Update [2007-3-8 17:29:50 by BooMan]: Apparently, Michael Barone didn’t write this. His site was hacked.

Michael Barone is a very conservative political analyst, frequent FOX News guest, and columnist for the U.S. News & World Report. So it is a little illuminating to see him come right out and call the Bush administration what it is: brazenly criminal. Barone is reacting to the improper firing of eight U.S. Attorneys and, specifically, the actions of Senator Pete Domenici.

The emerging scandal surrounding the dismissals of eight former U.S. attorneys should signify to American voters the depth, breadth, and permeation of corruption in the Bush administration.

When a U.S. senator (to wit, Pete Domenici, a New Mexico Republican) feels free to call a prosecutor at home and hang up on him for resisting political pressure in the course of executing his prosecutorial duties, the line between politics and law enforcement has been so thoroughly violated that it no longer exists…

…Domenici would not have made that call had either a Democrat or a law-abiding Republican been in the White House. He would not have had the temerity to throw his weight around to such an outrageous extent.

What’s going on in Washington is not sufficiently removed from the routine doings of a tawdry Third World dictatorship to give any American comfort.

I wonder if Michael Barone thinks that impeachment is a unserious response to having a non law-abiding Republican in the White House.