What trumps political ideology and religious ideology, yet both are used as the excuses in mans destructive behavior.

Trouble is neither can be effective to quell the hatreds that arise from our destructive policies and behavior, and it need only linger and grow in a few!
That which is the trump card of the now and coming future are the extremely misguided policy of, and Lost, War in Iraq and the forgotten already Lost War in Afganistan. Why is Afganistan a Lost Conflict, because it never accomplished what it was supposedly intended to do and that is to bring Justice to the Leaders of the Guilty ‘Criminals’ that are accused of the Attack of September 11th 2001. And that conflict is already, once again, spiralling out of control!
Why is Iraq an already Lost endevor, because it should never have occurred, and it was lost the moment we went in. We ripped apart Pandora’s Box and the future will only bring more Death and Destruction.

And why,because We are an Occupying Military Force, in Iraq, and We have Once Again Installed a Puppet Government into Power, just as we did with Saddam and the years of Support given him!

I have put together a video presentation that while I’m no great producer I hope makes some Stop and Think of what may be coming and what we may have unleashed in the now and coming generations, and was this Exactly what the Neo-Cons wanted All Along!

You can also view this on Google Video

After viewing you would be wise to visit these two Reports below:
This is just one of the results many of us, opposed to the failed policies, right from the beginning, were saying would happen if those policies were carried out, it has only gotten worse since they were!
The Next Jihadists: Iraq’s Lost Children

Iraqi Kids Drawn Into Jihad
Don’t just read the reports, use the links found at both Sites to hopefully further understand.

There are at least 3080 U.S. Military Casulties In-Country, 11 of those are still unconfirmed by the DoD, as of today 1-29-07. Many of those KIA’s have children, no counts as to exactly how many have lost a father or mother. Those children aren’t living in the Theater, the children of Iraq are and they, and the kids in that region, know full well what is going on, way too many children of Iraq have been Casulties!
Below are a few of the photo’s used in the video, some having messages I wrote in but are hard to read except in the single photo form and relate to the photo’s following them:

This one you can read clearly and it leads off the presentation:

This one speaks for itself, except it doesn’t say that these kids need No Brainwashing to Start their Hatreds, their being Taught in Real Time:

Than we have this reality:

And this one:

And the Most Painfull as are the photo’s following it:

And this one gives a Clear Message:



“I think the Iraqi people owe the American people a huge debt of
gratitude” – The pResident {Yep up to 655,000 are really Grateful, many in
their Mass Graves, as are their Survivors}

“I think once they get in harm’s way, Congress’s tradition is to
support those troops,” Mr. Hadley said. {Harms Way, shows what the
administration thinks of the Troops, it’s called a Strong Defense!}

The Failed Policies will Haunt Us and the World for Decades!

This is Much Worse than Vietnam, than they only wanted us Out Of Their Country, now National Security, not only here but Around The World, are The Aces In The Deck!!
And those Aces have already been dealt!