Will the Chicken-Hawk-in-Chief never tire of hiding behind our troops? Follow the pretzel logic if you will. We must attack Iran in order to “protect our troops.”
At Rice’s Senate appearance in January, Democratic Senator Joseph Biden, of Delaware, pointedly asked her whether the U.S. planned to cross the Iranian or the Syrian border in the course of a pursuit. “Obviously, the President isn’t going to rule anything out to protect our troops, but the plan is to take down these networks in Iraq,” Rice said, adding, “I do think that everyone will understand that–the American people and I assume the Congress expect the President to do what is necessary to protect our forces.”
That’s right. We must set Iran on fire, while our troops are sitting ducks in Iraq, in order to protect them. We must exhaust what’s left of our military supplies and hardware in order to protect them. I fail to see how destroying our military readiness protects the troops or the country, for that matter.
This is where the rhetoric meets the road and shreds on contact. Protect the troops?! How does not giving them adequate body armor and up-armored vehicles protect them? How does warehousing our injured heroes in fetid squalor, complete with vermin and black mold protect them? How does an overburdened, underfunded VA protect the troops? How does announcing cuts in veteran’s health care, while they are busy dodging bullets and IEDs protect them? How does leaving them penniless and homeless protect them?
The Bush Administration gave up any authority to talk about “protecting the troops” when they put them in the most wrong-headed war in American history and allowed comments like this to issue from their cabinet:
As you know, you go to war with the Army you have. They’re not the Army you might want or wish to have at a later time.
For this Administration to talk about “protecting the troops” is as Orwellian as their entire “war is peace” strategy. Sometimes I think their overarching strategy is to short-circuit the collective psyche of the American public with cognitive dissonance. They’ll just keep bombarding us with illogic until we shut down like the Mudd’s androids. Reading this latest from Sy Hersh, I am left feeling, once again, like I’m taking crazy pills.
“The Redirection” may be the most mind-melting expose of the Bush agenda yet. As near as I can tell, the goal is simply to make the Middle East as unstable as possible; just knocking over as many dominoes as they can to see if they form a pattern. That’s certainly what it looks like, as they progress with their impossible plans for attacking Iran. According to Hersh they themselves made this attack necessary by destroying the only viable check on Iran: Iraq. To paraphrase Colin Powell: They Broke it. We bought it.
It’s pretty clear to those of us who scrolled through the PNAC papers back in the day, that Iran was always in their sights. That Iraq is in a shambles, Afghanistan is erupting, and our military is nearly broken, doesn’t even slow the Bush juggernaut down. They have so little respect for our cognitive abilities that they don’t even bother to update their sales pitch. There are weapons of mass destruction! They’re over here. No they’re over here. Did I say that? Look over here.
Make no mistake. We are in no way prepared to attack Iran. And that’s why the generals are balking.
A British defence source confirmed that there were deep misgivings inside the Pentagon about a military strike. “All the generals are perfectly clear that they don’t have the military capacity to take Iran on in any meaningful fashion. Nobody wants to do it and it would be a matter of conscience for them.
The most damning part of Seymour Hersh’s newest piece of investigative journalism was highlighted over at Think Progress with video and transcript of Hersh’s interview with Wolf Blitzer. Put simply the Bush Administration is funding terrorists. I seem to remember something about the Patriot Act making that explicitly illegal. I wonder if they’ll be prosecuted. I won’t hold my breath. Bush probably exempted himself from the Patriot Act with a signing statement.
Yes. We are fighting a “war on terror” by funding terrorists.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.
Crossposted from The Blogging Curmudgeon.
You’re not calling Secretary Gates a dirty rotten liar, are ya?
Unless…Cheney hasn’t told Gates.
For the record: I believe Gates when he says that “we” are not planning for a war with Iran. It’s just going to be one of those things that happens, like a really bad car accident or Britney Spears’ first marriage.
Seriously…no PLANS for a war with Iran…but gosh darn it, those Iranians attacked one of our warships. And the Iranians LIED and said it was in retaliation for the US launching unprovoked airstrikes on Iranian soil. Now, who are you going to believe, Secretary Gates at a Defense Department briefing for the White House
Press CorpsStenographer Pool, or an Iranian government minister standing in the midst of a heap of bombed-out rubble and the twisted corpses of anAmerican bombing raidnatural gas pipeline explosion?I think that the American people need to be more like their beloved Senator Joe Lieberman: more trusting and less inquisitive.
so what can you say. I think any Bush picked boobies are just that. And WE get the boobie prize (a kick in the ass!)
No, really. If for no other reason than bringing that Sy Hersh “New Yorker” piece to our attention. It’s quite the combination jaw-dropper/eye-opener!
Pardon me, I’m going to go play Soundgarden’s “Fell On Black Days” now. Seems apropos for the moment.
By the way, I am convinced that Bush is funding terrorists. So what’s new? Reagan funded terrorists (Contras, anyone?). How about one of them there congressional investigations them Washington folks are so fond of, with a possible eye to impeachment?
I mean, why did the Democrats win the House and the Senate in 2006? To call the Lord of the Black Lands forth so that justice may be done upon him? Or to pass non-binding resolutions?
Hm, here’s the re-write of THAT scene:
ARAGORN (at the Gates of Mordor): Let the Lord of the Black Lands come forth, so that a non-binding resolution may be passed upon him!
Just doesn’t have the right “oomph”, does it?