When you think about a dream Democratic candidate you probably think of…Margaret Thatcher???
HILLARY CLINTON is to be presented as America’s Margaret Thatcher as she tries to become the first woman to win the White House. As she entered the 2008 presidential race yesterday, a senior adviser said that her campaign would emphasise security, defence and personal strengths reminiscent of the Iron Lady.
“Their policies are totally different but they are both perceived as very tough,” said Terry McAuliffe, Clinton’s campaign chairman. “She is strong on foreign policy. People have got to know you are going to keep them safe.”
With any luck, Hillary will redeploy our troops from Iraq to Argentina. I don’t understand how the Clintonistas can be so tone deaf. Hillary isn’t running for President yet. She is running for the nomination of the Democratic Party. And I know a lot of Democrats. They fucking hate Margaret Thatcher. Terry McAuliffe is advising Hillary Clinton on how to make Democrats hate her. He’s an incompetent fool. Take this, for example:
“She has the name recognition, the money, the glitz, she’s got it all,” McAuliffe said.
Oh, just shut your pie hole, Terry. No one thinks Hillary Clinton is glitzy.
Clinton said she would talk to voters about “how to bring the right end to the war in Iraq and restore respect for America around the world”. She also hopes to appeal to women voters in their twenties and thirties.
Hillary is going to appeal to women in their twenties and thirties by acting like Margaret Thatcher? I think they might be more inclined to gravitate toward Edwards and Obama. If Hillary wants to appeal to women she should try acting like one, not like a British battleaxe warmonger…or like a man. But if you really want to throw up, check out this next part.
Clinton faces strong competition from Barack Obama, the charismatic but inexperienced 45-year-old Illinois senator. The race is already being billed “the magic v the machine”.
Wonderful. They’ve narrowed the contest down to two and given it a cute name. Wolf Blitzer is probably buffing his jock as we speak.
With 22 fucking months until the next election is anyone else sick to death of this?
Isn’t that what the MSM wants? We got no respite from the November elections, the very next week all the insipid campaign ads were replace by People Magazine type pieces by the media.
It’s Hillary vs. Obama like some putrid American Idol reality series. It’s the political Paris vs. Nicole vs. Lindsay vs. Brittany.
Funny how all the hooplah isn’t about McCain vs. Giuliani no? LOL, the MSM sets fire to the ring that everyone jumps through and the sheep follow bleating.
Baaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh. Follow the Democratic bitchfight while the Republicans step aside laughing their asses off.
I agree, but I don’t think it is going to work so well this time.
My Comments posted yesterday, here in the diary Hillary Clinton says “I’m In. My Reply”
Am I reading this wrong or has “Maggie” promised to steal all of our milk, invade random countries to improve their popularity and also promised to be the most corrupt “machine” candidate around?
Oh and is McAuliffe trying to warn us that Chelsea has been trying to overthrow small African countries on those goodwill visits?
With friends like these….
Ah, the Equitorial Guinea question…
I remember Margaret Thatcher. Mostly what I remember is that she was Britain’s equivalent of Ronald Reagan.
No thanks. I’m not interested.
I have to hope it’s good that John Edwards is the aptly named Sir Not-Appearing-In-This-Media-Circus and that he comes from out of nowhere to win the nomination.
You must be looking for an unserious candidate.
I don’t understand this comment. Are you saying that Edwards isn’t serious? Or is that a Python reference that I’m just too dense to get? (If the stakes weren’t so high I’d vote for someone from the Silly Party.)
All I’m saying is that I hope the massive attention Obama and Hillary are going to get will allow another candidate to spend time building up a lead in the early precinct/caucus states rather than having to be legislators, Presidential candidates and media superstats all at the same time.
It’s snark.
Ah. Now that you pointed this out I see the snark tags fnord.
Speaking of Edwards….well in a way maybe it’s a good thing the MSM will concentrate on Hill/Obama and leave Edwards alone to quietly keep making speeches and getting people behind him-the dark horse as it were.
I remember in the primaries with Kerry I thought if Edwards had just had a few more months he might have won all the primaries. He was starting to get larger and larger crowds and people seemed very enthused about him. I believe and hope that Edwards has gone about quietly building a a good base(and his website is very good also) these last several years across the country with a message that resounds with many many people who will hopefully get out and vote.
What happened to Hillary’s love for Eleanor Roosevelt?
This almost 60 year-old agrees that Lady Thatcher is just an old battleaxe warmonger. Hillary should just be Hillary who didn’t want bake cookies but wanted to give Americans better health insurance.
I still have my button that said “Elect Hillary’s husband.” If she goes with the advice of losers, such as Terry McAuliffe, I doubt that I will want a “Elect Hillary” during the primaries.
The one thing worse than Ms. Clinton is her teamed up with McAuliffe. Can’t wait till Carville jumps on board.
With orangeness.
She has not only hired on McCaulliff she also hired Bruce Reed.
Big problem. Hilary faces much hatred within party activist ranks. This ship won’t float, my friends.
Just think about it this way:
Iowa: they love Edwards.
Nevada: Edwards has strong union support and Richardson has big SW cred.
New Hampshire: They hate bullshit.
South Carolina: Are you kidding me?
The only place Hil will have a chance is New Hampshire, but it won’t matter unless she wins there, which I doubt very much considering she’s going to be up against the polished communication skills of Edwards and Obama.
Her national numbers will start at the bottom and stay at the bottom, especially once net- and grass-roots flock to their favorite flavors of Big Change. Because Big Change is what the activists want, and HRC sure as hell ain’t that.
OK, let’s think about TM’s record. This is the guy who led the DNC before Dean right?
And boy did HE did a good job for the democrats right? Who could remember his victory in 1994? Or in every other election that followed right? Remember how he led us to victory in 2000? And 2003?
So HRC’s senior adviser is the guy that lost Democratic races. Repeatedly.
Sheer genius. Super Genius even…
I think it is the perfect fit for her. With ol Terry running her horse and pony show, Edwards has a great shot.
If Hillary is running her campaign on imaging herself with Margaret Thatcher, then I’d definitely not vote for her if I had been a US citizen.
With McAuliffe bringing in big bucks from the DLC and Rupert Murdoch raising money for her she will be the big bucks candidate. Edwards is the only one speaking against NAFTA and maybe he can get back the labor vote (bout 19%) that Clinton lost to Perot. Bill screwed up the party with his positions on NAFTA, the Telecom Act of 1996, (etc., etc.) and the country. Edwards admitted making a mistake on voting for the war.
Terry MacAuliffe, eh? Ya think Hillary will settle for Vice-President?
Terry MacAuliffe couldn’t get someone elected dog-catcher – bad move Hill.