The U.S. subsidized Iraq media outlet, al-Hurra, has recently [unbeknownst to its unilingual American overseers] broadcast Arabic dubbed versions of Birth of a Nation and Triumph of the Will, as well as a 68 minute show of a Muslim Imam reciting the book Mein Kampf.
You think I’m joking? Okay, I’m joking. But just barely.
To understand how this happened, see the Iraq Media Timeline.
no one home in the WH either:
these clowns really are ham-handed oafs.
They say Bush’s pet name for Gonzales is “Fredo.”
enjoy…was just a matter of time untill this trailer got made.
powerful. And on the money.
Triumph of the Will is a great work of art.
I could never understand why Sergei Eisenstein’s crass propaganda tends to be received with great admiration by liberals, while Riefenstahl’s artistically far superior work to be condemned.
I would argue that a country’s citizenry being familiar with Triumph of the Will is conducive to having a healthy political culture. When I heard Bush’s address to the joint session of Congress after the 9/11 attacks, it reminded me of nothing so much as Hitler’s speech at the Nuremberg Rally as shown in that film. Yet most Americans who had not seen this film apparently felt that Bush’s speech roused Americans from a sense of defeat.
I studied Triumph of the Will in college film class.
As filmmaking it is quite interesting.
What a fantastic song. Thanks for that! I never heard it, since I don’t know Leonard Cohen’s music at all. The most I have been exposed to it is his songs that were used in Natural Born Killers. I am going to have to get into him!
This song works perfectly for the theme of that video, and is better than any anti-Bush songs that have come out, I’d say. That’s probably because it’s theme is that our problems run deeper than just the Bush administration, as today’s front-page diaries make clear.
This live version at YouTube is also worth checking out, by the way.
leonard cohen is in my top 10
i listen when i am depressed
this song was in the movie Exotica in the stripper scene…the movie was kind of dry but that scene is haunting because of the song.