If I were to write a book about blogging, what kinds of things would you hope to find in it? Would you buy it? Would you buy it if I mentioned you in it?
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Absolutely and you don’t even have to mention me..
With my portrait on the cover, no problem!
I’d like to find out how to start blogging again after a long hiatus. What the hell to do about writers block and the like. I probably wouldn’t buy it, but I might read it if somebody left it in the bathroom and I probably wouldn’t refuse it as a gift. If you mentioned me, I’d just get mad.
I’m thinking the cover should have a guinea pig’s neck in stocks under the shadow of a guillotine…
I’d rethink that plan. Every time a guinea pig is pictured, a little bit more of a potentially perfect world is destroyed and we lose yet another chance to hold our leaders accountable. For instance, if my research is correct, the guinea pig pictures I’ve posted right here on this fine web site are a big part of the reason Karl Rove remains unindicted. If pig pictures have that much destructive power on a blog, imagine the molten river of purple shit you’ll unleash if you put one on the cover of a book.
First off if Newt has his way, you’ll need his permission.
Thinkprogress: At First Ammendment awards dinner, Newt Gingrich said “the country will be forced to reexamine freedom of speech to meet the threat of terrorism.” He said a “different set of rules” may be needed to limit “terrorists’ ability to use the Internet and free speech.”
Hurry, write that book before Newt gets his way.
I’d expect
That’ll keep you busy for a while.
Sure, I’d buy it.
good suggestions.
But what happened to number two?
Boo I was coming up with stuff for ya, but Teach already has my suggestions.
However, definitely put in an index on abbreviations or whatever it’s called for substituting letters for words. Most beginning bloggers don’t know what the hell people are talking about at first.
Really, well IOKIYAR not 2 know, but AFAIK Dems are SOTA and wouldn’t have any problems.
Yeah, what you said…….I think. 🙂
I think the NSA removed #2. Seriously, I jammed that out at school while the kids were at gym I was looking up so math material. I only had about five minutes. I think a book is a good idea and I have a few more suggestions to add when I’m not so blitzed. I hope you write it.
Wait a minute. 2’s next to 1, on the same line.
i really like Teach313’s list. i know about the orange book, but think i’m more of green book person. if you know what i mean. i’d add milestones. what significant milestones (events, breakthroughs) did you experience that caused a deeper commitment? what did you have to give up, take on? has blogging changed how you thought of reality? the world? people? how do balance real life & blog life?
i guess the human aspect of being a blogger. i’d buy/read it coz it’s Boo!
In addition to Teach’s suggestions, I’ve always wondered what the process and time commitment are to staying active on the front page stories. I imagine folks like you and Steven spending hours perusing all kinds of sites and reading all kinds of material. And how do you decide what, out of all that, to write about. I guess I’m suggesting a demystifying of the “front pager” process – complete with pictures of both of you in pj’s in front of your ‘puters.
Number 2 is particularly interesting – what choices do you have to make in management and operational terms? How do you deal with outrageous behavior? How much work is it? What caused you to adopt your own?
I would look for something like a business success book, combining your own story with some management acumen (which you clearly have).
Would you buy it?
depends. will you give me a ride home?
sure. piggyback.
How commercial of you 🙂
Will I buy it? Where do we pre-order? And I’ll give it to friends and family. I don’t suppose you could have it finished and published in time for Christmas?
Will you do a book tour? On a Boo Bus?
What’s the title?
I think it would be interesting and I’d probably buy it, but isn’t writing a book about blogging kind of like using a horse to tow a car?
And wasn’t Borat funny anyway?
Yes, true.
Instead of mentioning people (or in addition to) you could also set aside a couple chapters, or an appendix, and let some of the users write short pieces reflecting on their interaction with blogs and how it has affected their life.
It would give a different perspective, and also reinforce the community / decentralized nature of the blogosphere.
And I’d sure as hell buy a book if something I wrote was used in it 🙂
interesting idea. I’ll keep that in mind.
Like your analogy, but I think the point is that when you write a book that people buy, you can end up making some money. 😉
If I had a tow-horse I’d expect to make money too 😉
Two overlapping medias, two overlapping markets.
I don’t care if you mention me, but I want my 10% of the gross sales.
okay. But you have two choices. Either write the forward or do the indexing 😉
I have been meaning to make this suggestion and I guess this would be the place….what about making a Bootrib calendar with pic. for the months from boo trib members as in the photo fair…I’m pretty sure you can do this on a place like cafe press. This is a suggestion for moneymaking products, not about your book on blogging. I would for sure buy that.
Perhaps if you followed some of the story paths of L’Affair de Plame, the commentaries on the Iraq War, Voting Issues, etc and how the community here made those stories richer.
I would also like to see a reflection on history vs where you see our future — as well as the future of Booman Tribune.
nothing, no, no.
: )
Blogging is something you do, not something you read about.
One could easily say the same about cooking but I can guarantee if you go to your local purveyor of fine tomes you’ll find quite the selection of cookbooks 🙂
Books? With recipes? Really?
That’s just nuts.
I don’t seem to be able to get on there. Is the site down, or have I been banned?
I just went in with no problem. Keep trying.
I would buy your book in a minute BooMan…long as it comes in green, pond-like colors! Maybe include some of your thoughts about progressive blogs and their effect, if any, on the MSM and the Democratic party.
Good idea. Also, what about the courting of the blogs by pols?