Depleted Uranium Contaminating Hawaii
I posted the following on 5-14-07:
Depleted Uranium – Lung Cancer
I subscribed to a News Catch site some 4 to 6 months ago to see one: if it would give me any information on Depleted Uranium as to any articles popping up, and two: if it really worked as described.
Well for about the first couple of months I was getting report E’s that were stating nothing was being reported, than those stopped, and I had forgotten about it.
Than this morning, before heading to work, I received the following:
Depleted uranium may post health hazard
Mon, May 7, 2007 07:00:00 PM CDT
A U.S. study suggests exposure to particles of depleted uranium might increase the risk …damage and lung cancer. Depleted uranium is the material remaining …twice that of lead, depleted uranium is ideal for use …Southern Maine have discovered depleted uranium dust produced in combat …tested the effects of depleted uranium dust …Bingo!!
So I visited the link, than took a few of the important words and phrases and found the following:
Particulate Depleted Uranium Is Cytotoxic and Clastogenic to
Human Lung CellsAbstract:
Depleted uranium (DU) is commonly used in military armor and munitions, and thus, exposure of soldiers and non-combatants is potentially frequent and widespread. DU is considered a suspected human carcinogen, affecting the bronchial cells of the lung. However, few investigations have studied DU in human bronchial cells. Accordingly, we determined the cytotoxicity and clastogenicity of both particulate (water-insoluble) and soluble DU in human bronchial fibroblasts (WTHBF-6 cells). We used uranium trioxide (UO3) and uranyl acetate (UA) as prototypical particulate and soluble DU salts, respectively. After a 24 h exposure, both UO3 and UA induced concentration-dependent cytotoxicity in WTHBF-6 cells. Specifically, 0.1, 0.5, 1, and 5 g/cm2 UO3 induced 99, 57, 32, and 1% relative survival, respectively. Similarly, 100, 200, 400, and 800 M UA induced 98, 92, 70, and 56% relative survival, respectively. When treated with chronic exposure, up to 72 h, of either UO3 or UA, there was an increased degree of cytotoxicity. We assessed the clastogenicity of these compounds and found that at concentrations of 0, 0.5, 1, and 5 g/cm2 UO3, 5, 6, 10, and 15% of metaphase cells exhibit some form of chromosome damage. UA did not induce chromosome damage above background levels. There were slight increases in chromosome damage induced when we extended the UO3 treatment time to 48 or 72 h, but no meaningful increase in chromosome damage was observed with chronic exposure to UA.
Now, I’m not a scientist and it’s been a looooong time since any high school chemistry classes, so I’ll leave this up to those who get the lingo.
But the way I’m reading it, what was suspected, and seen in some pictures of the Iraqi people, this report/study may have punched a hole in the dam of information needed on what DU is really doing and our widespread use of!
Page One on a Google Search – Depleted Uranium
Depleted Uranium Weapons can Cause Lung Cancer
MedIndia, India – May 15, 2007
Researchers at University of Southern Maine in Portland have revealed that Depleted Uranium (DU) weapons may cause cancer, though so far the US government …
Depleted uranium weapons linked to lung cancer
Health Sentinel – May 15, 2007
Governments deny it, but many people have long suspected that depleted uranium weapons may cause cancer. It looks as if the suspicions were right. …
Critics want to watch Army for depleted uranium
KPUA, HI – May 15, 2007
HONOLULU (AP) _ The Army claims its Stryker armored vehicles have never fired depleted uranium rounds in Hawaii. But critics are pushing for monitoring to …
Depleted Uranium weapons can cause lung cancer, Italy – May 15, 2007
London, May 15: Researchers at University of Southern Maine in Portland have revealed that Depleted Uranium (DU) weapons may cause cancer, though so far the …
Doubts remain about depleted uranium
Honolulu Advertiser, HI – May 14, 2007
The Army says its Stryker armored vehicles have never fired depleted uranium rounds in Hawai’i, and there is no intent for them to ever do so. …
Exposure To Depleted Uranium From Military Action May Pose Health …
Medical News Today (press release), UK – May 12, 2007
Exposure to particles of depleted uranium (DU), the source of growing international concern as a potential health hazard, may increase the risk of genetic …
Depleted uranium a Cold War leftover
Honolulu Advertiser, HI – May 11, 2007
Depleted uranium that was left behind in Hawai’i in the 1960s came from a recoilless rifle capable of firing a 76-pound nuclear bomb, the Pentagon confirmed …
Worldwide Faith News (press release), NY – May 11, 2007
The event is part of a CPT campaign that includes leaders from the Church of the Brethren, beginning work to end the use of depleted uranium weapons. …
Collateral Risk: DU research gap could impact Vermont troops
Vermont Guardian, VT – May 16, 2007
Louisiana last week became the first state to require returning troops to be tested for exposure to depleted uranium. And, like both the Louisiana House and …
Exposure To Depleted Uranium From Military Action May Pose Health …
Science Daily (press release) – May 9, 2007
Science Daily — Exposure to particles of depleted uranium (DU), the source of growing international concern as a potential health hazard, may increase the …
Is the Dam, on information about our Nuking others, once again, been finally Destroyed? If so than why haven’t we seen these reports, especially the news report out of Hawaii, all over the MSM!
We’ve now been using ordinance containing Depleted Uranium for a number of years, and an overwelming amount in the theaters of Afganistan and Iraq. Especially in the larger ordinance called ‘Bunker Busters’, which keeps playing in my mind that these are also causing Faults within the Earth to Unnaturally Move causing the Devestating Earth Quakes we’ve seen these last few years.
We are not only Contaminating huge regions of the World but disregarding any Contamination on our own Citizens, and for what Power{?} and Greed{?}! Certainly not to Bring The Spread Of ‘Freedom’ and ‘Democracy’ to others, unless we consider their Suffering and Deaths to finally bring on their ‘Freedom’, forget ‘Democracy’ we’re watching the failure of that Ideology!
If you live anywhere near, and it doesn’t need to be very near, a Military Firing Practice Range, fires are relatively minor, be Worried, Very Worried, Especially for the Children. For we are giving our own the same lives that we have now givin to Hundreds of Thousands in other regions of the World!
Think they’ll ‘Thank Us’, and throw flowers to us, for what we have done?
When will they ever learn …?
How does one relate the significance of this to the Paris Hilton crowd?
Haven’t a clue, to damn old, and frankly Paris Really ain’t that hot.
Since you’re having so much fun with this under reported bagatelle, has a whole section of DU resources that have been up for months. I started looking around a year or so ago and that was the best that came up.