Crossposted at Planet of the Feminist Supervixens
Mary Daly, with her labrys
One of the best writers I’ve encountered -both in feminist philosophy, and in the world outside that “ghetto” – is Mary Daly, radical lesbian feminist theologian and activist. She hits the nail on the head on so many issues, and does it with fiery eloquence. She’s a true Supervixen. I’ll provide a couple of quotes from her works today. The passages in bold are my emphasis.
The first quote introduces the word “snool”, a marvelously useful word:
As Wanderlusty/Wonderlusty women weave our way Weirdward into the Realms of Pure Lust we find we must fight off the Fixers/Tricksters, those poisonous presences whose program is to freeze/frustrate our Movement. These are the sovereigns of the sadostate, which can also be called the State of Boredom. For it is infinitely boring to be blocked from the movement of/toward one’s innately ordained happiness.[…]
The compulsion to bore everywhere bores Lusty women. The institutions of Boredom – its media, its schools, its industries, its amusements, its religion, its governments, its culture – are programmed to control Viragos, to keep us within the confines of bore-ocracy, using bore-ocratic details and mazes. Weird women snore at the brothers’ Bored Meetings, seeing through the lecherous leaders as Chairmen of the Bored. […]
Given these conditions of Stag-Nation, Elemental Shrews and Furies urgently experience the need for Re-Naming/Re-Claiming our stolen Flames, undoing the promethean theft of Fire, retrieving our ravaged desire.
The would-be preventers of this retrieval of gynergy, the ghosts/ghouls that want our movement dead, are snools. The noun snool (Scottish) means “a cringing person”. It means also “a tame, abject, or mean-spirited person” (OED). In sadosociety, snools rule, and snools are the rule. The dual personalities of these personae – the cast of characters governing and legitimizing bore-ocracy – are unmasked by definitions of the verb snool. This means, on the one hand, “to reduce to submission: COW, BULLY,” and on the other hand, “CRINGE, COWER.” Snools are sadism and masochism combined, the stereotypic saints and heroes of the sadostate.
Snools appear and re-appear in various forms. […] Among the henchmen required for the smooth operation of fixocracy are the cocks, danglers, pricks, and flashers who keep girls and women intimidated. Necessary also are the fakes, framers, frauds and hucksters whose job is to manufacture and spread delusions. Heavier work is assumed by rakes, hacks, rippers and plug-uglies. Plug-uglies are among the grosser snoolish incarnations. Plug-ugly is defined as “a member of a gang of disorderly ruffians often active in political pressure and intimidation.” […] Plug-uglies, while creating the illusion that they are always giving something, are in fact drainers of energy whose plugged-in fittings close women’s circuits, sapping the flow of gynergetic currents so that these cannot circulate within/among women.
Such, then, are the rulers/snoolers of snooldom, the place/time where the air is filled with the crowing of cocks, the joking of jocks, the droning of clones, the sniveling of snookers and snudges, the noisy parades and processions of prickers. Such is cockocracy/jockocracy, the State of supranational, supernatural erections. This is a world made to the image of its makers, a chip off the old blocks/cocks, who are worshipped by the fraternal faithless as god the flasher, god the stud, and god the wholly hoax.
Wayward, wanton women, having been warned of the snoolish snares, proceed forthwith on our Wonderlusting/Wisdomweaving Quest.
From Pure Lust: Elemental Feminist Philosophy.
She also addresses the problem of all those women in society who are programmed to obey and cater to men, and to attack any women who challenge the Snoolish Status Quo. I call them the “Little Sisters in the Frat House”. Daly writes about this problem at length in her books, but here’s a brief quote that gives the gist:
Hag-ographers perceive the hilarious hypocrisy of “his” history. At first this may be difficult, for when the whole is hypocrisy, the parts may not initially appear untrue. To put it another way, when everything is bizarre, nothing seems bizarre. Hags are women who struggle to see connections. Hags risk a great deal – if necessary, everything – knowing that there is only Nothing to lose. Hags may rage and roar, but they do not titter.
Webster’s defines titter as follows: “to give vent to laughter one is seeking to suppress: laugh lightly or in a subdued manner: laugh in a nervous, affected, or restrained manner, especially at a high pitch and with short catches of the voice [emphasis Daly’s].” Self-loathing ladies titter; Hags and Harpies roar. Fembots titter at themselves when Daddy turns the switch. They totter when he pulls the string. They titter especially at the spinning of Spinsters, whom they have been trained to see as dizzy dames. Daddy’s Little Titterers try to intimidate women struggling for greatness. This is what they are made for and paid for. There is only one taboo for titterers: they must never laugh seriously at Father – only at his jokes.
from Gyn/Ecology: The Metaethics of Radical Feminism.
The aware Supervixen will learn to recognize these Snools and Titterers in her life. She will stay away from them as much as possible. She will fend them off and build up her shields against them. They are “psychic vampires” intent on sucking her energies and destroying her. And they are all over – especially on the Internet.
A word to the wise is sufficient.
Be careful out there.
because I’m sure there are some Feminist Supervixens in the frog pond 😉
Thank you, your highness. I did love it.
Hope you don’t mind, I always thought hrh meant ‘her royal highness.’ Lucky you, if those are your real initials.
Thanks, Alice! Of course I don’t mind! HRH used to be my real initials, but my last name has changed. So now I’m HRR.