Message to the Gang of 500.
People hate George W. Bush more than any politician in a generation, and NO…Hillary is neither inevitable nor our strongest head-to-head candidate.
While the poll has some high marks for Clinton, it’s not all good news. Though the New York senator and former first lady aims to project an aura of inevitability that she will win the Democratic nomination, Obama beats the leading Republicans by larger margins than any other Democrat: besting Giuliani 50 to 43 percent, among registered voters; beating McCain 52 to 39 percent, and defeating Romney 58 percent to 29 percent.
Like Obama, Edwards defeats the Republicans by larger margins than Clinton does: the former Democratic vice-presidential nominee outdistances Giuliani by six points, McCain by 10 and Romney by 37, the largest lead in any of the head-to-head matchups. Meanwhile, Sen. Clinton wins 49 percent to 46 percent against Giuliani, well within the poll’s margin of error; 50 to 44 against McCain; and 57 to 35 against Romney.
Learn it. Internalize it. Don’t repeat contrary and misleading talking points.
Hillary’s response: Aaack!
Couldn’t resist…narf!
Hate is an inappropriate term, imo…people are beginning to see thru the curtain that he is nothing, if not a cowardly cretin:
that 62% is going to lead to the one thing this country needs, among many, but of the highest order in terms of facilitating a change: IMPEACHMENT.
Butch, Shooter, Abu, Condi,….it’s a very long list and the country would be well served if a SCOTUS justice, or two, were on it as well.
in more blatant terms….get the bastards the hell out of here…now! and while you’re at, why don’t we restore the rights that have been lost due to the malfeasance of the administration and congress the past six years…then we’ll talk about health care, environmentalism, the MI complex, fair access doctrines and the ownership of the media, and public funding of elections….plus a lot more…there’s no shortage of problems to be solved.
and just so they don’t get too complacent, my man, AG….that’s Al Gore, not to be confused w/ Arthur G….
yep….we are indeed born into interesting times.
unfortunately, the gang of 500 has their collective heads so far up BushCo’s™ ass, they can watch them floss…so don’t expect any enlightenment on their part.
The MSM is what INFECTS trhe electorate with viral talking points. It is solidly in place behind Ms. Clinton as Prez, Obama as Vice Prez.
I’m sorry…I mean Ms. Clinton as the elder statesman/Batwoman who can guide us out of this morass af assholedom and Mr. Obama as her Robin.
And as good copy too.
Sells magazines, newspapers and TV shows.
Bet on it.
NO ONE buys anything because Edwards is on the menu. Except maybe John Ritter fans.
And hairdressers/overpriced barbers.
I am sorry, Booman.
In the immortal words of the great jazz musician trummy Young, “‘Tain’t Whatcha Do, Hit’s The Way ‘Atcha Do It.”
Edwards doesn’t know how to do it.
The media fix is already in.
Can’t you hear the whistle blowing?
Bet on it.
And the sheeple keep marching along.
Clomp clomp clomp.
Bet on that, too.
As I have been saying all along, short of an absolutely catastrophic mistake on either of their parts, it’s Hillary/Obama in ’08.
And if BOTH of them fuck up…then it’s Gore flopping in to pick up the pieces.
NOT Edwards.
Al Gore.
Who cannot even control his own appetites while he lectures the rest of ther world on environmental issues.
You had better WISH for Hillary, because this dude will fuck up again.
Tigthen your belts?
Global warming?
They say it’s methane from cattle farts that is a main cause?
How about THIS steer?
The poster boy for “Do as I say, not as I do.”
Hillary/Obama in ’08.
It’s what’s for dinner.
Edwards as Secretary of…Secretary of the Interior. ANYWHERE just so’s he can manage to get lost with his haircut, work shirts and pale, soft lawyers’ hands.
Gore as Secretary of Empty Overblown Celebrity.
Hillary will be her own CheneyRove, and Bill + Obama will be the front men.
The fix is already in.
Who cannot even control his own appetites while he lectures the rest of ther world on environmental issues.
Way to work the stereotypes.
Nice job.
I’m too pissed to respond adequately, but I could not let that go without comment.
The “stereotypes” is what SELLS POLITICIANS.
It is the meat and potatoes of modern American political sales.
Just like all OTHER sales techniques.
Can you not see that?
I personally do not care if Al Gore is fat as a hog. but if it is to be Mr. Gore who lectures the world on conservation then he should have the perception to recognize the need to LOOK the part and the self-discipline to do so as well.
The fact that he is most obviously lacking one of both of these characteristics labels him a loser in my eyes. A loser in the Presidential sweepstakes. I think that he and Edwards are the only two major Dems who could POSSIBLY lose to the Ratpubs this time around. And maybe Small K kerry as well, but it appears that even the eyes wide shut wing of the DemocRat party have had enough of HIS bullshit.
Sorry if I offended you.
But talentless pols in positions of potential power to fuck up offend ME.
We all risk possible MORTAL offense if the Rats win again.
As in KABOOM!!!
Bet on it.
I’ll be sure not to get into a position where I am trying to speak out publicly as part of an effort to make the world a better place until my appearance is beyond reproach. Because, otherwise, it would be totally appropriate to speculate rudely based on trivial perceptions.
Really, though. I have purposely avoided situations where I might be on camera because the camera does not “love me”. It’s a wonderful way of silencing people.
You’ve got an extreme blogging personality–I get that. But you’re not just insulting Al Gore when you say what you do. You’re endorsing the view that people gain weight because they can’t control their “appetites” and thus endorsing the standard attacks on all people who struggle with their weight. And people do struggle.
But yeah, go ahead and smear a segment of the population to make your point if that’s your “style”. Enjoy.
Once again…i am speaking of a professional politician.
Like professional actors, media people and athletes…if they cannot keep their appearance and/or their body weight under control, then they simply have to find another profession.
No smear.
Just reality.
That’s the way it is working here.
Sorry if I offended you.
The situation offends me, too. But I have no idea of how to stop it.
Tell it to Nadler.
Not to mention the seriously low blow about Haircuts. Way to play into the republican meme, dude. Ugh.
What the fuck do you people want?
A candidate that wil;l in some mythic way appeal to the everyday people of the United States. If so, then that candidate MUST have the personal perception to understand how he or she can do so. And Edwards’ attempt at looking like a so-called “working man” when he announced his candidacy
was so pitifully inadequate that he fell off my list of possibles right there.
Do you see the way those kids are looking at him?
They see right through him, every one of them. Just another rich white dude trying to dress down.
National US politics is ALL about image.
And this guy does not have a CLUE.
john ritter was a brilliant comedian, who never got his due.
sure, his show was shallow, but his physical comedy and timing (as exemplared by his further appearances in features, as well as the “based on the clintons” sit com “hearts on fire”) showed him to be a master of getting laughs in a realistic fashion.
plus i’d challenge you to name a peer of ritter’s who was as adept at physical comedy.
arthur, i’m an admirer of your work, but you are way off on this one, bubi.
i would attempt to revivify Ford.
Does NO ONE hear what i am trying to say here?
I have nothing against Ritter.
In fact, I LOVED his father’s singing. (Tex Ritter. Didja know that?)
I am speaking of the current situation as far as national politics is concerned.
It is ALL about image.
Is that a good thing?
Of course not.
But besides a successful national NEWSTRIKE!!! idea that I cannot even manage to get started on the lefty blogs, let alone in the mainstream…that’s the way it is going to be.
So it goes.
Those with the talent to manipulate their image are the ones who will win.
Edwards’ image SUCKS.
The Rats will pick him apart.
Did you read this part in the diary:
Sounds like there are plenty of folks who don’t think his “image sucks.”
If you disagree with Edwards, I think it would be great to hear more about that. But if your focus is all about “image” – you sound like just another kossack to me.
I repeat:
I do not think that those numbers will hold up if the media does not want them to do so. Besides…I trust no polls. They are ALL skewed.
I do however trust my own vision of what is going on. I walk through all levels of this society in all areas of the country on a regular basis. During this 30 day period alone I will have been in Cleveland, NYC, Boston, Worcester MA, LA, Chicago, suburban black Baltimore and State College PA, By car, bus, subway, train and air. In private schools and ghetto night clubs, major centers of so-called “culture” and redneck bars, and every goddamned place in between, pretty near. I hear the conversations and I see what people are watching and reading, and I am here to trell you that Edwards is unsellable. So is Gore. The clompers will laugh them out of the room. They will elect Giuliani or McCain instead.
But Clinton and Obama ARE sellable.
The media makes candidates. It UNmakes candidates as well. And it knows where the power realy lays just as well as a plant knows where to go to get some sunlight. The media is powertropic.
I base my opinions on the evidence of the coverage so far plus my own take on what is ‘sellable” and what is not…NOT on anyone’s< so-called positions, because they are all professional dissemblers and one position one moment can easily be changed to another the next if they have any chops whatsoever. Witness Hillary Clinton’s ongoing morph into an anti-war candidate for more on that, if your previous lifetime of observation has not yet convinced you of the truth of what I am saying.
Plenty of folks who don’t think Edwards’ image sucks?
In what demographic?
Who was polled?
Construction workers?
Out of work West Virginia miners?
The residents of ghost towns like Camden, NJ and Bethlehem, PA?
Or the usual middle class suburban white suspects.
“Disagree” with Edwards?
I do not believe ANY of these motherfuckers.
How can you ‘disagree” with a poll-driven mediocrity?
Noit since Howard Dean has there been a serious presidential candidate who I “believe”. And look what happened to him.
I disagree with their political talent.
Nothing else.
Because that is all that is truly VISIBLE.
i do not think that they have the personal wherewithal to win.
On the evidence of what I see from them and their campaigns, how the media is treating them, and how people…regular, walking around people, not political junkies… are reacting to them.
Simple enough.
If I am wrong…sue me.
I will bet money that I am right, though.
A Clinton/Obama Dem ticket in ’08, winning in a fair sized landslide against ANY currently conceivable Ratpub ticket.
With about a 10% chance of the unforeseen happening.
That’s how I see it.
Gilroyian, if anything.
So it goes.
You know Arthur, in the end, you might be proven right. But right now we are in the beginning of the primary season – the place where there just might be some hope for reclaiming the soul of the Democratic Party. And, contrary to your opinion, I think that if Hillary wins the nomination, we will have lost it yet again and the results are likely to be similar to how it all went for Kerry, when the Washington establishment crowd picked our candidate for us because he was “electable.” My fear of that is two-pronged:
I’m not saying that Obama and Edwards are anything to write home about. But I do think that either one of them give us a fighting chance at a modicum of democracy. And, at least during the primary season, I’m going to do what I can to work for an alternative.
I don’t like Edwards. I don’t trust him. He is like a used car salesman. Something very sneaky and not real about the man.
False notes in every gesture.
duh. tell me something the world doesn’t know.
john ritter guest starred on the mary tyler moore show before 3’s company, and the cosby show after, and was married to the goofy redhead chick from “wings.” they were happily married and raising a family when he died, struck down on the set of “8 simple rules for datingn my teenage daughter.”
his wife, amy yasbeck, actually blames the hospital he was taken to for not saving him, and is contemplating a wrongful death lawsuit.
he was also the voice of clifford the big red dog. when i went to place a candle on his hollywood walk of fame star, (the same day i placed a candle on johnny cash’s star, as they both died the same week), i saw a little boy not much older than 6 placing a picture of clifford the big red dog on john’s star.
john ritter was a brilliant comedian whose work reach generations. he was always working, and was reputed to be one of the nicest people in this business of heartless sharks and shallow egos.
you should be more careful with your metaphors if you want people to pay attention to your arguments.
John Ritter was a brilliant comedian who died way before his time.
This whole bs about appearance and haircuts is just so ridiculous. I bet Bushie-Boy pays even more for his makeup and hair. What a stupid argument.
It is American politics today.
A media-driven American Idol show.
Do you bemoan this fact?
I do.
But there it is.
Live with it or leave.
No other current choices, except PERHAPS…if we are really lucky…electing someone who has some semblance of substance PLUS a good grasp of the game as it is now played.
My guess is that Clinton and Obama are the only two candidates who fit that bill.
Sorry…there it is.
I would have liked to see Feingold or Dean run. But for their own reasons…they did not.
So it goes.
if you expect an issue-driven campaign, you are living in Fantasyland.
When it gets down to brass tacks, it will be talking heads.
The most telegenic talking heads will win.
Obama is never going to be vp to batwoman. for one, Hillary is not going to get the nomination and for another, you don’t run for second place, like Obama says.
They are forcing something that turns everyone’s stomach.
I support Obama but, would loose all respect for him if he picked Hillary for anything.
You write:
“…you don’t run for second place, like Obama says.”
You run for POWER.
If he loses the nomination…and of course he is going for all the m,arbles…but if he loses, his fallback position will be a resounding “YES!!!” to an offer of VP.
Bet on it.
He is a talented professional politician.
You BET he “respects” Hillary Clinton.
She is and has been a winner in his chosen league.
YOUR respect?
A drop gone from his rapidly expanding bucket.
You people are ALL living ina fantasyland if you think that this realpolitik power struggle is about gaining yopur respect.
YOUR respect counts for as much as any other voter’s respect. No more, no less. The left blogoshpere simply doesn’t have the numbers. There were 122,293,332 votes cast in the 2004 Presidential election. Do you think that there are even one million people active on the left blogosphere? I doubt it. Do all the sites COMBINED get 1 million hits per day, not even factoring in repeaters? Naaaaahhhh….
It’s about the numbers, vwcat.
It is all about the numbers.
Wake up.
I really encourage you to make copies of this and mail it, email it or whatever several times to the major news outlets. and, if need be, have us all sign it so they know it’s not just one person’s opinion.
I am sooooooooo sick of them shoving Hillary down my throat as our candidate, telling us how much we love her and all the while jabbering gop talking points.
I sent a nast email to msnbc when they repeated for the millionth time that Hillary won the debate. No. The clueless pundits said that. The American People picked someone else. Obama won the polls overwhelmingly. hands down. But, they refused to discuss it and kept parroting their made up crap about Hillary.
When the hell are they going to understand and accept the inevitiable fact that she is not inevitable. She is falling in the polls so they won’t talk about the polls now.
I even asked them if the Clintons owned the network.
Yeah, when monkeys fly out my butt.