There is nothing quite like watching the Wall Street Journal editorial page tell the anti-choice base of the Republican Party to shut the fuck up.

As for the politics of 2008, the last thing the GOP needs is another intramural abortion brawl. As a resurgent Democratic Party advances all manner of misguided proposals for the economy, taxes, national security, health care, energy and the environment, voters need Republicans to revive their own reform agenda. An abortion fight will make the party seem irrelevant to the main voter concerns, or captive to its litmus test interests.

Mr. Giuliani has his strengths and weaknesses, but he shouldn’t be disqualified for the nomination because of his views on a single issue that a President can’t do much to change other than through the courts. The only victor in a drawn-out GOP abortion donnybrook will be the Democrat who winds up in the White House.

The anti-choicers form the backbone of the Wall Street governing majority, but they never meant shit to Yankee Republican investment bankers, except as a means to an end. Cry me a river. The bankers have a wingnut problem. Boo hoo.