Especially for the children who survive, it’s a training ground for hatred and retaliations, it’s a mind altering experiance robbing the children of the childhood they should have, it’s the total opposite of what they should be experiancing, it changes their lives from what they could have become, it destroys the lives around them and their own!
Kids Play Out Sectarian War

Toting menacing looking toy guns, young boys swarm around an abandoned car, chanting battle cries of a Shiite militia and pointing their play weapons at the “terrorist” in the driver’s seat.

In this day and age these ‘games’ are the training ground for the next Jihadists in that part of the world, to carry their ‘game’ outside of those confines!

“You coward! I will kill you,” shouted 6-year-old Haidar Faraj, who played a Shiite militiaman from the Shiite Mahdi Army militia on a recent afternoon in Hurriyah. His younger brother Abbas was the Sunni “terrorist.”

Their future is being laid out before them by us so called ‘Responsible Adults’!

“They challenge teachers and even threaten them,” said biology teacher Abu Ali. “They are so frustrated and do not care about their work because they think they may end up displaced or killed, so why should they bother to study.”

A Recent Video Production I put together:

“Child of War”

After viewing you would be wise to visit these two Reports below.
This is just one of the results many of us, opposed to the failed policies, right from the beginning, were saying would happen if those policies were carried out, it has only gotten worse since they were!

The Next Jihadists: Iraq’s Lost Children

Iraqi Kids Drawn Into Jihad

And ‘Finally’ there is a recognition of what already has been developing and not only as to the above! There is much more at the sites than the initial reports! And what will happen has Nothing to do with ‘Hating’ our Freedoms and Democracy nor Religious Ideologies!

“I think the Iraqi people owe the American people a huge debt of
gratitude” – The pResident {Yep up to 655,000 are really Grateful, many in
their Mass Graves, as are their Survivors}

“I think once they get in harm’s way, Congress’s tradition is to
support those troops,” Mr. Hadley said. {Harms Way, shows what the
administration thinks of the Troops, it’s called a Strong Defense!}

The Failed Policies will Haunt Us and the World for Decades!