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what do you think has been the greatest invention?
what do you think has been the greatest invention?
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My answer to the question: The Bean Spoon. I really need to figure out a way to get rich in a creative way.
Hay Manny, and lurkers. The chip clip.
hi b2 – good one, definitely a handy tool. Of course, I end up eating most of the bag in the first sitting anyways. 😉
Hi Manny, everyone…well I hadn’t really thought about it but since you mentioned cheesecake(goes without saying it has to be chocolate..except I just did say it)I now have visions of cheesecakes dancing in my head.
hi ink – ¡Buen Provecho!
oh my god that looks good! almost good enough to eat the picture..
Mmmm. Too bad I’ve already eaten.
is chocolate better than beer? tough choice. more data needed.
Hmm, speak for yourself! 😉
But, then, I am an admitted beer enthusiast.
I missed this one on the first read.
You have a great memory…
It’s easy to remember solidarity with fellow Hefe-drinkers. 😉
Taste the Rainbow
Did somebody mention beer?
Yup, esquimaux did!
And we’re on the case now…(pun incidental)
Sorry ask, but I’m just an old man that doesn’t get out much. You lost me on esquimaux and I even looked it up. 🙂
Scratch that. I just saw in comments. Duh.
Thanks Manny!
That is a sight for a thirsty man!
Just finished my first jog in fsm knows how long. Serious dehydration being prevented as I type…
thanks barkeep! that looks great.
I could have mentioned above that there’s no need to choose; beer and chocolate combine well. Unfortunately I’m down to the very last bottle of my chocolate porter 🙁 For you unfortunates who don’t brew your own, Rogue is very good.
oh yeah, I just found this on a homebrewing board. Beer and pizza are of course a great combination – but together in one bottle?
Looks good, but a bit esoteric for me.
I prefer to stick with, or close to the Reinheitsgebot.
(As do Norwegian breweries.)
While unadulterated beer has its virtues, I’m personally fond of the Belgin brews, like Kriek, which adds sour cherries to the brew, or Gran Cru, which is flavored with corriander and orange peel. I’ve brewed both myself and they are divine.
Since the friuts are removed after the initial fermentation, the effect is subtle, and not at all sweet (as you might expect). I’ve also made a raspberry melomel (a honey mead made with fruit) that gives the best champagne a run for its money.
And on that note, it’s time for my breakfast.
A honey mead. Sounds a bit like Ethiopian Tej
I’ve been to tejbeits on several occasions – great drink, but too much means a bad day after.
And I agree, the Belgians have an unequaled variety of good beers.
hi fellow homebrewers!
german methods of course make some great beers, so do belgian or other odd methods.
I have a wit brewing now, with chamomile, coriander and orange peel.
Well, that’s a GOOD kriek, but have you tasted the commercial stuff? The only easily available fruit beers are the Lindemans, and their Kriek is more like cherry soda. I recently bought some of the (much much better) Boon Kriek – $8.99 for a 375ml bottle!!! I’ve never seen a beer that expensive, let alone bought it. And that’s a store price, not a bar. Imported beers and ingredients are all getting more expensive since the dollar is weak.
I’m planning to make some mead, though I may not have the patience or the storage space for stuff that needs to age a year or more. Beer is so much quicker!
“I’m planning to make some mead, though I may not have the patience or the storage space for stuff that needs to age a year or more. Beer is so much quicker!”
Does anyone know of a good commercially available mead – or is there any such? About 8 years ago, a friend brewed up a batch and gave me two 2-liter bottles of it. I savored it and made it last most of a year, but the source is no more {sigh}
yes. this site has a large listing (go to “commercial mead” on the menu).
The only ones I’ve drunk myself are from Mountain Meadows , I really like the “Spice Nectar”.
Thanks! I’ll check if any of those brands are available locally..
Candy is dandy but liquer is quicker.
A six-pack of run-of-the-mill Australian bottled beer starts at $13, and I don’t even like most of it. When I lived in California, I used to get six-packs of good micro-brews for $7-$8.
So back to homebrewing it is.
Which reminds me, I must get a batch going. I’ve got ingredients for a light nut brown ale, which ferments quickly and matures in a week or two (at the current temps). I might add a little bit of crystal malt to jazz it up and to counter the especially bitter hops that are the australian standard.
Any beer that has the word ‘hedonistic’ as a qualifier is fine by me! Chocolate Stout – mmmmmmm 🙂
Beer and pizza in a bottle – sounds like it would taste the same going down as it would coming back up for an encore.
spooled toilet paper.
Booman I was going to say that, but there are different types. Yikes!
Ouch! That’s about all I can say without crossing too many lines 😉
Probably not a good idea to cross that line. 🙂
Hi Manny,
I’m looking at it in more practical terms, and for me it has to be hands down, air conditioning.
i was talking to a friend yesterday who is visiting from Texas, and he said the room where he was attending a meeting was hot because some little old ladies were there all bundled up in sweaters and kept turning off the a/c – finally he made the announcement, “Is it me or is it hot in here?” When several people agreed with him, he replied, “Oh good, I thought it was just me having my own personal summer in here.”
I’m still laughing.
In practical terms, I’d say it’s a tie. Duct Tape and WD40. If is slips and it shouldn’t, then duct tape; conversely, if it should slip and doesn’t, then WD40.
Just for fun…Cheez Whiz.
hi K – Cheez Whiz is a required resource in Philly, where the natives desecrate their cheesesteaks with it. Never would’ve believed it until I saw it with my own eyes.
spooled tp, eh Boo…..then you really ought have one of these…the super disco Lav Nav toilet seat…indispensable.
if you missed it in the news bucket, the winners of Smithsonian Mag’s 4th Annual Photo Contest have been announced…recommended viewing for aspiring photographers.
Darwin agrees, d
The can opener, which was invented 50 years after the can.
hola hens teeth – I was watching a Food Network special the other day that talked about the pop-top cans of soda and how the tabs revolutionized the market.
Remember the metal key that opened the Spam container? I wonder how many shards of aluminum are still floating around inside my body…
I’d forgotten those. One more story about the olden days I need to tell my kids. (Just yesterday, my daughter was asking what spam was. That’s what I get for trying to feed them healthy food.)
To show the unparalleled power that Spam possesses: it is even used as filler-“meat” in the Xicano culture. In my family we called them pobrecito tacos. Proof once again that if you fry anything and put it into a tortilla, you can choke it down*.
*also applies to other “food” deep fried and dipped in ranch dressing.
Hey Manny – good to see you!
A bit ago I saw a dinner special display that included “pot roast burrito.” 🙂
hola tampopo – good to see you too! As for the burrito, I had one of those last weekend, as a matter of fact. The joys of marrying a creative mind with leftovers. 🙂
I thought it was rather creative too, though I can imagine both burrito and pot roast purists shuddering 😉
I wish NDD was around. Then I could push a lutefisk/chitlin burrito.
That is hilarious – “lutelins?”
BTW, I have shared your “poobrella” idea with others – all thought it was great 😉
I figure a lutelin burrito would be great. At first they couldn’t see what they were eating because it would be wrapped in a burrito. After the first bite, they would be lost. 🙂
The Daily Show: best inventions of the last ten years.
Good Morning! That was disturbing, even without the audio (my speakers are broken at the moment)
It was even more disturbing with the sound.
Well, bookmark that page for when you get them fixed (or replaced).
The audio is priceless.
It hurts – from laughing. That was insane.
I’m torn between lukshen kugel and pastrami, two of the most wonderful means of earning bypass surgery known to humankind.
I’ll take a double order of each please.
with a side of poutine?
I wonder if that will make olivia’s ears ring through the ether…
if we want to talk delicious and unhealthy, I’ll have steak with Bearnaise sauce please. Beats hell out of poutine (though some frites on the side would go nicely).
i think the most potent poison we have around here are Sonoran-style hotdogs – great, now i’m going to have to take a drive across town to indulge.
sounds like a good dog! I think the bacon-wrapped dog is what my mom used to call a “Pig-in-blanket”. But her version definitely didn’t have beans or jalapeno sauce.
I have a ringing in my ear … 😉
How much poutine will you need to eat to keep yourself calm until Monday at 8:00?
… or I might not live long enough to see who wins the Stanley. 😉
I definitely believe it’s possible to completely clog your arteries with poutine in a remarkably short amount of time.
I’m already pushing it w/ the chocolate whipped cream eclairs.
you might do something rash under the influence — like get a haircut. 😉
(and with that parting shot, scoots off to bed)
hmmmm … maybe that’s what I should do … 😉
hi Andi! pastrami on rye is one of my weaknesses. Yum!
Eat hardy. 🙂
Go for the pastrami.
The good thing about having eating habits from growing up in a kosher home is that I’m never tempted to have both at one meal.
Heh. We never did the full kosher thing.
It was strictly kept at my house — we even had four sets of dishes, silverware, and pots/pans (regular milk/meat and passover milk/meat).
Wow. I guess that with 5 kids my mother already had her hands full.
It wasn’t hands that were needed — my mother just put us kids to work — it was cabinet space (people w/o space re-koshered their dishes for passover).
Waitress, and order of Lukshen Kugel and a side of angioplasty, please.
Now I want pecans, damn you.
So what’s wrong with pecans? Or is there a problem getting them way down south?
Nothing is wrong with pecans (love pecans), except the availability. Walnuts will work in a pinch, but even those are imported from California. I try to watch our food miles. Even Luna’s food gets made from mostly local ingredients.
Macadamia nuts are native to Australia, I wonder if they would work?
Don’t see why not — it’s so much the taste of the nuts as the texture they add.
I’ll let you know how it goes. Of course, I’ll have to make the lukshen noodles myself because the closest kosher market is in Melbourne.
Fortunately, I’ve got a pasta maker (natch). Hmmmmm. I guess I could make pasta for dinner tonight – I’ve got eggs and semolina, tomatoes, and basil in the garden. Oooo, and mushrooms.
OK, now I’m hungry and it’s not even lunch time yet.
The noodles are just flat, somewhat wide egg noodles so pretty easy to make but around here there packages noodles that are “german” or “amish” that are pretty much the same thing.
Your dinner plans sound yummy.
I did know that they were essentially wide egg noodles (probably kosher salt is the only difference), but any excuse to make things just that much more complicated. 😉
The pasta dough has to rest for an hour (and by then I should have gotten the rest of the wheat-glue off of my hands). After an hour’s rest the dough gets rolled flat and draped to dry as long sheets (for another hour), and then (finally) it gets cut into noodles. The noodles can be used right away or left to dry some more before storing them in the fridge.
I usually make two meals worth at a time.
and go rest.
Night Andi. I’ll try not to picture you draped over my clothes rack. 😉 But it is an amusing image.
Make way for the Waterbed Womb
Creepy. Very creepy.