Is anyone else suffering from outrage fatigue?
James Comey testified today about a visit that Alberto Gonzales and Andrew Card made to John Ashcroft in the hospital. Ashcroft was recovering from surgery and Comey was Acting Attorney General. Card and Gonzales wanted the Justice Dept. to sign off on warrantless wiretaps. According to Comey, Ashcroft told them to go screw themselves. I’ve heard this story before, but this is the first time I’ve heard it from an eyewitness.
Comey said he was angry at what he perceived to be an attempt to take advantage of a man on his sickbed.
Will anyone care? Haven’t we heard much worse without any consequences? Who knows what will finally move Republicans to say ‘No More’?
Too bad Falwell’s dying may obscure the full magnitude of this latest piece of the puzzle.
I loathe Alberto Gonzales more than ever. Latinos should hang him in effigy.
No time soon, it is the source of tremendous relative power for Congression Republicans. Once they go against their President, they can’t use their prospective defection as leverage. Then what to they have?
so- if we are fatigued then I guess that there isn’t enough energy left to go a little nuts regarding the DEm support appearing with respect to the import deal that is being kept pretty secrete. Yup- DEM S joining with the goopers to support passage of a bill that just gives the international corporation scum, everything that they wanted including telling labor to just go fuck yourselves!
Yeah, I’ll support the dems this time around. Right!
I rolled over when Condi Rice blew off her supeona, and furthermore when the DNC’s cease and desist order was also blown off.
The Rule of Law is now quaint and optional, apparently so to the people who run the country. I fear the Democrats are drooling at the prospect at getting in the driver’s seat.
y outrage fatigue is about this war we are in and can’t get out of. Can you imagine how you would feel if you had to play soldier in Iraq??!! I think that by now, I would be absolutely berserk! I would be wanting to come home so very badly! I am so tired of the death and the dying and the maiming. I am also tired of all the rest, as well. I want to see some accountability for a change, instead of passing of the buck. I want to see this administrations on the chopping block and have to answer for all the abuse they have cause not only America, but the world as a whole.
I’d be interested to know who they wiretapped in those few weeks after March 10th 2004. . . . the timing is curious. . from wikipedia:
“On March 11 (2004), after meetings with Democratic superdelegates in Washington, D.C., and former primary election opponents, Kerry accumulated the 2,162 delegates required to clinch the nomination. The DNC’s website acknowledged him as the party’s nominee at that time, almost three months prior to the Convention.”