I think it is a great thing that Joe Lieberman and Susan Collins have a great working relationship and that they respect each other and work together in a spirit of bipartisanship as the chairman and ranking member of the Senate Homeland Security committee. In an era of hyperpartisanship, it’s nice to see a committee than can work in a productive and collaborative way. But Joe Lieberman has taken this too far in endorsing Susan Collins’s re-election bid. (sorry, no link).
Asserting his status as an independent and his loyalty to a long-time friend, Sen. Joseph Lieberman, D-Conn., said Thursday he is supporting the 2008 re-election of Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, even though Democrats have already targeted her seat to try to keep control of the Senate.
“I’m going to support Sen. Collins’ re-election,” he said in an interview with CongressDaily reporters. Lieberman, who was re-elected last year as an independent but continues to caucus with Democrats, added that his leadership PAC has already made the maximum contribution of $5,000 to Collins’ campaign.
“This is without regard to who the Democratic nominee would be,” he said. “I would just feel that I was not being honest to myself and everything I’ve said about what our politics should be like now if, for partisan reasons, I didn’t support somebody who I think is a great senator.”
Collins and Lieberman have worked closely on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, where Collins is the ranking member.
Lieberman also reserved the option of endorsing a Republican for president in 2008 and repeated statements that he has not ruled out a future — albeit unlikely — switch to the Republican Party.
During the wide-ranging interview, Lieberman said he had not discussed his decision with Senate Majority Leader Reid. His staff did inform Reid’s office of the plan Thursday; a spokesman for Reid declined to comment.
Lieberman acknowledged his support for Collins could shape the balance of power in the Senate, which Democrats control by a single vote. But he said his decision was ultimately driven by “the wonderful productive working relationship” the two have and the fact that she campaigned for his re-election last year.
“I’m very proud of what we’ve been able to do together and I think the kind of trust that we have means that we don’t waste a lot of time in unproductive partisan games,” he said.
Collins faces a likely challenge from Democratic Rep. Tom Allen. He has not announced his candidacy but is actively preparing to run against her.
I’m not surprised, but I am disappointed. Lieberman continues to thumb his nose at the Democratic Party. After the 2008 elections I believe there will be at least 55 Democratic senators, if not 60. Lieberman should be stripped of all seniority at that time.
Lieberman is an asshole.
Ps. Please check your email.
pps. He should be kicked out of the Democratic caucus in 2008. He’s not a liberal, he’s not a progressive and he sure ain’t a democrat anymore.
every thing’s already been said about lieberman that l can think of. so will someone please explain for me why this man isn’t treated like the pariah that he is.
and kindly spare me the standard, we’ve got to go along with him because he’s_____insert rationalization here______crap.
dump the chump…NOW….before he does any more damage; the man’s a fucking menace.
I kind of wish he’d just make the switch already, instead of using it as a constant threat. He’s such a vindictive little man.
It’s probably better. By now, everyone knows how Lieberman lied to keep his seat–and the cushy relationship his family has with lobbyists. Mr. Morality can’t surprise anyone. His endorsement will mean nothing to Collins but $5000. It may actually motivate progressives to go and work for her opponent.
Like Lieberman, Collins has been duplicitous. She says one thing one day, votes the opposite the next. Her refusal to support an end date for the war will doom her re-election campaign–IF the Democrats can find a viable and charismatic candidate.
Don’t take my word for it, just consult with the website of Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid. More at Turn Tahoe Blue.
Suzie-Q won’t have a cakewalk campaign during this election cycle…we, over @Turn Maine Blue are ramping up for Rep. Tom Allen’s announcement (rumors are flying that it will occur the first part of May).
Tom was @U/Maine (2nd CD–very conservative, vs. So. Maine’s voter demographics) last night, engaging traditional lefty student groups (am unaware, re: how many attended, as we’ve experienced a bit of nasty weather of late–many schools canceled classes today, for instance).
Furthermore, Chellie Pingree has already filed w/the F.E.C.; and has fundraised w/a few emails & on our portal via ActBlue–she’s running for Tom’s CD#1 House seat.
We’re paying attention, folks–Maine is a poor rural state; and the difficult part will be blasting away (incessantly) via the MSM, re: her Teflon “moderate” image.
However, joementum pulls absolutely no weight (with even the Dem party) here in ME; and the MRP’s base perceives Suzie-Q as “too librul.”
Collins & Snowe are co-chairs for “Magoo’s” MRP fundraising cabal; but I don’t perceive that he’ll endure much longer…for many reasons.
Fortunately, our U.S. Senate races don’t cost kajillions to win, as they do in most larger states.
The other drawback is that few Maine Dem party’s base activists blog…it’s akin to herding feral cats (send ’em over, if they stop in here, pls.)!
They’ll email each other, read an e-newsletter, but for the most part–call each other via phone (which is a tad archaic)–blogs are two-way; and that’s a threat to status quo…will see how TMB pans out over the next eight months w/the ‘powers that be’ (or so they’d like to think)!
My county Chair refuses to reciprocate a link, or to email blast county members of our existence (he doesn’t care for me/vice versa from my perspective, too), so that may factor into the equation.
…so we encounter “I-Mess” systemic sexism in that regard, i.e., refusal to disseminate info via county committee officers, too (he can’t take credit for it, is another factor–too many inflated misogynistic egos in the ME Dem party, IMMHO).
It took months for the MDP to reciprocate a piddly link (not at all prominent, is it?) to us on their pathetic portal, for instance–we certainly haven’t been introduced, or profiled as yet!
We need blogging assistance from folks who live in Maine–as you’re all well aware, this blogging stuff isn’t a paid gig (those of us who do blog have to work a ‘real job’).
Pls. send ’em over, if they stop in here…I’ll put ’em to work!
Thanks, all~
Dirigo PAC
“Dirigo” means “I lead”. It’s our state motto.
Ironical, eh?
Fmr. Sen. Margaret Chase Smith is someone whom Snowe & Collins repeatedly invoke (for her presumably ‘moderate’ Rockefeller Republican voice; and for standing up to Joe McCarthy).
She must be doing somersaults in her grave…I don’t detect any “Declaration of Conscience” as emanating from Collins, or from Snowe.
Chiseling that Teflon away will be a challenge, but let’s hope that Tom is up to the challenge…he needs to strenously debunk Suzie-Q’s voting record (esp. pertaining to Iraq, monies not filtering back to Maine from D.C.; as well as erosion of civil liberties issues); but not appear to be a male bully (negative campaining doesn’t play well here).
The majority of Mainiac voters are unenrolled, BTW.
I’m not surprised OR disappointed. Every reelected GOP senator is one more chance for Lieberman to hold onto his swing vote and his undeserved importance. Lieberman has never, ever, been about anything but Lieberman. Why would that change now?