Every cynical blogger in Nevada guessed that John Ensign was probably out golfing when he missed the vote on the Iraq war debate last Saturday. Call us cynical no more:

A spokesman for Ensign confirmed Tuesday that he played golf with his son in Nevada rather than attend the weekend session called by Senate Democrats. Ensign criticized the vote as nothing more than “political posturing” that he had no interest in joining.

Want a comment from a political science professor?

“The irony here is in the past he’s been criticized for playing too much golf and having a good tan,” Herzik said. “But if you’re going to criticize – ‘You’re out on the golf course instead of the floor of the Senate for this historic vote’ – he’ll say, ‘What historic vote? It was a sham.’

“His position is valid. Whether or not it’s popular, that’s another question,” Herzik said.

What Lisa Mascaro forgot to mention in her article, although it’s pretty apparent, is that Herzik is a Republican. One who obviously doesn’t have much respect for the political instutions of this land, for the people of Nevada or for the troops.

To top it all off, here’s Harry Reid’s response:

In Carson City on Tuesday, Reid himself said: “Maybe you haven’t heard about our pact?” It was a reference to an agreement he and Ensign have to not criticize each other publicly.

Good Lord!

Cross posted from Turn Tahoe Blue