I know that we are all real giddy about the ever dropping approval ratings for Bush (now under 30% again and in danger of falling further), the what must be close to single digit approval ratings for Cheney, the outrage at McCain for his support of the immigration bill, the wide disparity in the desire to see a Democrat elected in 2008 and even the relative uptick in approval of the Congressional Democrats. But if you look deeper into this, there is much work still to be done in order to translate the current situation into electoral victory, or even better – electoral landslide.
Bush isn’t running again. Neither is Cheney. Gonzales and many of the other criminal minds associated with this administration won’t be around in 2009. We can only hope that McCain somehow gets the nomination. Investigations are turning up things that we not only could never have imagined possible a few short years ago, but are looking real damning for republicans – especially those associated with the current administration. Freepers and wingnuts are losing their patience. We have read stories about lifetime republicans becoming Democrats or indicating that they won’t vote for republicans in 2008. Even the offspring of prominent republican Presidents (Eisenhower, Teddy Roosevelt) are thinking of fleeing the party. Conservatives like William F. Buckley are openly talking about the “downfall of the republican party”.
But folks, none of this matters if they don’t actually translate into Democratic votes, and these same people are going to push the “R” button in November, 2008. This is a BIG first step, but we need to convert some of these to Democratic Party votes, as well as make sure that others sit 2008 out altogether.
So, where am I going here? Well, we probably aren’t going to get the vast majority of the pissed off Freepers and wingnuts to suddenly vote Democrat. Hell, our own EnderRS gave some excellent insight into what he (and likely many others who are disaffected by the current republican party) are thinking and what it would take for them to vote Democratic. Of course, some of these ideals are not ideals of the Democratic Party, but some of them are. The key is for Democrats to recognize the overlap, and play to this.
And there are many issues where Democrats, Libertarians and even some Conservatives have overlap – I’ll go into a few below, not in any particular order of importance. But if the Democrats don’t recognize this tremendous opportunity to win over voters (and once you win over voters, you generally have to do something to lose them down the road), then they will have squandered a once-in-a-generation opportunity.
Stamping out corruption. They are off to a good start with all of the investigations, and I am all for more and more investigations. There are corruption issues that go all the way through the republican party. Some of these investigations are getting close to a point where major, MAJOR things can be uncovered which will not just touch on this administration. Things like gaming the election system from the inside. Things like going above the DOJ with respect to a wiretapping program that no doubt had some level of sinister motives – whether it was spying on Democrats, or data mining for election targeting or something else. This goes very deep – it is not just limited to members of the Bush administration, and there needs to be consequences from these investigations. Investigations without anything coming of them will only be looked upon as partisan witch hunts.
Beware the coming lies about taxes
Americans hate taxes, yet many know that they have to be paid – and know that there have been some serious skewing of the tax cuts. But they don’t know enough, and with the budget fight coming up, a chorus of “largest tax increase in history” is already starting. Now, this is truly a lie but it could take hold if not combated immediately. There is a HUGE opportunity to make this into a major Democratic win if done quickly and done right. Most Americans own a home and work – I would guess that the expiring capital gains tax cuts (in 2010, not 2008, mind you) and the readjustment of the estate tax to the levels in the prior Bush and republican passed tax cuts would STILL result in 1%, or even less of the population being caught here.
Permanently ending this tax would cost over $1 trillion over the first 10 years. Yet, how many families are getting hit by the AMT? How many of those families just own a home and work, without many of the items that the AMT was supposed to hit? Americans want a fair tax policy. America NEEDS a change in tax policy. Democrats need to get out in front here. If not, then they will be painted (fair or not) as “tax raisers”. The smartest thing would be to indicate (as thereisnospoon said) that they are holding Bush to his promise on the TEMPORARY tax cuts for the top 5% of the population. The smartest thing would be to take the money from these expiring tax cuts and make a radical overhaul to the AMT so that the middle class doesn’t get squeezed further.
And if you need a slogan – how about “Democrats: Reducing taxes on the middle class”. Simple. And effective.
Do something about energy/oil dependency
Last year, people had to pawn their possessions just to pay for gas. People know that the Iraq occupation isn’t getting us cheaper gas. People don’t want to see $3 per gallon, let alone $4. People want some real initiatives on energy independence. There are many ideas out there – hell, Governor Richardson endorsed our own Jerome a Paris’ Energize America plan. By investing in alternative energy sources, Americans will know that Democrats are looking out for their best interest.
Get serious about national security
The energy independence ties into this nicely. But, getting out of Iraq smartly is only part of the equation. The “Fort Dix Six” (even if they were bumbling idiots) is a perfect example of how to deal with terrorism. There is an abundance of it here – school shootings, bombing of abortion clinics, tainted food supply, ports, power plants, railways and many other areas.
I don’t mean a chest thumping “all options are on the table with Iran” way either. Get serious. Get our National Guard home so they can deal with disasters like what happened in Kansas. Or the Gulf Coast. Or anywhere else that they are trained or equipped for. Increase the size of the military so it isn’t broken. Better equipment and armor (since the equipment is being destroyed in Iraq). This is a no brainer, yet Democrats have yet to really separate themselves from republicans on national security issues.
Stuff that people care about
The environment. Improving the education system. Affordable healthcare. The price of food. Better wages. A feeling that they can actually leave the country a better place for their children. Strengthening the Social Security and Medicare system. A reason to think that things are going to get better, not worse. The thought that our rights are not going to continue to be eroded. Breakthroughs in medicine – stem cell research, for example. Jobs not being outsourced. And fair elections.
It doesn’t matter if Bush vetoes these bills. It doesn’t matter if the republicans block these bills. Spread the word as to what is being done – both by Democrats and by republicans. OpEd articles. Press conferences. Any means necessary.
Getting us out of Iraq is of paramount importance. But there are many things wrong with this country as a result of the past six years of neglect. And those who committed illegal acts should be investigated and punished. And the Democrats were elected to “walk and chew gum at the same time”. We know it can be done – but in order to get even 10% of the “fence sitters” walking, chewing gum and telling the country loud and clear just how well you are walking and chewing gum. Don’t let the republicans hoodwink America yet again. Stay on the offensive. But we need all of the votes we can. And those who are on the fence are likely not going to switch unless they have a real reason to.
Give them that reason. Don’t let this tremendous opportunity pass.
also in orange
do you trust Bush to oversee a competent withdrawal from Iraq?
no. And that is a huge problem.
If I were a betting man, I would think that there will be some announcement of withdrawal in mid 2008, taking this off the table as an issue for the election. Then the withdrawal starts either at the end of Bush’s term or during the next president’s term.
Which could be bad, worse, or horrific.
Let’s hope for “bad”.
If by “we” you are referring to the Democratic Party you won’t get the votes. The Dems is ded! Stone cold ded. Unless they rapidly grow a pair, the won’t see the votes that they should be getting without much energy but it just won’t happen.