I still keep up with various other interests of mine such as poetry. So, with apologies to internet poet Tara Birch (who has gracefully granted me permission to mangle her sonnet about the love between Romeo and Juliet) I offer you the following ode to “Big Time” by his BFF, Dubya:

Bush & Cheney are co-dependents

The darkest stars pierce hard a human heart,
but Big Time Dick, so hard and white, is darker yet.

I’d burn desire out but I cannot.

He is my globe and I his moon. To part
would court catastrophe; grief and regret
would leave our shades behind while bodies rot.

Blood is our curse; blood from Iraq exciting mine.
For him? Iran. They bring us an apocalypse
that we are helpless to deflect. Malign

in purpose and intent, this passion grows
with no limit. And as the sun’s eclipse
portends ill fate, so is this love that flows

between myself and Dick Cheney, a sign.
Dick Cheney is the doom I can’t decline.