Cloture was just invoked on the Minimum Wage Bill on the Senate floor.  The Senate bill differs from the House bill, as the Senate bill includes small business tax relief, a compromise reached in the Senate Finance Committee.  Even though this benefit was included in the bill, some Republican Senators still refused to end debate on the bill.  These Senators, it can safely be assumed, do not wish to raise the minimum wage at all.
And here they are:

NAYs —8
Coburn (R-OK)
Craig (R-ID)
Crapo (R-ID)
DeMint (R-SC)
Ensign (R-NV)
Kyl (R-AZ)
Martinez (R-FL)
Vitter (R-LA)

Arizona just raised its minimum wage with future adjustments for increases in cost of living.  Why Kyl would vote against an increase is somewhat perplexing, especially as he had a difficult reelection bid.  The only Senator who must run for reelection in 2008 is Craig of Idaho.  Martinez of Florida is clearly not interested in his low approval ratings, and I hope his opposition to the Minimum Wage Increase is noted.  Vitter’s opposition will hopefully be discussed in the upcoming 2007 statewide elections.  Trying to convert the state of Louisiana into a Republican state, Vitter’s PAC will run Republicans in all statewide and legislative races.  Let us hope his vote will be discussed, and let us hope poor Louisianans will reject his warped conception of “leadership.”  But notice how Vitter’s clone, Bobby Jindal, who will run for Governor in 2007, voted for the bill.  Now we have evidence of Jindal’s election year conversion and of Vitter’s conservative extremism.