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I have only a few minutes to put this together, but this is an update diary and a reminder for anyone who hasn’t yet heard about this.

Please see the previous diaries on this march by:




there is updated meeting place info in Tampopo’s diary from last week.

United For Peace And Justice has travel information for those of you who need to make arrangements still. There are also resources for housing.

I don’t want to name names…well…okay, I will name names! ;o) but there are a good number of BT’rs who are going and meeting there, including ManEegee, ejmw, Wilfred, Janet T in Maryland, me, Tampopo, and I’ve heard rumors that BooMan, CabinGirl, Brother Feldspar, and possibly Boston Joe will be there too. Not to mention a Kossack contingent.

Please help us all to make it as crowded and loud as it can be. Bush is thumbing his nose at the new democratic congress and the American people and escalating the war no matter what. We really need to make sure the democrats hear us too. We expect, no, demand that they do whatever they can to stand up to Bush and say NO!!

Gotta go.

In solidarity,