Based on ths following interchange between Booman and I, I am posting this diary to ask for your views and suggestions on site rules.

I understand your point fully well Boo, however the problems to be seen are pretty visual to all of us.

Booman I have asked you this before many time and I will ask yet again, are you willing to make firm rules on this site (and not don’t be a prick cause that might include you at times) and institute a firm policy of temporarily blocking a member for infractions and then after that if a new offense comes up remove the privileges altogether.
It is my opinion that the repeat erruptions are always caused by those that caused the first, and while they remain on the site the possibility exists.  There are so many things we can no longer bring up on this site, for fear it will be misunderstood, witness, Janet Damnit and her diaries.
I am really feeling and I wish you would open this up to discussion in a separate diary that members would like to see this and it could make a great difference to the future well being of this site.
This is a critical time for action, rather like the whole Iraq mess, are you going to take a firm hand on this and get us out of this mess or are you going to allow this to continue to deteriorate?

Doorway to the ~~Village Blue~~ Come on over for a visit!
by diane101 (dianed101 @ on Sat Feb 3rd, 2007 at 08:10:00 AM PST
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* [new] Re: Open Thread (none / 0)
I am about to head off to take care of a few things and I will be offline for a while.  I don’t want people to interpret my silence as indifference.  I’m open to rules on suspension or other ideas.  

This particular problem should be solved.  There will be no more verbal abuse from this member and that is where it stands.

I’m fully aware that some people think I should just ban and be done with it.  But she has the chance, if she wants it, to either stay away voluntarily or to engage in a civil manner.  

If someone wants to set up a diary about rules I will look at it.  I find that strict rules cause more problems than they solve.  But combined with a flexible enforcement mechanism we might be able to tighten them up.

So I am presenting to this to you for consideration.  I propose that we act on this such as you would in Congress and prepare a resolution of

Site Rules of Conduct
It is hereby resolved that the site rules of conduct shall be that offensive verbal behaviour resulting in the injury either emotional or otherwise of any and all  members shalll be dealt with in the following ways.

The first offense shall result in a warning, followed by a temporary blocking of the member for a period of two weeks in order to have a cooling down period.

Second offense will result in a permanent blocking of ip address and membership.

Such rules shall be prominently posted on site so that all are aware.

A quorum of elders shall be nominated and elected (in a poll and subject to yearly renewal) by the membership to serve as arbritration body or to act and represent for the benefit of members as opposed to management, similar to the minority party in congress,and to act on the behalf of the site owner when he is not present.

So I am open to amendments and suggestions!
I call the meeting to order.