I just finished reading his new book. As usual for Chris, this book is provocative and eye-opening. Certain words and passages ring out with an eerie familiarity, for example, “transformation.” Awhile back, there was a spate of discussion that progressive politics ought to be “transformative.” Chris’ book lets us know right-wing fundamentalists incorporate this as a theme and a slogan.
A paragraph on p 81 moves from Karen McCarthy Brown’s explanation of fundamentalists and their world view, to his own “They create a parallel reality, one that allows them to escape from the reality-based world into a world of their own creation.” Sound familiar to you?
In a later chapter devoted to one especially powerful church leader, Hedges writes about how viewers of the church broadcasts are led to donate well beyond their means. “The triviality of American popular culture, its emptiness and gossip, accelerates this destruction of critical thought” begins one section that delves into capsule stories of believers.
The chapter, “The War on Truth,” describes how creationists market their world view. A series of Creation Museums are being erected in Kentucky, Arkansas, Texas, California, Tennessee and Florida to teach the tenets of Intelligent Design to eager visitors. School texts are slanted, and even the Grand Canyon bookstore stocks one book that adheres to the creationists’ warped beliefs.
National Park employees have had to battle to keep out such pseudo-science; PEER published a release last December on the Grand Canyon controversy.
A new chapter of Americans United for Separation of Church and State has been formed where I live. We are taking on the task of assisting a school district under “siege” by fundamentalists who may be determined to take over the school board. Chris Hedges would approve of our intent to counter such right-wing encroaching attempts, I’m certain. This promises to be a long-term effort for many communities.
The book is advertised here on BT, making it a snap to purchase. There is much food for thought in it!
Thanks for the review, books alive!
You’re welcome, Cabin Girl. Chris’ C-Span/Book TV session is on right now, in fact. Hadn’t looked at the schedule, or I could have added the heads up.
I’m watching this, and I think Hedges is interesting but a little unhinged from too much time visiting places like the Creation Museum in Kentucky.
Yes, he gets worked up in the book, too, knowing to what lengths the churches go to entice and ensnare their members.