So the Democratic Majority in Congress caved to Bush yesterday. We’re clearly all pissed and rightfully so.

However, I’d like to take a step back from this and see how this plays itself out in the media. For this reason, I’ve taken a look at news headlines (and headlines only, not the substance of the reports) of the Bush administration’s unreliable ally on the Iraq war – Germany. I’ve compared this with US headlines.

The result: striking. Follow me below the fold.
Headlines in the German media this morning:

Vereinigte Staaten – Kongress beugt sich Bush (United States – Congress bows to Bush) Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

US-Kongress – Pralle Kriegskasse für Bush (US Congress – Full war chest for Bush) Stern

Bush bekommt seinen Willen (Bush gets his will) Handelsblatt

USA – 120 Milliarden für Bushs Kriegskasse (USA – 120 billion for Bush’s war chest) Focus

Irak-Politik – US-Kongress beugt sich Bush (Iraq policy – US Congress bows to Bush) Spiegel

Bush setzt Milliarden für den Irak-Krieg durch (Bush pushes through billions for Iraq war) Die Welt

Kompromiss zur Finanzierung des Irak-Krieges – Bush gewinnt Machtkampf im Kongress (Compromise on financing the Iraq war – Bush wins power struggle in Congress) Bild

Bushs Veto zwingt Opposition in die Knie (Bush’s veto brings opposition to their knees) taz

US-Demokraten geben Kampf um Rückzug aus dem Irak auf (US Democrats give up fight on withdrawal from Iraq) Der Tagesspiegel

US-Demokraten geben nach – Neuer Irakkriegsetat ohne Abzugsplan (US Democrats give in – New Iraq war budget without withdrawal timeline) Deutsche Welle

10 headlines from German news reports. You probably don’t know the names but these are major German news organizations from across the political spectrum – left to right.

Overall, the assessment is the same: Bush wins, Democrats lose and cave in.

Now, let’s take a look at the headlines of major US news organizations:

Congress Passes War Funds Bill, Ending Impasse New York Times

Congress OKs Iraq funding without timeline Baltimore Sun

House, Senate pass war funding bill CNN

Congress Passes Deadline-Free War Funding Bill Washington Post

Bush predicts bloody summer in Iraq; House OKs funding Boston Globe

Congress passes war funding bill Los Angeles Times

Congress OKs war bill sans timeline Washington Times

Senate Approves Iraq Funding Bill Without Timetable For Withdrawing U.S. Troops Fox News

Congress OKs Iraq funds, benchmarks Chicago Tribune

Congress Votes to Fund the Troops ABC News

Again, 10 news headlines from major news organizations across the political spectrum, this time from the US. Notice the difference to German headlines?

In case you’re still wondering what’s wrong with the American media, here’s the take from a small paper from über neutral Switzerland:

Kapitulation der Demokraten (Capitulation of the Democrats) Der Zürcher Oberländer