David Ignatius writes in the Washington Post:

    “America’s security interests are not served by  remaining indefinitely as an occupying power in Iraq.”

“This is precisely the trap the enemy laid when Bush  invaded in 2003 — drawing U.S. forces into hostile terrain and then slowly picking away at them. It’s the classic guerrilla strategy, used in Algeria, Vietnam, Afghanistan and a dozen other wars, and it works. That’s because foreign expeditionary armies are rarely willing to insert enough troops to pacify a country in revolt.”

David Ignatius’s admission that America is an occupying power will be shocking to many Americans. But it is good to know that there are people in America, who admit that America has committed a mistake by invading Iraq.

There is no doubt America should not stay in Iraq indefinitely. The question is , how can America get of quagmire. There is no simple solution.

The administration’s  wrong policies have greatly aggravated the situation.If they take any wrong step, it will create a great upheaval in the region.

I believe that Iraq will prove to be another Vietnam for American.