Now this is interesting.

In federal election filings, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) hasn’t declared himself a Republican, Newsday reports.

“The ex-mayor still is holding back from submitting the simple one-page form declaring himself a possible candidate, despite raising $1.4 million to run. And asked what party he belongs to on a different form, Giuliani didn’t say – he left the answer blank… Giuliani’s campaign confirmed that leaving off the Republican designation wasn’t a typo.”

Said a campaign lawyer: “It was the campaign’s judgment that we didn’t have to fill in that box.”

The most recent New Hampshire poll shows Guiliani tied with Mitt Romney in second place behind St. McCain. That’s not too bad of a place to be. Of course, Guiliani needs to do really well in the northeast because his positions on social issues are going to hurt him in other parts of the country. But, what if…? What if Guiliani runs his whole campaign as an independent? Could he win? Could the Republican nominee win?

That’s a good question. It would be a bold move. The Guiliani campaign. Independent. Above partisanship. Bringing the country together.

It might get some legs. But why would he do it? He’d only do it if he thought he could win. He would obviously cut into the GOP candidate’s numbers and help the Democrat. Could he win it?

I think it is possible that he could. Most Americans are sick of both parties anyway. He’ll need a sidekick though. He’ll need someone else to balance the ticket. Maybe Joe Lieberman? Nah. He’s too divisive for the unity racket. Rudy needs someone above the fray. That pretty much rules out Zell Miller. Ross Perot tried the whole war hero thing. Didn’t work. I don’t think Rudy should repeat Perot’s mistakes. Rudy needs someone ‘clean’, someone that hasn’t ever employed a police chief with mob connections. Maybe he can convince Patrick Fitzgerald to run with him.

Any ideas?