When I saw that the Senate confirmed Robert Gates by a vote of 95-2 I wanted to know who the two Senators were that voted no. I also wanted to know who the three Senators were that abstained. Maybe some Democrats were expressing displeasure with Gates? What was their reasoning? So, I looked up the vote. Much to my surprise I found that the ‘no’ votes were not Democrats. They were Republicans.
Two Bush allies, Sens. Rick Santorum, R-Pa., and Jim Bunning, R-Ky., voted against Gates, citing his criticism of the war and his view that the U.S. should engage Iran as part of a solution.
“Mr. Gates has repeatedly criticized our efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan without providing any viable solutions to the problems our troops currently face,” Bunning said. “We need a secretary of defense to think forward with solutions and not backward on history we cannot change.”
Santorum, who lost his re-election bid last month, mocked the idea of engaging dictators and talked at length of the evils of “radical Islamic fascism.” When it comes to reaching out to Iran to discuss the security of Iraq, Santorum said of Gates, “I think he is in error.”
After I got done laughing (a deep belly-laugh, BTW), I looked for the abstentions. Turns out that Liddy Dole didn’t bother to vote. I have no idea why. Does it have anything to do with the long-standing rivalry between Poppy Bush and Bob Dole? I don’t know.
The other two absentions were presidential hopefuls Joe Biden and Evan Bayh. The only explanation I have uncovered is that they simply missed the votes. I don’t know why they missed the votes or if they are even in Washington.
You gotta love Bunning and Santorum though. Those guys are rabid fruitcakes.
In the spirit of the season, I’d just like to say that I detest fruitcake.
well, if my memory serves me correct, mr dole introduced mr gates to the committee. mrs dole was on the committee.
I agree with your statement for the two that this diary is about. The other two democratic absentees are sad that their work week is so long!…oh hell, I do not know why they were not there to vote..maybe they had to compare notes for running against others for 08…who cares they are both ass’s IMHO.
Does Bunning think that Gates will have his desk facing a wall that’s tuned to yesterday’s news?
Sadly, even if that were true, he’d still be better than Rumsfeld.
you say rabid fruitcakes, I say off the reservation fucking lunatics.
Same difference 🙂
Well, I’m not happy at the Democrats giving Gates so easy a pass. Will he be any better than Rumsfeld? I know it’s easy to think no one could be worse, but Gates has a pretty horrible record from the Iran-Contra affair.
Robert Parry has been detailing Gates’ record and why the Dems should have been asking tough questions at http://www.consortiumnews.com. I’m sorry to see Gates get by with so little questioning.
Now I’m sure the Dems are thinking they have to pick their battles. They’re not in power yet – that happens in January. And the last thing they want is to give the right wing something to complain about when it’s only going to be two more years until the whole administration changes.
But even so, it’s hard to forgive the Dems for not pushing, for not getting him to commit, on the record, in advance, to some initial reactions/plans/suggestions re Iraq. The point of Senate confirmations is oversight, and the Dems seem singularly unwilling to exercise any. That’s a shame, really, and I hope not a harbinger of what will come when they really do rule the roost.
It always seemed to me that a President is going to make the policy decisions, with the advice of the Secretary to one degree or another. Therefore, it doesn’t matter what Gates thinks about leaving Iran. The Prez is the Decider. Well, in this case, the Veep, but usually the Prez.
Along that line of thinking, if the Prez wants idiots or yes-men in his cabinet, so be it. Congress should have the hearing, show America whom the Prez choose for what he or she is, and then approve him or her. The only grounds to reject a cabinet nominee should be a serious ethical or legal failing, the kind that would be impeachable. In this case, get Gates’ role in Iran-Contra out for a public airing, and then approve him. Let the American public see who the Repubs appoint, when they’re not busy re-electing Dixiecrat Trent Lott to the Senate leadership.
Btw – I suspect Biden and Bayh both, having been around during Iran-Contra, didn’t want to be on record as having supported Gates. But it would have been better if they had voted against, not just sat the vote out.
This seems very reasonable to me. I second the desire that they had made their concerns clear. Question: (I should look this up, but I’m beat, so I’m taking the lazy way out.) Was it Evan Bayh or his father, Birch Bayh, who was involved in the Iran-Contra hearings?
I don’t think either Bayh was on the committee. At least I don’t see them on the committee list for Iran-Contra.
Birch’s final year in the senate was 1981. He returned to his law practice after being defeated in a bid for reelection to his senate seat by Dan Quayle.
Bayh the younger was governor of Indiana from 1989 – 1997. Before that, I think he was Indiana Secretary of State.
Santorum is on C-Span2 right now giving his farewell address! Yippeeee! Thank the FSM this will be his last appearance. The only thing I’m shedding a tear over is that now we won’t have him to make fun of anymore. All in all, though, Good Effin’ Riddance, and, Ricky don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
Wherever a man and a dog are locked in an passionate embrace, we will remember Senator Santorum and ridicule his memory.
Talking to Iran and Syria which is one of the most sensible and central themes of the ISG report will be at least stalled if not dropped. Then the increasingly insane McPain (who if nominated will have a better than evens chance of becoming Prez) having learned nothing from the Vietnam war doesnt want any withdrawl as that equates to defeat. Well Johnny boy here is some news for you: we have lost already, and if you believe that further humiliating our military as well as consigning more of them to death just to further your hopefully failing presidential campaign is abhorent, and up there with the a lot of what W has done.
Then old King George comes out with some statement that neither the administration or congress will accept all of the reports recommendations. Oh yes cherry picking our way to further humiliation and a bigger defeat obn the back of more dead Americans and if anyone cares even more dead Iraqis. Way to go America!