The girl’s getting ready to kiss the frog in the hope that he’s really a handsome prince. The frog is smiling because he knows that sometimes a frog is only a frog.
Imogen did object to me taking his picture whilst the little guy was all wet and so very vulnerable looking. But then he started to dry out and looked so darn cute that she got into the spirit and took the above photo.
George gets upset whenever there’s any water, other than drinking, around. When there’s dew on the ground, I can’t get him to go outside in the mornings. He’ll turn right back around and head for the door. He’s such a wuss sometimes.
Okay, I am jealous!!! I am at work and we are actualy busy.. New Year’s and a full moon don’t bode well for the insurance business. LOL This is the first time I have eben able to check in and the only reason is because I am on hold. LOL I will check back in again when I get home.
Hey Kidspeak, where are you. I said you`d be the first to see the successful hunt. So here`s the one named after you, “KIDSPEAK`S FLIGHT”.
This shot took about three hrs of running up & down the field & hills at my place, not counting the hundreds of dashes to the left & right, to be positioned at the intersection of the two objects. The space in time of the intersection is less than 1/2 sec. I feel like I ran the marathon. The plane is on a downward slope path, going away from me crossing from upper left to lower right. You can see the heat vortices behind & above the plane [duh]
KIdspeak, You`ve met that goal in my case, now don`t set anymore for me, please. I prefer to sit & wait, but as you can see, that durned bird had to feed on the opposite side of the feeder hanger.
Oh, my Saddam, how I loved your funny little ways. The way you held your teacup; the way you enjoyed those who coaxed a smile from you. I love that you found a way to exist in this mixed up world, how you thought, “why be mean when you can be nice?” Saddam, I will miss the way you would point to someone and then they would be dead, the way your puppy Pluto became a rug.
Your loyalty to family is rare in our times. When your half-brother was assassinated, Oh how we wept for you, thinking, what a terrible accident this assassination is. My Saddam, I wish we had more time with you, to find out what makes you tick, tick, tick. How your golden toilet seat will miss you!
You loved to laugh! Not many people know how to do that anymore. Real laughter doesn’t come from sit-coms and comedians, real laughter comes when someone bows before you, accidentally stumbles, and then is beheaded. Especially on a staircase. Heads will roll, ha ha! Oh Saddam, if I had you back for just one moment, I would ask, if you could shoot just one person in the back of the head, who would it be? I wish it were me!
Before I head upstairs for a long winter’s nap, I’d like to thank everyone again for the Birthday greetings. Also, the first photos are available for the Booday Project. Follow the link and click on the imaginatively titled “Photos” page. If you come across any pictures that fit any of the characters, please email them to me. I would strongly suggest this to Mary, Andi, Jim, RF, Second Nature, Olivia, Wilderness Wench, and Omir as they are already in the story or about to be. Kidspeak should think about an image to use, as I know better than to select one for her. Hmm, I could use KnuckleHead’s ornaments in a fix.
Mary, I think, actually, that you are a perfect amalgam of both of them. But Julia really is much older than you, however Kate, while younger, has lots of freckles. Your choice.
Teach is still accepting birthday wishes, but he’s sick of looking at the ruler and the chalkboard.
And I don’t like the way that frog is looking at her…
That’s a very cute froggy picture.
Maybe someone stole it from Cabin Girl while in a froggy suit.
I like it too.
My question is, is the girl throwing the frog a kiss or trying to suck up that fly on the glass?
The girl’s getting ready to kiss the frog in the hope that he’s really a handsome prince. The frog is smiling because he knows that sometimes a frog is only a frog.
Would have been a better story if she was going for the fly.
That can be your story.
Hah. That is my story. 🙂
i think it’s the fly. Happy New Year, FM!
Happy New Year CG. Hah! I knew it was the fly. 🙂
Yep, I confess — I stole that picture of CG and her special froggy beau.
Of course, I only met him in person AFTER the kiss … 😉
well you don’t that for sure — after all, if people can put on froggy suits …
I’m pretty sure I met him and he wasn’t green. Well … only the green that comes from too much drinking in the wee hours of the morning.
But, are you saying THAT was a costume and underneath he looks like the froggy?
I’m just saying you can never be sure.
so true.
I’m off to eat Hoppin’ John at my mother’s house to bring me good luck for the New Year. See ya later.
Well folks, have a great time. I am out of here. I have to go make the donoughts. LOL I will check in when I get home.
Hope the day goes fast for you Refinish.
Have a good day rest of the day. Don’t work
Happy New Year to everyone.
a double expresso is all I can manage this aft.
We had to sleep over at the party house. Freezing rain, high winds and poor driving conditions made it the prudent thing to do.
Happy New Year Idredit. Wise decision last night.
no fun driving on icy roads in high winds. We’ve been through one ice storm. Glad we have power.
It’s been years since I’ve driven on icy roads, but I know what you mean.
Sounds like you need a triple. Smart move to stay put last night.
it’s already freshened maryb2oo4. bro took over the expresso machine.
Albert ‘welcomed’ in 2007 with a bath.
Here he is sitting on a towel in Imogen’s lap, and furiously grooming his face and paws.
That is one angry rabbit.
All right Keres and Imogen! An Albert bath picture.
Imogen did object to me taking his picture whilst the little guy was all wet and so very vulnerable looking. But then he started to dry out and looked so darn cute that she got into the spirit and took the above photo.
Good for her. George always gets pretty angry during bath time.
George is upset because his gray roots are showing.
George gets upset whenever there’s any water, other than drinking, around. When there’s dew on the ground, I can’t get him to go outside in the mornings. He’ll turn right back around and head for the door. He’s such a wuss sometimes.
George looks a bit homicidal, actually.
Here’s another pic, of Albert getting his bum blow-dried.
Unfortunately George always looks that way. Now Albert on the other hand looks cute.
I would be very careful to make up to him — he might have a pooka in the family.
No pooka, just a Were-Rabbit who only ravages gardens and cheese.
everyone in the pond has such cute furry loves, but then there’s Albert! <sigh>
Hi Olivia.
Gone through all that Baileys yet?
yep … I’m working on the Chivas now … 😉
How are you doing?
Working on the Chivas and slacking all day. Another one ready for the slackers hall of fame. 🙂
Been doing fine. Slacked all day as usual.
I think I’ll enjoy that … slacking is the way to go. 🙂
That’s been my outlook for awhile. 😉
I’m caught up watching Mr Darcy … <swoon> … lol
Have a good night FM!
Have a good night Olivia.
Okay, I am jealous!!! I am at work and we are actualy busy.. New Year’s and a full moon don’t bode well for the insurance business. LOL This is the first time I have eben able to check in and the only reason is because I am on hold. LOL I will check back in again when I get home.
Hey Teach

Have a nice special day, & don`t get the blues.
Thanks, KnuckleHead. It’s back to work tomorrow for me, so active disgust takes over.
Luckily I didn`t send a blackbird.
Geeze it’s dead in here tonight. Anybody around?
Hey Kidspeak, where are you. I said you`d be the first to see the successful hunt. So here`s the one named after you, “KIDSPEAK`S FLIGHT”.

This shot took about three hrs of running up & down the field & hills at my place, not counting the hundreds of dashes to the left & right, to be positioned at the intersection of the two objects. The space in time of the intersection is less than 1/2 sec. I feel like I ran the marathon. The plane is on a downward slope path, going away from me crossing from upper left to lower right. You can see the heat vortices behind & above the plane [duh]
That’s my goal in life – to get more people here to exercise!
Thanks for the photo, though. I can see the blurring up by the Mare Crisium (I think that’s the place). Beautiful picture!
KIdspeak, You`ve met that goal in my case, now don`t set anymore for me, please. I prefer to sit & wait, but as you can see, that durned bird had to feed on the opposite side of the feeder hanger.

This is so funny:
Link to Huffington Post
Hi SN. That is good. How’s the day gone? Got all the toilets cleaned?
The day has been weird and I’m in a horrible mood for no reason that I can figure out. I wish I could have a frink but I don’t frink.
How’s it been wierd? Maybe sniffing toilet bowl cleaner got you in a bad mood.
I don’t know. It should have been good but wasn’t. Sort of tense.
Yeah I’ve been through those days. You need to run yourself a hot bath and just relax.
Yeah, I guess I do. See you later, FM.
Hope you feel better and have a good night.
Hi Folks!!!! Just got home and got the Diva Dogs their treats and fixed a plaate for me.
Before I head upstairs for a long winter’s nap, I’d like to thank everyone again for the Birthday greetings. Also, the first photos are available for the Booday Project. Follow the link and click on the imaginatively titled “Photos” page. If you come across any pictures that fit any of the characters, please email them to me. I would strongly suggest this to Mary, Andi, Jim, RF, Second Nature, Olivia, Wilderness Wench, and Omir as they are already in the story or about to be. Kidspeak should think about an image to use, as I know better than to select one for her. Hmm, I could use KnuckleHead’s ornaments in a fix.
I can’t decide whether to go with a picture of Julia Roberts or Cate Blanchet. I’ll let you decide.
Hope you had a nice birthday.
Julia is far too long in the tooth.
Long in the tooth as in too old? She’s 7 years younger than me.
But thanks for the compliment.
Well, if not age, there is the fact that she has teeth like a horse. You do not!
Mary, I think, actually, that you are a perfect amalgam of both of them. But Julia really is much older than you, however Kate, while younger, has lots of freckles. Your choice.
Maybe I should pick someone closer to my own age.
Who was born in 1960?
Google can give you anything.
How about Julianne Moore? We could pretend I’m a redhead.