Promoted by Steven D.
I have only a few minutes to put this together, but this is an update diary and a reminder for anyone who hasn’t yet heard about this.
Please see the previous diaries on this march by:
there is updated meeting place info in Tampopo’s diary from last week.
United For Peace And Justice has travel information for those of you who need to make arrangements still. There are also resources for housing.
I don’t want to name names…well…okay, I will name names! ;o) but there are a good number of BT’rs who are going and meeting there, including ManEegee, ejmw, Wilfred, Janet T in Maryland, me, Tampopo, and I’ve heard rumors that BooMan, CabinGirl, Brother Feldspar, and possibly Boston Joe will be there too. Not to mention a Kossack contingent.
Please help us all to make it as crowded and loud as it can be. Bush is thumbing his nose at the new democratic congress and the American people and escalating the war no matter what. We really need to make sure the democrats hear us too. We expect, no, demand that they do whatever they can to stand up to Bush and say NO!!
Gotta go.
In solidarity,
Well, I just checked flights and it’s just too much money for me right now. I wish I could be there with all of you to help carry the load we share. Enjoy seeing each other and know that I am a witness!
I can’t make it to DC either, but just checked the UFP web site — there are marches that day in both SF and LA. Didn’t see if there was anything down in San Diego.
I’m definitely doing the SF rally this time around…better start hitting the treadmill to get into marching shape… π
I am sure there is a rally here too. Just haven’t seen it posted anywhere yet.
Thanks Cali :o)
made the big mistake of checking the Travelocity site…they’ve got some awesome Last Minute Packages…I am soooooo freakin’ tempted (still kicking myself for missing the last big rally)…this could be history in the making…
how I got my tickets! π π π
Do it Cali…do it :o)
Ground is ground Leezy. Put yer feets on it and go, whether it’s DC or SD :o)
I. Can’t. Wait.
I’m insufferable, can’t stop talking about it.
Manny, I doubt that you could ever be insufferable! I hope you have a safe journey and give em hell when you get there.
well that’s cuz you only get me in small doses π
I’m really looking forward to working in concert with tens of thousands of peacemongers. Hopefully the media will be there in force to show the country that it’s okay to say ‘Enough!’ (not holding my breath, but hey, one can dream)
Yeah, calm yourself already ;o)
For myself, I feel more pensive and…what’s the word…maybe driven or drawn. Drawn to DC by a sense that things are really on the cusp of turning significantly worse. Irretrievably worse.
I’m so looking forward to meeting you all, but there’s a deeper and seething need to remind some people loudly and non violently that no more means no more.
Peace Manny
wish I could be there!!!
but I will be at a concurrent event here…and you know the drill: photos are expected.
be strong, be safe.
I second everything dada said.
Would have loved to be there.
I know your face :o) You’ve made your presence known in New York Ask.
My hotel has free wifi, so I think I am going to bring my laptop and try to at least get something up that night. Photos would be a part of that, assuming it all works out.
Wifi huh? That’s good to know :o) Laptops it is!
Nothing but the best, right? π
I can see it now…we are going to be commenting back and forth to each other from the same hotel room.
Maybe we can collaborate and troll rate ManEe. HA!
see if you can find the button after I’m through with you at happy hour. HA!
It occurs to me that I won’t have to go deep for the ball this time :o)
See you soon ej.
that brings back memories…and I see a few names that are dearly missed…
I hope they’ll let me bring the twine in my carry-on.
You have no idea how glad it makes me that people remember.
I’m excited to see you all going to do this … and as dada said, be strong and be safe!
Oh, and the taking of pictures thing too … π
Hey Dada,
I draw so much motivation from you and from all who’ve been there before and are still here…doing the right thing.
What fun! I wish I could make it.
I wish you could too, ya Panda postin’ baby Moose pusher! :o)
I’ll be there.
Two more feet!
I hope you can make it to the meeting place the morning of the march. It’d be a pleasure to meet you Jaded.
Hey super-I’ll be thinking of all of you especially on the 27th. Take care and stay safe. I just pulled out my little banner I sent to Boston Joe last time to carry in place of my not being there and looking at the names of people who signed it before he sent it back to me-I’m not into saving things but that small banner is something I truly treasure. I miss Boston Joe and Janet…if you see Joe give him a big hug for me. Give everyone a hug for me will ya.
Lucky for you I’m the huggin’ kind :o) Unless they’de prefer a handshake instead that is! LOL I really hope that Boston Joe can make it. Knowing a little about him…I know he’s trying :o) And I miss Janet too Damnit! But we know she’s doing her thing in the Northwest. She’s a doer…that Janet :o)
I wish I could be there, but I just used my vacation time/dollars for the next few months on the National Conference for Media Reform, because I believe it is imperative to get media reform legislation passed in this Congress. Media reform is necessary so that there will be limits on the military-industrial-corporate-media’s ability to fraudulently sell war to the American people.
You who march will have the weight of the world on your shoulders and my wholehearted support from afar. I wish you the best of health, comradery, weather, and positive effect.
Thank you Blueneck and you’re right about the need to change the direction of the media in this country. It’s imperative if we can ever hope to inform the uninformed and get the unbiased truth out there again in a truly fair and balanced way.
Pressure in all directions.
Without media form we have nothing.
As Jefferson said, if he had to choose between democracy and a free press, he would choose the free press. Now we know why first hand.
oops, without Media Reform!
And i can’t wait to march, i get like a little kid. Just hope the weather isn’t brutal for us on the 27th.
Since I don’t know how to insert a proper update,
thanks StevenD for promoting this march diary to the front page and keeping it visible.
to do an update, just type [UPDATE] and then the text. It will provide an automatic timestamp.
Just in case you all haven’t seen it…
San Francisco again. And Again. And Again.
A handful of us artists keep protesting the death and destruction… trashing 7000 years of culture so that the corporations can make a profit? Entire families dead or driven from their homes so that some obscenely rich people can get even richer?
Congress can stop the war. All they have to do is completely stop military funding for one year. If the Pentagon has to decide between lasers, space platforms, microwaves, sonics, and robots (all the high tech toys they are eager to try out) and basic salary/health care for men at arms, they’d have to rein in the secret data collection, TIA, and other research on unusual weaponry. Without men to fire their weapons, all the high-priced toys in the world won’t matter. If the weapons aren’t being used, they won’t need replacement parts and ammunition.
If Congress just cut off spending for one month, that is 8 billion which could go to health care, education, and budget balancing.
If Congress just refused to consider any more “emergency” appropriations, the Defense Department would have to include desired funds in the annual budget like everybody else. After 6 years, surely they can estimate the costs of this war???
Congress has the assigned constitutional duty to raise the militia. That means that they can disband the National Guard completely. Rather than have Bush and Cheney misuse it, against the will of the governors and the needs of the people at home, they should disband it. If there was a fire or flood, the members would turn out anyway to save the lives of their neighbors. If they are bogged down in an endless war on the other side of the planet, they can do nothing helpful here (remember Katrina?). If Cheney wants more soldiers, he can draft them. At this point a 1-year commitment is better than pulling back 40-year olds who have already served their time and retired.
Congress won’t act unless they have thousands of us at their back….
Thanks for this comment.
What congress can do and what they will do…
I watched Biden, Hagel and Levin try to explain on C span how a non binding resolution against Bush’s escalation was a good forst step in a process and that the president would sit up and take notice. They went to great pains to say it was bi partisan. With Hagel having to clarify over and over that he wasn’t gotten by the democrats, but that he got them. And arguing over the language of the bill. The language?!! Who gives a flying fuck about the language? I’m sure that Iraqi’s are pondering the language right now. I’m sure that soldiers on their second, third and fourth tours are pondering the language.
Those Senators should be ashamed of themselves. They don’t have the courage to do the right thing. But we’ll let them know in a week or so that they better get their shit together quick. I don’t wan’t a government that has to be reminded to do their fuckin jobs, but so be it.
I’d love to go and march, not sure if I can. Thanks to all who do go, for what you are doing. Thanks, SS.
You’re welcome I guess. The reason I say that is because it feels strange to be thanked for something that’s so easy to do, that I haven’t done enough of, and that is a responsibility. I felt the same way about Dada’s message above to be strong and to be safe, as if anything will happen that will ever compare to what Iraqi’s are dealing with. I feel guilt and almost ashamed. Especially commenting on the social aspect of this march. Something that I look forward to very much, but that has an aire of frivolity that doesn’t match the circumstance that makes this march necesarry to begin witPeace
I disagree with the idea that it’s frivolous. We form friendships/bonds with each that carry over into more activism in other areas. And we can all use the ‘lift’ that being around others with similar views gives us while we ride out Bush’s second term.
CabinGirl shakes super by the shoulders and gives him a Cher/Moontruck smack across the kisser and say’s, snap out of it! :o)
You’re right about that of course.
Glad I could you help you out with that. π
cher? tee hee.
I do understand and appreciate what you are saying.
I was thanking you for the post and for the efforts by you and everyone who will be attending, but not everyone can go. It is sad that this is even neccessary.
I’d like to be able to just pick up and leave but my circumstances/obligations can make it difficult. I’m still working on it.
I know it’s hard to just pick up and go. I’ve missed actions and protests for the same reasons in the last months. It’s frustrating. But knowing you’re working on it is heartening…really.
Got to get a grip on that guilt thing. It eats me up sometimes. But I did take your thank you in the spirit that it was intended :o)
Sorry I can’t make it. But I’m sending thoughts of peace and hope your way.
Good luck.
Stay safe.
Give the bastards hell.
And if anyone has a digital video camera you might want to be your own media and post the real history on YouTube.
sorry to hear it but will definitely give the bastards hell for you π paz