Get your artwork ready! The time is almost upon us for the BMT ArtFair, scheduled for January 6, 2007.
The essentials are here. At about 9:00 eastern time, I will post a thread with one previously unseen piece. Feel free to post a small photo of your own work or that of a relative/friend in this thread.
If you’ve got more than one or two photos, kindly use the PhotoFair format, seen at my link above. When using large photos, thumbnails with links are appreciated. Again, check the link for an explanation.
Please feel free to post any kind of original art that you have. Your participation is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
The event will kick off with a parade followed by a gala reception, black tie optional.
will I be able to create something by that deadline? dunno. I do have some wonderful works by a friend to post–already digitalized, which seems to be my big hang-up (no dig camera)
well, we shall see.
I’m confused by the term “photo”. Is this a noun derived from the verb “photoshop”?
If so, I still have trouble understanding what “a photo of your work” could mean. I suppose it might mean the result of photoshopping an image that isn’t itself photoshopped — but why would an un-photoshopped image be called “work”, since no work would have gone into its creation?
I’m a bit obtuse today, so I’m unsure if this was snark. Suffice it to say that if you have original artwork of any kind, please feel free to post photograph(s) of same.
Not snark in any nasty sense, just a sort of mock post-post-modernism.
And, of course, thanks for the invitation!
I didn’t realize it was this close. I’ve got to get batteries for the camera tomorrow for sure.