Lakoff on the "100 Hour Agenda"

A conversation with George Lakoff, senior fellow of the Rockridge Institute, introducing Rockridge Nation, Nancy Pelosi’s 100 hour agenda, and the concept of framing of progressive values.

The Rockridge Institute introduces the first episode of their new Rockridge Nation Video Series. In this episode, George Lakoff talks with Rockridge Institute Executive Director Bruce Budner on Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s 100 hour agenda,’s agenda, and a broader, long-term progressive agenda.

Nothing like Lakoff in a format that even a bushidiot can understand. Just click’n’learn! lol

Author: Connecticut Man1

Married with 4 kids, all of us living in Connecticut. I like it here. I think I'll stay a while! Drinking Liberally in New MilfordePluribus Media