Despite the propaganda and the disinformation currently being dispensed by the governments of Israel and the United States, which paint Iran as an imminent threat only months away from testing a nuclear device, Iran is a very, very long way from producing enough bomb grade nuclear material needed to make even one small explosive device, much less bombs that can be used as the warheads of ballistic missiles. How far away? The Guardian, in this report, lays bare the details of the true nature of Iran’s nuclear program as a primitive, chaotic shambles:
Iran’s uranium enrichment programme has been plagued by constant technical problems, lack of access to outside technology and knowhow, and a failure to master the complex production-engineering processes involved. …
Despite Iran being presented as an urgent threat to nuclear non-proliferation and regional and world peace – in particular by an increasingly bellicose Israel and its closest ally, the US – a number of Western diplomats and technical experts close to the Iranian programme have told The Observer it is archaic, prone to breakdown and lacks the materials for industrial-scale production.
Peter Beaumont, foreign affairs editor of the Guardian, writes that there are a number of reasons for Iran’s current setbacks with respect to the uranium enrichment technology it is seeking to master, the P-1 and P-2 centrifuge designs obtained from Pakistan. First, it can no longer obtain the necessary “high quality bearings required for the centrifuges’ carbon-fibre ‘top rotors’ – spinning dishes within the machines – from foreign companies in Malaysia.” Those sources dried up two years ago, and Iran has been trying to manufacture the needed bearings itself, but has repeatedly failed in its attempts to do so.
Second, Iran is short of other critical materials needed for making enough of these centrifuges to be able to create a cascade of sufficient size to create highly enriched bomb grade uranium. Among these are adequate supplies of the specialized steel which doesn’t deform under stress and at high temperatures, as well as other specialized carbon fiber products, which the centrifuge design they are using requires.
Beaumont reports than many experts see the Iranian government’s claim that very soon it will have a working 3000 centrifuge cascade online as primarily intended for domestic propaganda purposes, with little basis in reality:
The reality is that they have got to the stage where they can run a small experimental centrifuge cascade intermittently,’ said one Western source familiar with the Iranian programme. ‘They simply have not got to the stage where they can run 3,000 centrifuges There is no evidence either that they have been stockpiling low-enriched uranium which could be highly enriched quickly and which would give an idea of a malevolent intent.’
Another source with familiarity with the Iranian programme said: ‘Iran has put all this money into this huge hole in the ground at Natanz; it has put a huge amount of money in these P-1 centrifuges, the model rejected by Urenco. It is like the Model T Ford compared to a Prius. That is not to say they will not master the technology eventually, but they are trying to master very challenging technology without access to everything that they require.’
With the nuclear smuggling operation established by Pakistan’s leading nuclear scientist A. Q. Khan (currently under house arrest in Pakistan) now severely limited, Iran’s program has suffered. The Iranians relied heavily on the technology, designs and assistance he provided. Without that assistance, thus far they have been unable to take the critical steps needed to reach the stage where they can produce weapons grade nuclear material.
In recognition of the true state of affairs regarding the Iranian program, the head of the IAEA, the UN nuclear proliferation watchdog, which continues to maintain 150 inspectors in Iran to monitor its nuclear activities, recently has tried to “calm the waters” which have been roiled by the recent spate of disinformation regarding the imminent threat Iran poses to Israel and the US.
Talking to the World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland, Mohamed El Baradei appealed for all sides to take a ‘time out’ under which Iranian enrichment and UN sanctions would be suspended simultaneously, adding that the point at which Iran is able to produce a nuclear weapon is at least half a decade away. In pointed comments aimed at the US and Israel, the Nobel Peace prize winner warned that an attack on Iran would have ‘catastrophic consequences’.
I feel we are in the end game between those who seek to attack Iran militarily (the leaders of the Israeli government and the Bush/Cheney administration), and those, like El Baradei and many in the US Congress in both parties, who seek to forestall such a calamitous event. In Iraq, the Bush administration prevailed, despite a lack of evidence of any real threat from Saddam Hussein’s regime, because they won the propaganda war, i.e., the war fought to control the media narrative that was being “told” to the American and British publics.
We are seeing the same propaganda war being fought again with respect to Iran. On one hand, we have those (Bush, Cheney, Rice, Lieberman, neoconservative pundits and sympathizers in the media, etc.) whom either lied to and/or misled major American news outlets, and through them the American people, about the danger that Iraq posed to us in the wake of 9/11. The same story lines that were used to hype an attack on Iraq are being employed again regarding the danger Iran poses to us now (rogue nation, major terrorist supporter, weapons of mass destruction, an oppressive regime ripe for being overthrown, et alia) The same truth tellers who were right about Iraq in 2003 (and dismissed at the time by the Beltway’s Gang of 500) are standing up and stating that the threat of Iran’s nuclear program is a chimera, based on all the evidence and knowledge regarding Iran we currently possess.
Who will win this war of facts versus lies? The very future of our country, and indeed the world itself, may hinge upon the outcome of this “information war” in which we, the American people, are clearly the intended target. Let’s hope for all our sakes that this time we can resist the warmongers, whose lies play to our baser instincts of fear and hatred, and instead listen to those whose only weapons against these liars are rational arguments based upon objective facts. In short let’s pray that reason prevails over emotion.
everywhere. the bullshit needs to get smacked down hard and fast.
Now at Daily Kos
Funny, this:
CIA told Dutch not to prosecute Pakistani nuclear
scientist Khan, former [Dutch] premier says – ASSOCIATED PRESS August 9, 2005
Dutch court loses Abdul Qadeer Khan’s files, judge
suspects CIA
Agence France Presse Sat Sep 10, 2005
Ruud Lubbers said the CIA had asked the Netherlands in 1975 not to prosecute Abdul Qadeer Khan, who is now dubbed the father of Pakistan’s atom bomb
Nuclear Spy AQ Khan – CIA/America Refused Arrest in 1975 & 1985
Tue Aug 9th, 2005 at 03:51:49 AM PST
Why did the CIA resist the arrest of Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan?
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Who will win this war of facts versus lies?
I very much appreciate this information Steven. I’ve heard reference to the struggles Iran has encountered and conflicting evidence to the “lies,” but it helps seeing some of that summarized in one place.
But your premise hits on something I’ve been thinking about lately. That being the evidence that it doesn’t seem to matter what the facts are, what we think, what Congress thinks, what the media thinks, what the military thinks, etc. We have a “decider” in the White House and a puppateer in the bunker. Ultimately they think they can do whatever they want and to hell with all the rest.
I get the feeling that this is just beginning to dawn on some people – the reality that we are living in a dictatorship. It will be interesting to see if that fact dawns on enough people soon enough to impeach the two of them before they have the opportunity to carry out their unspeakable plans.
As long as the media continues it’s rabid drumbeat on Iran I don’t see the general public learning the truth about Iran. I had some small hope that after the media’s warmongering about Iraq that they just might have decided to give the public honest reporting on Iran but more the fool me. Fool me once…ah……shame on me.
Hass, can I ask you to delete this and reprint with hetml codes for the url links? It’s messing up my screen views of this thread.
Here’s the code if you don’t have it already:
<a href="url code here">brief description or LINK here</a>
Sorry – how do you delete? I’m not very savvy with this stuff…
You can’t. None of us can delete our comments except admins. None of us, including admins, can edit our comments.
He’s asked you to do something that is impossible for you to do.
I’d just file the code away in your mind for the next time you post a link.
Sorry all and especially hass.
Hass, just repost with html added for the url links and I will delete the old one. I forget that I have admin powers that regular posters don’t and just thought you could delete it as well. My bad.
However, I would never delete a post just because of this issue of messing up the screen view. So please repost with html code and then I’ll dlete the old comment.
DOne! Sorry about it all.
Yesterday, International Holocaust Memorial Day, Persian authors in exile Afghin Molavi and Azar Nafisi were interviewed on NPR. They deplored the simplistic image of Iran, based so much on President Ahmadinejad’s violet rhetoric and repressive measures.
“…we should take this opportunity to encourage the dissent and the divisions and the more democratic-minded voices to speak up, rather than reduce Iran into a country that is nuclear.”
disinformation currently being dispensed by the governments of Israel…
Of course, Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad doesn’t help by sponsoring a doubt-the-Holocaust conference last month, and being the SOLE government to refuse to condemn the denial of the Holocaust in the UN General Assembly’s resolution.
Its not about nuclear weapons, just as the Iraq war was never about WMDs. Iran had suspended enrichment for 2 years, allowed intensive IAEA inspections that exceeded what they were legally required to allow -which turned up squat; and they have repeatedly made offers of compromise that would address any real nuclear weapons concern – only to be ignored.
And yet we’ve been consistenly told for the last 25 years that Iran is “just 5 years” away from building nukes.
SOURCE: AP February 27, 2006 – Ever a `threat,’ never an atomic power…”
And yet more predictions of Iranian nukes that never came true…
Anthony Cordesman and Khalid al-Rodhan
Nor is Iran’s refusal to give up enrichment so terribly hard to explain:
(LA Times Oct 15 2006)
Thanks. I learned something too. Don’t assume, lol.
Very gracious of you hass.
And an excellent comment.