I just came from the Orange Zone.  Despite all the front page exuberance about her accession to power tomorrow, and how this is going to make American history, I just cannot feel anything for Nancy Pelosi just yet.

Here is what I wrote in response one diary:

Madam Speaker, two words.


I’m effing sick and tired of excuses from the true THUGS.

I’m scouring your list to find anything having to do with rebuilding New Orleans, and I SEE NOTHING.

I’m tired of seeing Louisiana AND New Orleans being considered less than a stepchild.

People need to be rebuild their lives, if not their homes.

The wolves are not only at the door in New Orleans.

They are living inside the broken houses that are left, with people and families living cheek by jowl with strangers, acquaintances and friends whose patience are at the breaking point.  People are being raped, shot, and molested.

And killed.

People get kicked out of FEMA trailers without warning and lose their whatever valuables, clothing and money that they have left.  They are left with no place to go.  They are left homeless.

The wolves will indeed turn on the rest of the country, if you and the Dems continue to DO NOTHING about NEW ORLEANS.  You don’t have the Repubs to blame anymore for inactions.

Here’s a few suggestions:

**Get the BushCo symps and former Administration hangers-on out of The Road Home Program.

**Give Program applicants a fair price for their property–based on pre-Katrina values.

**Upgrade and reopen hospitals and schools.  And about those schools: put them under Department of Education supervision and get some security that won’t put bullets into youngsters’ heads or walk off with equipment and materials to fence.

**Put the NOPD under Department of Justice supervision again.

**Give Katrina evacuees the choice of a one-way ticket back home so that they can retrieve their dead from locked homes, bury them with honor, and figure out whether it is worth it for them to stay.  If Europeans did it with their refugees, why not Americans with their evacuees?  Nothing less breaks the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights.

You’ve got six months.  I’ve got a scorecard.

The clock is ticking.

Isn’t it that simple?

Because if they don’t do anything–Pelosi, Dean, Frank, Conyers and I don’t care who–I am, and a lot of other people are going to believe that the Dem leadership are practically in cahoots with these murderers.

We did not put them in office so that they could ‘surge’ with Bush and do nothing about New Orleans and the families with kids, husbands, wives, cousins, et al. in Iraq.

Out of Iraq and into New Orleans.