Promoted by Steven D.

Almost half of the states have citizen ballot initiatives.  The right has become fluent in using these processes to propose (and often pass) anti-immigrant, anti-gay, and anti-american legislation.  Given that – even two years ago – a majority of Americans supported impeachment, there is no reason why we shouldn’t take the initiative process and use it for a patriotic and proper purpose: organizing initiatives to force state recommendations of impeachment to the House of Representatives.

The following states have citizen ballot initiatives:

Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wyoming

Why do this?

  • Send a loud and clear message to Congress that the American people are serious about that body performing its Constitutional duty to act as a check and balance against a rogue executive branch.
  • Substantially increase progressive, moderate, and swing voters at the polls (not to mention libertarian and disaffected moderate republicans).
  • Substantially increase the progressive voice in Democratic primaries when the initiative is also on the ballot.
  • Force media attention to the issues – the blatantly illegal conduct of the Bush administration – that they have occasionally discussed but mostly avoided.
  • Show the world that the American people are not blind to, nor will they stand idly by for, the unconscionable actions of a few supposedly taken in their name.
  • Finally, a loud enough voice can actually start the impeachment process in the House of Representatives.

This is a serious and important effort if a group wants to undertake it.  If you are interested in creating a team to start up such an effort, or if you are part of a group that is already considering such an effort, use this thread or contact me at and we can get started.  Its early enough that an organized effort can put an initiative on most of the states.

(cross-posted at DailyKos)