Andy, I am shocked. You, a “Voracious Opportunistic Reader”, preferring the movies to the books. The books have a richness of detail that the movies cannot capture. I wish that Hollywood would return to weekly serials for long, narrative works. Also, Hermoine is not as effective in the movie as in the books. KS and I order the books and take turns reading them aloud so that neither get ahead of the other.( A healthy competition is a feature of our relationship.)
Oh, hello, everyone! I guess I jumped right in with saying HI!
If you didn’t like them, fine, but too much effort? You are bristling with effort. Pound for pound, inch for inch, I’d pit your energy levels against my most ADD (unmedicated) kid any day of the week.
I think I read the first book and I liked it, but none since then.
I’ve always like movies like that every since the girls were small. I think I looked forward more to taking them to the kids movies than they did. By far my favorite is Shrek though.
Hmmm. I wonder. . .how much of the effect is Mr. Nature reading, and how much was the book?
(By the way, I’ve been meaning to congratulate you for taking on that gracious Southern habit of referring to your spouse as “Mister”. It is so. . .antebellum in gentility.) 😉
Well, ladies can hardly be safe sitting up front with uncouth men, can they? Besides, the gossip in the back seat is a lot more interesting. No need to watch the road.
When I was a kid I remember hearing an old man say that any man that would let his wife drive isn’t a man. Now I had seen both he and his wife drive. His wife was a much better driver.
You may safely avoid all of them. However, the last one is not a disappointment as the first two were.
One of the main problems is that the kid playing Harry Potter was not directed well in the first two movies. He did a much better job in the Masterpiece Theatre production of David Copperfield.
I am shocked, shocked! I think the HP books are wonderful – the movies have varied quite a bit in quality. The beginning of the first book can sound slow, but the books are not. Did your youngest read them?
I think Snape and Dumbledore had a plan and Snape isn’t evil. Although why he should care about saving that snottly little blond kid so much is beyond me. Must be a teacher thing 😉
Indeed (Teach is typing away at another point, so I’ll get my licks in first). Thorfinn Skullcrusher, was first Jarl of the Orkney Islands. Thorfinn is our large orange male cat – the oldest of the herd. Earlier in our years together, Teach would pick out Scots-related names for our beasts. Thorfy he wanted to name Crusher, and I just couldn’t see that for this little feisty but very affectionate kitten, so we went with Thorfinn. (I had previously vetoed Oleg Stumpfoot). We’ve not stuck with the naming plan very well since then, especially for the Gang of 4, but that’s another story.
although I’m not sufficiently familiar with Orkney history to know much of Thorfinn Skullcrusher.
I was thinking of Thorfinn the Mighty who was Earl of Orkney at about the same time that the real MacBeth was in Scotland. One of my favorite Scottish authors, Dorothy Dunnett, wrote a novel which she crafted around the theory that Thorfinn the Mighty and MacBeth were, in fact, the same person.
Oleg Stumpfoot is a good name, but perhaps you need to wait for a cat with a limp for that one.
who can not forget the humiliations he experienced as a child at the hands of James Potter and his running mates. Snape was a right little prig, and holds a grudge, which he vents on Harry. Ultimately, he’s on the side of Queen and Country, but he’s a bit of dodgy character.
is that it’s so true to life to have a teacher that just doesn’t like you and no matter what you do, he’s just not going to like you. Just like in life you may have a boss that doesn’t like you. So you have to learn to deal with it. But it doesn’t make him necessarily ultimately evil.
I would read HP to my kids (if I had any) just for that life lesson. So hopefully she won’t ruin my life lesson by making him ultimately evil 🙂
I think he will stay a flawed, ambivalent character. Rowling has avoided the easy ways out so far. I don’t think she’ll end it with a here-comes-the-sunrise-and-all-is-well-ending.
Very good points, MB. I’m going to remember that to tell parents when I next recc. HP as books for them to read with their kids. (That’s a common request we get in our clinic – but parents are often wanting to read something almost as turgid as “Pilgrim’s Progress” to their children.)
OK what cha been doing, how ya been doing, what’s going on, got any new shoes. There’s a thousand more questions, but answers to the above will be good. 🙂
Hey, FM, I’ve missed you guys, too! Things have been busy, hectic, and all that sort of thing. I have some time right now, but only because I’m sick — that doesn’t even count as slacking. Although I have been watching the Oxygen network all day…
No nothing against traditional Bible names, but our family went more for the remembrance names. Like my sister “April 27th”. Birthdays are easy to remember in my family.
Let’s just say things happened when he was in class that were very hard to explain. Small paper balls would levitate and hurl themselves at children he disliked. Pencils would leap off his desk and imbed themselves in the hands and legs of kids walking by his desk. Peaceful children would hit him for no reason, so that he would have to vigorously defend himself. I once told him that so many mysterious things were happening to him, we would skip the principal this time and go straight for an exorcist.
Snape will come round in a sacrificial moment. He’ll die saving Harry. As for Lucious Malfoy, he’s a British Young Republican. Now that Lord Voldmort’s returned to a fully physical body, Malfoy is working on reanimating Margaret Thatcher.
Forget the movies. The books get better and better, darker and darker. As the central characters age, their lives and battles become more serious. I think this will work against the series in the long run. A bright young child can read and enjoy the first book, but by the 4th the ideas are more complex and the tone darker. If Rowling ends the series well, and this is always difficult, this series will the kind that kids start to read at 8 or 9 and reread many times. They’ll get more out of it every time.
I was reading the Harry Potter series to my class about 5 years ago. A parent complained because the magic was Satanic. My principal told me to stop. I pointed out that it was on the district’s recommended reading list. She pointed out that it was for 5th graders, not 3rd. I said that’s why I was reading it to them. She asked me nicely to stop to prevent a big stink. I liked her, so I did. I substituted “The Prydain Chronicles,” which has more magic, but isn’t in the news. At the end of the year, the parent who complained about Harry Potter thanked me for reading to her boy. She had seen him so interested in books before. I told her the Devil made me do and smiled oddly.
but my cousin’s kids were overtired and she thought they’d better stay in and not inflict them on anyone else.
She and her husband somehow have become conservative Christians (no one else in the family is) and they won’t allow their kids to read the Harry Potter books. They send their kids to “Christian” School so I guess there’s no peer pressure. But it seems such a shame. I don’t get the whole “magic” issue — they let the kids watch Mary Poppins and The Wizard of Oz.
The anti-magic thing comes in waves. Magic is opposed to the miracles of Christ. Therefore magic is not of Christ, it is Satanic. But it is so deep in the Celtic tradition, among others, that it will never be stomped out. And a damned good thing.
And Mary Poppins and Wiz of Oz have traditional endings – at least the Wiz of Oz clearly shows that it was “all a dream” as one parent told me. HP will NOT be a dream! It is the devil’s work on earth!
My take: the churches are buzzing about HP, as it has turned so many children on to reading, where Sunday school lessons and regular reading stuff did not. That is unexplicable to some parents, and if they tend to believe what they are told from pulpits, that leaves them vulnerable to believing what they may hear about HP being evil.
Developing a love of books that way is such a blessing. Me, I’m forever thankful to the person who first introduced me to a book I could truly love (neither parent cared much for readin’, ergo it was a family friend). One of the best things that’s ever happened to me (if not the best).
As for the HP books/movies, all I’ve ever seen of any of ’em are the adverts!
so I can’t pinpoint who gave me my love of books but I now who gave my love of having books. I still have the very first book I bought with my own money (wind in the willows with the arthur rackham illustrations).
LOL Know I am remembering what I use to do when I cooked big holiday meals. I once had 50 people over for Thanksgiving and cooked everything from scratch.
Whoosh I finally found my way to the cafe, I made two postings where I thought I was here, so here I am for real now but I will spare you another posting of the same pic. but please look at it, it’s so cute…:)
I agree — thanks for the post, diane! (I do get my nature thrills vicariously these days, after all.) Go have a peek, folks – it’ll brighten your evening.
Their wings always look that way –even in person! It’s estimated that they beat about 50 times per second.
They’re amazing little beings, for sure. I’m a big fan.
I trhink a lounge for Saturday Nights is wonderful. Happy Hour seems more a friday thing. LOL
Wait a minute. What’s the difference? There alcohol in both isn’t there?
Oh wait. Happy Hour is rip roaring and in the lounge we’re more civilized. Nah doesn’t sound right. 🙂
Lounge seems more laid back, more like Family Man style.
Laid back is the right way to describe a lounge. can still get rowdy but less people trying to prove they can out drink the bell. LOL
You mean even in the lounge there isn’t a bell? Man I’ve been drinking too fast in the lounge.
it’s too late for a happy hour
Where did you get the photo of Round Rock’s only Bar, RF?
and the goblet of fire. anybody seen it already? is it good?
Sorry, I just don’t get the whole Harry Potter thing.
You don’t. I haven’t seen the latest, but I like them.
Mr. Nature tried reading to me in bed from one of the early HP books – it put me right to sleep.
The books seem like more effort than they are worth but I like the movies.
Andy, I am shocked. You, a “Voracious Opportunistic Reader”, preferring the movies to the books. The books have a richness of detail that the movies cannot capture. I wish that Hollywood would return to weekly serials for long, narrative works. Also, Hermoine is not as effective in the movie as in the books. KS and I order the books and take turns reading them aloud so that neither get ahead of the other.( A healthy competition is a feature of our relationship.)
Oh, hello, everyone! I guess I jumped right in with saying HI!
HI teach!!!!
Helllooooo Teach!
How was ya’ll pizza today?
Pizza good. Root Beer good. Ginger Lemon cookies and tea for dessert good.
More cookies would be nice.
just add this to my interminable list of character flaws.
If you didn’t like them, fine, but too much effort? You are bristling with effort. Pound for pound, inch for inch, I’d pit your energy levels against my most ADD (unmedicated) kid any day of the week.
Ah well — there’s only so much time and too many books. I have all kinds of perverse opinions about various books and writers.
I like the movies but they don’t compare to the books.
I think I read the first book and I liked it, but none since then.
I’ve always like movies like that every since the girls were small. I think I looked forward more to taking them to the kids movies than they did. By far my favorite is Shrek though.
Hmmm. I wonder. . .how much of the effect is Mr. Nature reading, and how much was the book?
(By the way, I’ve been meaning to congratulate you for taking on that gracious Southern habit of referring to your spouse as “Mister”. It is so. . .antebellum in gentility.) 😉
Ohhhh Kidspeak. What you said.
You might get SN to wearing hoop skirts soon. 🙂
And I know SN sits in the back seat of the car with the womenfolk.
Or it could be “Driving Miss SN.”
Geeze I thought this would have brought her out here by now.
The movie has her spellbound.
Well, ladies can hardly be safe sitting up front with uncouth men, can they? Besides, the gossip in the back seat is a lot more interesting. No need to watch the road.
When I was a kid I remember hearing an old man say that any man that would let his wife drive isn’t a man. Now I had seen both he and his wife drive. His wife was a much better driver.
But if you don’t watch the road, then I have to, and I’m busy talking.
she probably never lets Mr. N. turn on the air conditioning … just like Miss Daisy.
No I think that the other way around. Although she’s a quasi Southern Bell, she still needs that cold air. 🙂
But if you roll down the window, it musses up your hairdo.
That’s why ladies carry fans.
Hey we’re modern down here now of days. The cars have AC and fans are only for the women to look coy.
Every object in a Southern woman’s armamentarium has to have at least two uses. Covering shyness is certainly one of them where fans are concerned.
Also helpful for unobtrusive removal of pieces of that greenbean casserole stuck between one’s front teeth.
The books are great but I haven’t seen any of the movies.
You may safely avoid all of them. However, the last one is not a disappointment as the first two were.
One of the main problems is that the kid playing Harry Potter was not directed well in the first two movies. He did a much better job in the Masterpiece Theatre production of David Copperfield.
I am shocked, shocked! I think the HP books are wonderful – the movies have varied quite a bit in quality. The beginning of the first book can sound slow, but the books are not. Did your youngest read them?
Good or evil?
I can’t be objective. Alan Rickman has been one of my favorite actors for a long time.
I think Snape and Dumbledore had a plan and Snape isn’t evil. Although why he should care about saving that snottly little blond kid so much is beyond me. Must be a teacher thing 😉
I don’t either. The last one I saw with with the elf and the big snake. Needless to say the snake wasn’t a big hit with me.
I had to tell KS to cover her eyes just before Aragog, the giant spider, came on screen. She kept them firmly shut until I gave her the heads up.
That’s funny. I was just thinking of Manny when I type my response down below.
Spiders I can handle, but snakes will send me jumping back 10 feet and running like I did at 17.
D@#$@!! Why did you have to mention that part of the story??
Now I’m thinking about those hideous awful things. .
Go eat a Reese Cup and take a deep breath. It’ll be OK. It’s just a movie.
Yes, that’s my interpretation also. I just don’t see him being “all bad”, in any case.
what your connection is with Thorfinn?
Thorfinn who lived in the 11th century in Orkney? Or another Thorfinn?
Indeed (Teach is typing away at another point, so I’ll get my licks in first). Thorfinn Skullcrusher, was first Jarl of the Orkney Islands. Thorfinn is our large orange male cat – the oldest of the herd. Earlier in our years together, Teach would pick out Scots-related names for our beasts. Thorfy he wanted to name Crusher, and I just couldn’t see that for this little feisty but very affectionate kitten, so we went with Thorfinn. (I had previously vetoed Oleg Stumpfoot). We’ve not stuck with the naming plan very well since then, especially for the Gang of 4, but that’s another story.
although I’m not sufficiently familiar with Orkney history to know much of Thorfinn Skullcrusher.
I was thinking of Thorfinn the Mighty who was Earl of Orkney at about the same time that the real MacBeth was in Scotland. One of my favorite Scottish authors, Dorothy Dunnett, wrote a novel which she crafted around the theory that Thorfinn the Mighty and MacBeth were, in fact, the same person.
Oleg Stumpfoot is a good name, but perhaps you need to wait for a cat with a limp for that one.
It also has great surprise effect at the vet, when Teach gets to reply “Thorfinn Skullcrusher” when the vet first ask use the cat’s name.
I missed this question, but KS covered it.
who can not forget the humiliations he experienced as a child at the hands of James Potter and his running mates. Snape was a right little prig, and holds a grudge, which he vents on Harry. Ultimately, he’s on the side of Queen and Country, but he’s a bit of dodgy character.
is that it’s so true to life to have a teacher that just doesn’t like you and no matter what you do, he’s just not going to like you. Just like in life you may have a boss that doesn’t like you. So you have to learn to deal with it. But it doesn’t make him necessarily ultimately evil.
I would read HP to my kids (if I had any) just for that life lesson. So hopefully she won’t ruin my life lesson by making him ultimately evil 🙂
I think he will stay a flawed, ambivalent character. Rowling has avoided the easy ways out so far. I don’t think she’ll end it with a here-comes-the-sunrise-and-all-is-well-ending.
Very good points, MB. I’m going to remember that to tell parents when I next recc. HP as books for them to read with their kids. (That’s a common request we get in our clinic – but parents are often wanting to read something almost as turgid as “Pilgrim’s Progress” to their children.)
Rickman could play The Son of Sam and Kidspeak would still love him. It’s the voice.
in dogma — he was born to play a snotty angel.
I like the whole movie.
I thought it was divinely inspired.
Satan was divine, too.
Someone was just telling me about friend of theirs who wanted to name their son Lucifer. Seems … risky to me.
I just had to de-lurk to say — really?!?
Hi everybody!
Izzy! How have you been? I’ve missed you.
OK what cha been doing, how ya been doing, what’s going on, got any new shoes. There’s a thousand more questions, but answers to the above will be good. 🙂
Hey, FM, I’ve missed you guys, too! Things have been busy, hectic, and all that sort of thing. I have some time right now, but only because I’m sick — that doesn’t even count as slacking. Although I have been watching the Oxygen network all day…
I sorry to hear you’re not feeling well. It seems everybody around is the same or getting over something.
You’re right. Getting sick and slacking are not the same. You have to feel good to slack. Sort of a guilty pleasure thing. 🙂
I hope you get to feeling better soon.
This came up in a conversation we were having about another couple who DID name their son Bacchus.
Hi Izzy!
I have four students in one of my classes right now who are named Demon. And I am not making this up!
In MO, Child Protective Services will remove the child from their home if the parents named it “Lucifer.”
I think Moloch would work, though,
And if it’s twins — Lucifer and Judas.
Whatever happened to the tradition of naming a child after a beloved relative?
So? Lucifer, Damian, Demon, etc., have no beloved relatives? You have something against traditional Bible names, or what?
No nothing against traditional Bible names, but our family went more for the remembrance names. Like my sister “April 27th”. Birthdays are easy to remember in my family.
name their kids Lucifer and Michael. The sibling rivalry would be epic 🙂
Milton references in a lounge. You do class up the place, MB.
go for broke and name him Damian?
One name that I’ve always wonder about is Lilith. Seem to be an accepted name, but…..
In my class three years ago. He was.
Did his eyes glow or anything?
Let’s just say things happened when he was in class that were very hard to explain. Small paper balls would levitate and hurl themselves at children he disliked. Pencils would leap off his desk and imbed themselves in the hands and legs of kids walking by his desk. Peaceful children would hit him for no reason, so that he would have to vigorously defend himself. I once told him that so many mysterious things were happening to him, we would skip the principal this time and go straight for an exorcist.
You could explain that you’re very patriotic.
I’ve always thought that Moloch would be a great name for the GOP elephant.
He’s is very good at snotty.
He’s good but a real hard ass. Then again, he is with the group that has the evil blonde headed kid in it.
Snape will come round in a sacrificial moment. He’ll die saving Harry. As for Lucious Malfoy, he’s a British Young Republican. Now that Lord Voldmort’s returned to a fully physical body, Malfoy is working on reanimating Margaret Thatcher.
Oh wow! I didn’t know Voldmort returned to a fully physical body.
I’ve got to rent some of the new movies.
Forget the movies. The books get better and better, darker and darker. As the central characters age, their lives and battles become more serious. I think this will work against the series in the long run. A bright young child can read and enjoy the first book, but by the 4th the ideas are more complex and the tone darker. If Rowling ends the series well, and this is always difficult, this series will the kind that kids start to read at 8 or 9 and reread many times. They’ll get more out of it every time.
What Teach said …
I was reading the Harry Potter series to my class about 5 years ago. A parent complained because the magic was Satanic. My principal told me to stop. I pointed out that it was on the district’s recommended reading list. She pointed out that it was for 5th graders, not 3rd. I said that’s why I was reading it to them. She asked me nicely to stop to prevent a big stink. I liked her, so I did. I substituted “The Prydain Chronicles,” which has more magic, but isn’t in the news. At the end of the year, the parent who complained about Harry Potter thanked me for reading to her boy. She had seen him so interested in books before. I told her the Devil made me do and smiled oddly.
but my cousin’s kids were overtired and she thought they’d better stay in and not inflict them on anyone else.
She and her husband somehow have become conservative Christians (no one else in the family is) and they won’t allow their kids to read the Harry Potter books. They send their kids to “Christian” School so I guess there’s no peer pressure. But it seems such a shame. I don’t get the whole “magic” issue — they let the kids watch Mary Poppins and The Wizard of Oz.
The anti-magic thing comes in waves. Magic is opposed to the miracles of Christ. Therefore magic is not of Christ, it is Satanic. But it is so deep in the Celtic tradition, among others, that it will never be stomped out. And a damned good thing.
As for Mary Poppins, it’s Disney, so It’s good? Wizard of Oz, part of their childhood, so it’s OK? Consistency is not required when you have beliefs.
Hey Teach, come over to the new lounge.
And Mary Poppins and Wiz of Oz have traditional endings – at least the Wiz of Oz clearly shows that it was “all a dream” as one parent told me. HP will NOT be a dream! It is the devil’s work on earth!
My take: the churches are buzzing about HP, as it has turned so many children on to reading, where Sunday school lessons and regular reading stuff did not. That is unexplicable to some parents, and if they tend to believe what they are told from pulpits, that leaves them vulnerable to believing what they may hear about HP being evil.
Developing a love of books that way is such a blessing. Me, I’m forever thankful to the person who first introduced me to a book I could truly love (neither parent cared much for readin’, ergo it was a family friend). One of the best things that’s ever happened to me (if not the best).
As for the HP books/movies, all I’ve ever seen of any of ’em are the adverts!
so I can’t pinpoint who gave me my love of books but I now who gave my love of having books. I still have the very first book I bought with my own money (wind in the willows with the arthur rackham illustrations).
How great! I loved his illustrations, too.
WHat kind of nosh? I hope it’s not turkey and sweet potatoes again.
okay left over ham LOL
of course we could make turkey quiche
I take it you got these left overs from the hamburger joint you went to for T’giving?
See why we went out for pizza?
LOL Know I am remembering what I use to do when I cooked big holiday meals. I once had 50 people over for Thanksgiving and cooked everything from scratch.
Whoosh I finally found my way to the cafe, I made two postings where I thought I was here, so here I am for real now but I will spare you another posting of the same pic. but please look at it, it’s so cute…:)
Hi Diane. The picture is great and I hope it bring you nothing but good luck.
I agree — thanks for the post, diane! (I do get my nature thrills vicariously these days, after all.) Go have a peek, folks – it’ll brighten your evening.
Nice picture!
Here’s another one, glad y’all like the pictures.
Hi everyone.
I love how the birds wings are almost a blur. Great shot!
Their wings always look that way –even in person! It’s estimated that they beat about 50 times per second.
They’re amazing little beings, for sure. I’m a big fan.
24/7 lounge open. You know how to get there. Am I getting lazy or what.