Because it is a slow news day and because I was reminded of it by the Daily Howler, I thought I’d revisit a Maureen Dowd column from January 15th, 2004. It always pays to remember who is pretending to write for the left.
The doctors Dean seem to be in need of some tips on togetherness and building a healthy political marriage, if that’s not an oxymoron.
Even by the transcendentally wacky standard for political unions set by Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Deans have an unusual relationship.
She is a ghost in his political career. She has never even been to Iowa, and most reporters who have covered Howard Dean’s quest here the last two years would not recognize her if she walked in the door, which she is not likely to do, since she prefers examining patients to being cross-examined by voters and reporters.
The first hard evidence most people had that Howard Dean was actually married came with a startling picture of his wife on the front page of Tuesday’s Times, accompanying a Jodi Wilgoren profile.
In worn jeans and old sneakers, the shy and retiring Dr. Judith Steinberg Dean looked like a crunchy Vermont hippie, blithely uncoiffed, unadorned, unstyled and unconcerned about not being at her husband’s side—the anti-Laura. You could easily imagine the din of Rush Limbaugh and Co. demonizing her as a counterculture fem-lib role model for the blue states.
Your liberal media at work.
Who’s your favorite wolf in sheep’s clothing? Besides Alan Colmes, of course.
My personal bete noir is the loathsome, simpering, unctuous, mustachioed mushroom Richard Cohen. The man’s writing is awful, a stinking miasma of mixed metaphors, bad similes, a swamp of utterly trite conventional wisdom. It hurts just to think about it.
I have no idea what his voice sounds like, but in my imagination it’s like Paul Lind, but shriller and more nasal.
Broder annoys me more. Hiatt infuriates me. Klein is a total buffoon. The New Republic makes me insane. Cohen? He’s just pathetic.
for me it’s the sheer whininess of Cohen that drives me so nuts. The rest of them are also infuriating (I’d love to use Fred Hiatt’s neck as my personal pissoir), but there is something about Cohen that make me want to punch him in the face.
Not a slow news day at all.
Maureen Dowd makes me want to cuss like Cheney.