Dan Savage doesn’t appear ready to cut Mary Cheney any slack. He just rips into her.
In today’s New York Times Mary Cheney defends her decision to get her lezbo self knocked the fuck up. Like her father, Mary Cheney believes she shouldn’t have to answer for her party’s attacks on same-sex parents.
“When Heather and I decided to have a baby, I knew it wasn’t going to be the most popular decision,” Ms. Cheney said, referring to her partner of 15 years, Heather Poe. She then gestured to her middle—any bulge disguised by a boxy jacket—and asserted: “This is a baby. This is a
blessing from God. It is not a political statement. It is not a prop to be used in a debate, on either side of a political issue. It is my child.”Nice try, Mary.
Yes, it’s a baby, not a prop. My kid isn’t a prop either, but that never stopped right-wingers from attacking me and my boyfriend over our decision to become parents. The fitness of same-sex couples to parent is very much part of the political debate thanks to the GOP and the Christian bigots that make up its lunatic “base.” You’re a Republican, Mary, you worked on both of your father’s campaigns, and you kept your mouth clamped shut while Karl Rove and George Bush ran around the country attacking gay people, gay parents, and our children in 2000, 2002, 2004, and 2006. It’s a little late to declare the private choices of gays and lesbians unfit for public debate, Mary.
I’m still inclined to leave the daughters out of things. But I’m not trying to raise a child with another man so my opinion doesn’t matter a whole lot. As for Rove and Bush, a good punishment would be to make them read Savage’s sex column every week. You don’t want to get on the wrong side of Dan Savage. The former senator from Pennsylvania found that out the hard way.
Oh, NOW suddenly children and families are private and not part of the political argument. Sorry, but when you work to put these pigs in office you can’t pull that card out.
Hope it’s clear I’m talking to Mary Cheney. 🙂
I guess if you’re the child of a corrupt rich person, your child is a “blessing from God”, but otherwise it’s an abomination. If she were just Cheney’s kid I might suggest that Savage lay off. But she’s a pol who works to marginalize gays in the name of that so-called God that her daddy and the rest use as a weapon against those who threaten their illegitimate power. She made it political. There’s no reason she should get a pass now.
Mary scumbag Cheney’s daughter is political. She helped her father and shrub still another election. She has used none of her “position” to help defeat anti-glbt issues. If she is still living in Virginia to be close to the Zombie Vice President, she cannot even leave anything to her partner in a will or give her power of attorney because of the hate law that was written into that state’s constitution.
Hey Booman- ya better reconsider you inclination regarding the cheney broads’Gods blessing! Leave daughters out of things? bullshit. How about doing the implest thing possible. Just reread Savages’ comment that YOU posted.
Mary Cheney’s story is beautiful, and her courage is something her child should treasure in years to come. To celebrate her relationship and perpetuate it with the birth of a child is something most couples would do, but for her it’s also a measure of a strength of character that the entire nation should applaud.
But it has me totally puzzled. Who is Dick Cheney, anyway? How can he be so evil (cf. Plame), so manipulative, and yet so protective of the privacy of his obviously high class daughter and her partner? (On a parallel note, he’s attracted the loyalty of some people who aren’t totally vicious, like Mary Matalin.)
I’ve been wondering if perhaps it’s his health that’s perverted his judgment on the foreign policy front? Or has he been given a baby sitting job that is just beyond him in his present state of health? I’m just wondering aloud.
But back to the topic. Can we have a virtual baby shower for a wonderful couple who celebrate the “culture of life” in the best possible sense?
mary matalin isnt vicious?
in what universe?
She’s a doll:
Always try to think the best of people…until proven otherwise.
Oh, you’ve got to be kidding. You ask how Cheney could be so protective?
It’s political!!!! He’s just covering his religious-right-wing butt.
It’s a miracle Mary turned out as sane as she did. I’ll bet she broke away from her parents, emotionally at least, at an early age.
making bush and cheney read savage’s column isnt punishment…..its a treat for them they can use to get their freak on with no consequences.
a good punishment would be to stick a giant baby jesus shaped dildo covered in cinnamon oil up their butts.
now thats a punishment.
cinammon oil? You learn something new…
I say use Texas Pete as the lube.
Amen to Savage.
I generally don’t like Savage and don’t read him–too much nastiness for its own sake, it seems to me.
But Mary Cheney’s hypocrisy and implicit claims of insider priviledge deserve nothing but scorn and contempt.
Savage has said it right.
Dan Savage says what must be said here, even though it is not pleasant to the ear on a balmy Sunday afternoon. Ms. Cheney wants all the benefits of a nation and legal system that respects her life choices — but seems perfectly content to stand silent or support outright a system that ensures everyone else except her is denied what she takes for granted. Chick’s got some serious ‘splainin’ to do. Very 1st century Roman feel to it all …
I suppose Mary Cheney’s child will end up being named Cheney too. Nice for daddy, that at least one of his grandchildren will bear his name. Mary Cheney is fair play. She played politics with daddy and mommy supporting the repugnants’ bigotry, profiting from it, so why should she be spared the sting of public ire. I wonder how she got pregnant? Everyone is, no one’s asking and definitely no one is telling. Or am I a gossip monger? No. They set up house in public and then demand privacy.