Mayor Anderson makes the case for impeachment:

Impeachment of the President of the United States is not to be undertaken, as in the case of Andrew Johnson, simply because of partisan disagreements regarding policies or presidential appointments, or, as in the case of Bill Clinton, because of a partisan desire to exploit a personal violation of the law not involving grave breaches of official responsibilities or serious abuses of power. However, impeachment and removal from office, a vital protection against evisceration of the balance of power among the three branches of government and against betrayals of trust and abuses of power injurious to our nation, should be pursued when, as in the case of George W. Bush, a president misleads Congress and the American people in taking our nation to war; authorizes and supports the kidnapping, incarceration without charge, and torture of human beings; demonstrates utter contempt for the rule of law; and blatantly violates fundamental constitutional protections intended to safeguard individuals against governmental abuse.

Read the whole thing. I don’t know why the hell there are so many idiots in Washington DC that don’t understand this. It looks like 2008 is going to be about primaries, primaries, primaries. Fuck it. We’ve got a safe majority in the House and 21 out of the 33 Senate seats that are up are Republican. We aren’t getting any movement on throwing these bastards out of office or on ending this war. Clearly we did not win enough seats in 2006 and we did not have the candidates to do more than chuck Lieberman out of the party. It’s beginning to look like Lieberman is going to have to be just for starters. A little appetizer.

We cannot do anything and we are not safe until we get these people out of office.