…Place, once again (after a long absence), the Constitution and Bill of Rights, intact and functioning, in the halls of government and repeal the draconian legislation such as the misnamed Patriot Act, which essentially abrogates the Constitution and Bill of Rights…

I’ve been trying to call, but nobody is home. To really honor America, I would urge that the Senate and House do the following:

1. Immediately pass BINDING legislation to cut off funding for Mr. Bush’s war, except what is necessary to keep the kids safe until we can pull them out of that meat grinder, and what is necessary to get them out of there. You cannot “advise” a tyrant who listens to nobody but yes men.

2. Place, once again (after a long absence), the Constitution and Bill of Rights, intact and functioning, in the halls of government and repeal the draconian legislation such as the misnamed Patriot Act, which essentially abrogates the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

3. Impeach the entire Bush Gang and get them out of office before they go completely nuts and nuke someone, or perpetrate a black operation against the United States to invoke martial law. Once safely removed from office, have them tried for their crimes against the United States and against humanity.

4. Reaffirm the treaties unilaterally discarded by Mr. Bush, such as the Geneva Conventions on the treatment of prisoners and against torture, the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, the Mutual Arms Reduction Treaty, the Peaceful Uses of Space Treaty. Sign on to the Kyoto Protocols, allow scientists to report their findings without censorship and harassment.

5. Remove the incredible tax breaks and giveaways to oil, coal, gas and “defense” industries. Try to retrieve the monies stolen by Bush’s cronies and supporters from the US Treasury.

6. Cut the Pentagon budget down to that actually needed for defense and use the billions saved for such things as helping the victims of Katrina rebuild, provide housing and jobs for the poor, help education, health care, healthy non-franken food, clean water, Social Security, etc.

7. Dismantle the torture camps and concentration camps built by the current administration. Restore habeas corpus and the other rights guaranteed to the people by the Constitution and Bill of Rights. In short, rejoin the community of civilized nations and make the United States of America the democratic republic it was designed to be by our founders.

by Stephen M. Osborn [send him email], who is a freelance writer living on Camano Island in the Pacific Northwest. He is an “Atomic Vet.” (Operation Redwing, Bikini Atoll 1956, ) who has been very active working and writing for nuclear disarmament and world peace. He is a retired Fire Battalion Chief, lifelong sailor, writer, poet, philosopher, historian and Populist Party featured columnist.