Tired of bad news from “liberal media types” and moonbat lefty blogs? Wonder why no one ever tells us of all the successes Republican rule of Congress and the White House has brought us over the last few years? Well wonder no more. I’m here to rectify the situation with some good news that Republican politicians have been prevented from pointing out to their constituents because of the vast left wing conspiracy.

For example, did you know that thanks to President Bush’s brave and sterling leadership in personally directing the “War on Terror” in Afghanistan, we now have more and better heroin for American junkies? Well, it’s all true (via Digby):

Supplies of highly potent Afghan heroin in the United States are growing so fast that the pure white powder is rapidly overtaking lower-quality Mexican heroin, prompting fears of increased addiction and overdoses.

Heroin-related deaths in Los Angeles County soared from 137 in 2002 to 239 in 2005, a jump of nearly 75% in three years, a period when other factors contributing to overdose deaths remained unchanged, experts said. The jump in deaths was especially prevalent among users older than 40, who lack the resilience to recover from an overdose of unexpectedly strong heroin, according to a study by the county’s Office of Health Assessment and Epidemiology.

Admittedly, the LA Times’ article tends to play up the negative aspects of this story, while ignoring the economic good news that lower prices and better quality heroin provides to our poorest drug addicts. That is so typical of these Bush bashing latte drinking liberal journos. You’d think they’d be happy that President Bush’s policies had benefited the lower classes for a change, and all without raising taxes, too.

But that’s not the only good news I have to report. Follow me below the fold, for even more stories of Republican Good Deediness to pass along to you …
Like this charming story about how our Republican led government is ensuring that no Mexican child will be left behind, at least not without having his or her fingerprints entered into a federal data base that is (courtesy The Unapologetic Mexican and the Texas Civil Rights Review):

Since it opened, T. Don Hutto Private Prison in Taylor has fought to stay relevant, having had financial problems from lack of enough prisoners in Texas.

Then the Department of Homeland Security stepped in with a new contract for T. Don Hutto as a place to detain illegal immigrants waiting to be deported out of the United States.

This is the first official detainee facility for illegal immigrants. Entire families are bused there to wait for their processing back to their country of origin, which is most often Mexico.

I know a man who works there, a seasoned prison guard. I will call him Tommy, obviously not his real name. Tommy is a seasoned hard-ass prison guard, but a good man.

He described the incoming immigrant families holding screaming children in their arms. He described the guards taking their fingerprints, taking the fingerprints of the babies.

He said it was disturbing to the most hardened prison workers to see poor families being held like prisoners, the children behind bars, crying, all of them crying.

He said they were all poor and frightened. He has been around criminals for many years. These are not criminals. They are poor and desperate.

What I heard disturbed me too. I don’t know what else to say. The internal picture of fingerprinting babies offends me.

Well, I know this may sound “offensive” to the liberal pinko terrorist sympathizers wing of the Democrat party, but I’m sure you agree with me that we’ll all sleep better tonight knowing these little “South of the Border” baby infiltrators won’t be able to pull one over on the good folks at our Homeland Security Department the next time they or their “relatives” violate America’s sacred borders to threaten real Americans by stealing their jobs or refusing to speak English.

For my final good news story, let me tell you about one of the least reported benefits that are a direct result of the Republican Party’s unabashed support for Big Oil and Big Coal companies. Now, I’m not one to say global warming is or isn’t occurring, or even if it is whether the burning of coal and petroleum products has anything at all to do with it. But even if that’s all true, isn’t it nice to see a story which shows the good side to man made climate change?

WASHINGTON – Fifteen years of warm winter weather is beginning to change the Washington area’s landscape — with Southern species like crape myrtles having an easier time and northern types feeling less welcome, according to findings by the National Arbor Day Foundation. […]

“You could say D.C. is the new North Carolina,” said Bill McLaughlin, a curator at the U.S. Botanic Garden on the Mall. […]

In sections of Michigan, the weather was warm enough to suit southern magnolia trees, said Arbor Day Foundation spokesman Woodrow L. Nelson. The southern species Arizona cypress also seemed to be better adapted for some parts of the Northeast, he said.

“I mean, who would have thought that an Arizona cypress would be a choice for someone in New Jersey?” Nelson said.

Now isn’t that special? Who wouldn’t want an Arizona Cypress, a crape myrtle or a southern magnolia to brighten up their front yard these days. Oh, and if you’re worried about the possibility of more mosquitoes bringing more malaria to your neighborhood because of these warmer temperatures, just do what President Bush and the First Lady do — contribute to this worthy charity:

As part of a family gift name drawing, the Bushes donated mosquito nets in the name of former President George H.W. Bush through Malarianomore.org, a mission set up to urge individuals, organizations and institutions to protect families from malaria.

God helps those who help themselves, after all. And isn’t it nice to see those thousand points of light still glowing after all these years, despite the worst efforts by Democrats, liberals and the mainstream media to hide them under a bushel of doom and gloom hysterics. Makes me wonder why Fox News hasn’t covered these stories? Because especially now, the President needs all the water carriers he can get.