Promoted by Steven D.
Almost half of the states have citizen ballot initiatives. The right has become fluent in using these processes to propose (and often pass) anti-immigrant, anti-gay, and anti-american legislation. Given that – even two years ago – a majority of Americans supported impeachment, there is no reason why we shouldn’t take the initiative process and use it for a patriotic and proper purpose: organizing initiatives to force state recommendations of impeachment to the House of Representatives.
The following states have citizen ballot initiatives:
Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wyoming
Why do this?
- Send a loud and clear message to Congress that the American people are serious about that body performing its Constitutional duty to act as a check and balance against a rogue executive branch.
- Substantially increase progressive, moderate, and swing voters at the polls (not to mention libertarian and disaffected moderate republicans).
- Substantially increase the progressive voice in Democratic primaries when the initiative is also on the ballot.
- Force media attention to the issues – the blatantly illegal conduct of the Bush administration – that they have occasionally discussed but mostly avoided.
- Show the world that the American people are not blind to, nor will they stand idly by for, the unconscionable actions of a few supposedly taken in their name.
- Finally, a loud enough voice can actually start the impeachment process in the House of Representatives.
This is a serious and important effort if a group wants to undertake it. If you are interested in creating a team to start up such an effort, or if you are part of a group that is already considering such an effort, use this thread or contact me at and we can get started. Its early enough that an organized effort can put an initiative on most of the states.
(cross-posted at DailyKos)
LOVE to have an impeachment initiative on the ballot. However, I do not know how to do that! I am sure there is a simple way to look up what is needed?
diaries like these are so much more helpful when they contain links, phone numbers, etc. to groups organizing the efforts. just a tip.
couldn’t find any groups promoting this — so i figured that its time to start one!
Excellent idea. Of course we’d have to see if and where we’d win, or we’d be making things worse instead of better. I’m sure the Bushlovers would use the same process in red states to create the appearance of an even split. Nonetheless, the educational value of the debate would strengthen our side, not only vs the GOP but within the Democratic Party.
I wonder of this might be something that MoveOn or PFAW or similar might take on. It would be worth proposing.
BTW, even in states without binding initiatives/referendums like Illinois, there are provisions for advisory initiatives that have no force of law but reflect the intent of the voters. I’d guess that pretty much every state at least has these, which would accomplish basically the same thing as binding ones in this case.
A rapidly growing network of organizations including the Green Party, CodePink, the N ational Lawyers Guild, Campus Antiwar Network, Progressive Democrats of America, and many others has launched a major new campaign to push for the immediate impeachment of George Bush and Dick Cheney. The Impeach07 campaign is coordinating a series of initiatives over the next two months that will culminate on April 28 with a nationwide day of protest in towns and cities across America.
George Bush and Dick Cheney have committed high crimes and misdemeanors including misleading the nation into an aggressive war, spying in open violation of the law, and sanctioning the use of torture. These are a betrayal of our most fundamental values of truth, freedom, and justice. Far from being a partisan political quest impeachment is a self-evident moral imperative. Additionally, an investigation into the lies used to sell the war against Iraq may be the best way to increase pressure for withdrawal, and to prevent a new war on Iran.
If you’re ready to stand up for truth, freedom, and justice, please visit to get involved. And please help spread the word. There is enormous public support for this, but with a veritable mainstream media blackout on the issue it is crucial that we use the power of the internet to put accountability back on the table.
Impeachment is an option if it is determined that his remaining in the presidency is too dangerous for America and the world.
However, short of that criterion, it is doubtful that the Democrats would seek to undermine their own legislative agenda for the sake of getting rid of this guy. Constitutionally, Cheney takes his place. Going after him would be somewhat of a greater task.
Kahli has been involved in this in NM – she has a diary posted today (Mar 4) which is the second installment: Whereas: The Continuing Saga.
Her first diary on this is Whereas:
In the comments, Kahli provides a link to an organization with lots of info on what can be done in each state and to check what is being done.