Howard Dean’s birthday is November 17. Click Birthday Flat Howard to sign his virtual birthday card.
Read about the plan to send tangible birthday cards here .
Howard Dean’s birthday is November 17. Click Birthday Flat Howard to sign his virtual birthday card.
Read about the plan to send tangible birthday cards here .
I’ve been sick as a dog for most of the past week. I’m starting to feel on the mend, but am still exhausted and can’t seem to put two sentences together without a great deal of effort. But I wanted to get this posted, and seen. After all the work Howard Dean put into the 50-state strategy, and then having him get crap from weasels like James Carville, I’d just like to see him have a very happy birthday. And let him know how much support he has out “in the trenches”.
Thanks again this year for this posting Renee. I recall when I signed a similar card for him last year that I was praying that Governor Dean would be successful in his new position. At that time our prospects did not look so rosy. Thanks in no small part to what Dean has done, we now hold both houses of Congress! BTW, I sincerely hope you are over the worst and feel much better soon.