When Jerry Brown was the Governor of California (1975-1983) he refusued to live in the Reagan-built Governor’s mansion (Constructed in true contemporary Nouveau Riche style), preferring to live in a small apartment. He slept on a mattress on the floor and drove his own old Plymouth rather than ride in state limousines.

I have always thought that Jerry Brown was a sort of political prophet, and and as Jesus is purported to have said, “A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country, and in his own house.” (Matthew 13:57)

For his pains, he was labeled “Governor Moonbeam” by the right, and now look where California’s Gov is at. Governor Eyebeam.(James 7:3 “And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thy own eye?”) See below for more on THAT shame.

And now, in the space of just a few days, some Rove-like creature in the depths of the Ratpublican political spinshops has come up with a truly inspired anti-reformer meme which has been laid with fine effect on two of the most prominent possibilities for the DemRat presidential nomination.

First…Edwards and his truly over-the-top backwoods mansion, and now Gore and HIS bloated lifestyle.

Conspicuous consumption.

The Swiftboat of 2008.


Read on for more.
Edwards? A HUGE, $10 million dollar palace which houses about 3 1/2 people (Personally, I think that he has all the gravitas of a gerbil. Thus the 1/2 measurement.) and several days later, Gore’s equally over the top digs and his own $1000+ monthly electric bill. (Looking at this guy, my guess is that the cook uses an electric stove and that at least $1000 of that bill is probably being used to feed his face more cream pies and donuts. But that’s just a guess.)


I mean…if you want to be a conspicuously gross consumer, that’s up to you. Atherosclerosis is God’s great leveler. But please don’t run on an I’m for the common man/Save the Earth platform while you are simultaneously scoffing up thousands of times your share of the goodies in plain sight.


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Do you not see the resemblance?

I do.

The days of William Howard Taft are WAY behind us.

More Gandhi, less gross intestinal product.


I can see it, and so will the average sleeple voter.

It’s image time, folks.

That’s how Butch got there.

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Paul Newman as President.

Yon Rudolph has a lean and hungry look.

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As befits a wartime chief executive.

It matters not that he is swilling down the fat of the land like it’s pomegranate juice. He doesn’t LOOK like he is.

We are about to get spun again.

I can feel it.


Hillary’s wardrobe and makeup costs.

More on Obama’s land deal.

Where is Jerry Brown when you need him?

Where is Ross Perot’s ten-year-old Oldsmobile? (Another political prophet without honor in his own land. Nuts? Maybe. So was John the Baptist.)

The stock market is crashing.

People’s life savings are disappearing down the old inflation drain.

And the so-called “opposition”?

Living like it’s the roaring ’20s.

Like the gentry in 1880.

Shame on them, one and all.

Obama REALLY wants to win?

He should publicly repent, sell his brownstone or whatever the hell he owns in Chicago, buy a decent house in a racially mixed working class neighborhood (Of course…there goes the neighborhood but what the hell…it’s ALL about image.), donate the excess profit to some charity or other, and cruise to an easy victory over all of the others who literally CANNOT make such a move because they are too locked in by decades of insane acquisition.

Financial constipation is a TERRIBLE malady.

 I can hear the bourgeois bloggers’ responses  now.

“What!!!??? And put his family at risk?”

Brethren and sistren…he is NEVER going to go even close to broke. Win lose or draw. Bet on it.

“If they asked me, I could write a book.” (Pal Joey, Rogers and Hart)


And they will ask him.

Bet on it.

Win, lose or draw.

THEN he can get obscenely rich.

Like every other Presidential campaign since the triumph of TV (JFK’s studliness vs. Nixon’s 5 o’clock shadow) …this one will be about image.

May the best virtual candidate win.

Just as it ever was.

Since 1960, at least.

Just as it ever was.

Have fun…


P.S. Governor Eyebeam? The Schwarzenator? From the LA Times:

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger leaves a big environmental footprint for one man, specifically with his frequent use of private jets to ferry him throughout California and the world. His two estates are large enough to house small villages. And the champion of environmental controls to curb global warming pumps far more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than an ordinary citizen, by far. He is driven everywhere in a caravan of two black SUVs and, sometimes, a lead sedan.

Depending on the private jet he chooses from NetJets – usually it’s a relatively large one, to include staff and CHP bodyguards – Schwarzenegger and his posse could dump as much as 8,700 pounds of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere for a single one-hour flight from Santa Monica to Sacramento, according to data from TerraPass, the carbon retailer.

The governor has favored Gulfstream jets like the one pictured below, which he used in 1997 to promote “Batman and Robin.” Helium Report has a chart showing how much private jets like that can pollute. By contrast, a single person traveling alone on a commercial flight from L.A. to Sacramento contributes 477 pounds of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.

Schwarzenegger is the most traveling governor in California history – sometimes twice-weekly flights to Sacramento and numerous weekend trips to his Idaho estate, to Maui, Las Vegas, Washington D.C. and other out-of-state places over the past three years. (His campaign picks up the multi-million dollar tab.)

Nice, eh?

What’s in YOUR wallet?