not let this person bother you. this person is an idiot…plain and simple.
The Democratic Party did not elect Joey in the primary.
He threw a temper tantrum and ran as an independent.
When he throws his next temper tantrum and runs to Republicans the
CT electorate should recall his ass.