The President does a radio address:
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. In recent days, the House and Senate each passed emergency war spending bills that undercut our troops in the field. Each of the Democrats’ bills would substitute the judgment of politicians in Washington for that of our generals on the ground. Each bill would impose restrictive conditions on our military commanders. Each bill would also set an arbitrary deadline for surrender and withdrawal in Iraq, and I believe that would have disastrous consequences for our safety here at home.
If Bush wants to define a $121 billion funding bill as ‘surrender’ that is his prerogative. I think it’s bad politics and it encourages people that want to tout our eventual withdrawal from Iraq as a big victory. I said a long time ago that Bush should start defining down our goals in Iraq so that our withdrawal would not be universally seen as a defeat. I mean, we’re supposed to leave someday, right?
Maybe the fact that Bush sees a withdrawal from Iraq as synonymous with surrender tells us more than he intends. Perhaps the idea was to hold permanent bases in Iraq and have Anglo-energy companies ensconsed in Basra and Kirkuk. Perhaps Bush isn’t getting what he wanted.
In all seriousness, unless Iraq stabilizes after we leave (a very unlikely prospect) our efforts in Iraq will be seen as a failure. But a failure is not the same as a defeat, and I don’t anticipate America surrendering to anyone.
It’s pointless to ask, but George W. Bush should stop giving aid and comfort to the enemy by telling them America is considering surrender. That lame rhetoric is foolish and it won’t convince anyone to give a blank check for permawar in Iraq.
and a military that wants to play politics…what a fu*cking joke this government has become:
so….they’re against the surge…but voted for it, so they can decide they’re against it after Labour Day?
seems the general forgot who the majority party is, as they were excluded from the meeting and there s no indication that a similar discussion was held with the democratic caucus.
another friedman unit to get us to election season…another 500 dead and 1000’s of wounded and maimed soldiers, untold Iraqi casualties, more treasure down the festering rat hole of republiscum corruption machine…the list is nearly endless.
the mind boggles at the astounding hypocrisy exhibited here…party above principle.
Bush simply reinforces the fact that he is a complete and utter idiot every time he opens his mouth.
These falsehoods about what the supplemental will do make even more clear the fact that Bush has no exit strategy because he clearly doesn’t give a shit about what will happen to either Iraq after Dec. 2008 or to our troops before Dec. 2008.
What will our exit from Iraq look like, even one undertaken according to Bush’s timeline which is sometime after he leaves office? It will be a staggered withdrawal of our troops and a simultaneous transfer of responsbility to Iraqi police and military forces to take care of themselves. The Democrats and the American people want that to happen sooner than later.
The “axis of evil” is the axis between the empty space between our President’s ears and the vacuum where his moral conscience should be as he sacrifices thousands of American and Iraqi lives to avoid admitting his arrogance, ignorance and incompetence to himself and the world
I know it gets boring to say that every time bush opens his mouth he tops himself in sounding stupid but I guess a guy with no brain just can’t help himself.
His whole little temper tantrum hit all the boogeyman talking points that rethugs like to spout..he’s back to saying dems are fiscally irresponsible with the budget(ha can even he say that with a straight face)and that those pesky unsustainable welfare I mean entitlement programs are getting out of hand…you know the ones..SS and Medicare. His blathering on about dems raising taxes especially on poor people is nothing short of insane talk but perfectly understandable coming from this moron.
Amazing he can even say that he’s restrained government spending which has led to unprecedented 42 months of unprecedented economic growth…yeah he must be reading some alternate newspapers business section maybe from another planet.
What’s unprecedented is that we’ve become a debtor nation and are some 9 TRILLION dollars in debt..One Trillion of that the Pentagon/Rumsfield can’t even account for..
What a pissy-assed runt of man he is.