A few days ago, I posted a schedule of events being held on June 10-11 in cities across the United States in support of ending Israel’s 40 year occupation of the Palestinian people and their lands.

That the United States will be the site of the largest number of rallies and demonstrations conducted by over 200 activist organizations is a sign that, although media censorship concerning Israel’s colonial activities on the West Bank has been more intense here, it has not prevented knowledge from breaking through and creating a groundswell from the bottom up. Americans, by virtue of their own history and experiences with civil and human rights injustices, will not remain ignorant, deceived by, or supportive of Israel’s occupation forever.

Thank you to Jimmy Carter for telling the Palestinian’s story in his courageous book, which is being translated into many languages.
Here is a list of Global Actions scheduled for June 9/10 by several hundreds of peace activist organizations around the world seeking to stop Israel’s military occupation and continuing colonization of the West Bank.

Global mobilization June 9/10:

The World Says No To Israeli Occupation!


Palestinian Federation of Argentina organizes a march during the action days.


City: Sydney
Location: Sydney Town Hall
Date: June 9
Time : 1 pm
Type of initiative : rally
Organizers: www.coalitionforpalestine.org, cjpp@coalitionforpalestine.org

City: Sydney
Location: Jubilee Room, Parliament House, Macquarie Street
Date: June 6
Time : 6:30 for 7 pm
Type of initiative : Public meeting
Organizers: www.coalitionforpalestine.org, cjpp@coalitionforpalestine.org

City: Adelaide
Location: Victoria Square
Date: June 5
Time : 12 noon – 2.00 pm
Type of initiative : Vigil
Other details: Walk to office of the Minister for Foreign Affairs Alexander Downer where he will be presented with postcards on the Wall for federal members of the Liberal and Labor Party
Organizers: Australian Friends of Palestine

City: Canberra
Location: Nara Peace Park
Date: June 3
Time : 2:30 pm
Type of initiative : Rally and march to Israeli Embassy
Organizers: Fair Go For Palestine
Contact: www.fairgoforpalestine.org

City: Brisbane
Location: Queen’s Park
Date: June 3
Time : 1 pm
Organizers: Australian Friends of Palestine
Contact: afopawa@friendsofpalestine.org.au, web:www.friendsofpalestine.org.au

City: Brisbane
Location: Social Sciences Lecture Theatre, University of Western Australia, WA
Date: June 6
Time : 6:15 – 9:30 pm
Type of Initiative: Film screening : The Iron Wall
Organizers: Australian Friends of Palestine
Contact: afopawa@friendsofpalestine.org.au, web:www.friendsofpalestine.org.au

City: Melbourne
Location: Bourke Street Mall, corner Elizabeth Street
Date: June 9
Time : 12 noon – 2.00pm
Type of Initiative: Vigil
Organizers: Women for Palestine
Contact: enquiries@womenforpalestine.com, web:www.womenforpalestine.com

City: Melbourne
Location: Conference Centre and Theatrette, State Library of Victoria, Entry 3, 179-181 La Trobe Street,
Date: June 16 17
Time : 10.00 am – 8.30 pm both days
Type of Initiative: The “Occupation” Exhibition and Palestine Film Festival
Organizers: Women for Palestine
Contact: enquiries@womenforpalestine.com, web:www.womenforpalestine.com


City: Graz
Location: Central Square
Date: June 9
Time: 11:00-14:00
Type of initiative: Rally
Details: Mock wall, exhibition, leaflets, speaches, music.
Organizers: Solidaritätskomitee für Palästina, Steirische Friedensplattform
Contact: solidaritaetskomitee@gmx.net

City: Vienna
Location: in front of the Vienna Parliament
Date: 6 June 2007
Time: 11 A.M. to 13 P.M.
Kind of activity: Vigil
Organizers: Women in Black (Vienna) www.fraueninschwarz.at and the Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Middle East (Austria) www.nahostfriede.at

City: Vienna
Date: June 12
Type of Initiative : Public Meeting with Palestinian minister for tourism and antiquities Dr. Khouloud Deibes
Organizers: SAAR with the Palestinian Community


City: Brussels
Location: Parc du Cinquantenaire
Date: June 9
Time : 3 pm – evening
Type of initiative : rally and cultural evening
Other details :
3 pm : workshops and debates
6 pm : political testimonies
7 pm – 9 pm: Solidarity concert
9 pm: Orchestre National de Barbes
Organizers : Association Belgo-Palestinienne
Contact details: tel. 02 223 07 56 www.association-belgo-palestinienne.be

City: Brussels
Location: Shuman Place
Date: June 4
Type of initiative : Street Action
Further Details: 40 chained persons will hold each a picture of daily life under occupation. At the same time 40 white pigeons will be released.
Organizers: Actieplatform


City: Sao Paolo
Place: Av. Paulista, at the “vao livre do Masp” (large public square beneath the MASP, Sao Paulo Art Museum)
Date: June 9
Time: 3 pm
Type of initiative: Demonstration – “O mundo diz Não à ocupação israelense”
Other details: Speeches, followed by street theatre performance “Boys and Stones”, and a dance performance(combination of Brazilian Indian dances, with Beduin, and Arab folklore)
Organizers: Institute for Arab Culture
Supporters: Theatre Company Nucleo Entrelinhas, Mila Dance company
Contact details: www.icarabe.org and www.icarabe.org/palestina

City: Sao Paolo
Place: Polis Institute, Rua Araujo, 124 – Centro, Sao Paulo
Date: May 31
Time: 6 pm
Type of initiative: Build-up activity for the June 9th Demonstration
Other details: Exhibition of the film “L`Attente”, followed by a debate between Abdel Latif Hasan Abdel Latif, Gershon Knispel, and Arlene Clemesha.
Organizers: Institute for Arab Culture and Polis Institutewww.icarabe.org and www.icarabe.org/palestina and www.polis.org.br


City: Toronto, Montreal and various other major cities across Canada
Date: June 9/10
Type of initiative: pickets against Chapters & Indigo book store support for Israeli military
Organizers : Coalition against Israeli Apartheid and various national groups and organizations
Contact: www.caiaweb.net


City: Copenhagen
Date: June 9
Type of initiative : a mobile Wall to move through Copenhagen
Organizers : Tear Don the Wall Initiative, Denmark
Contact details: www.riv-muren-ned.org


Location: la Rortande Stalingrad/Jaurès
Date: June 9
Time 4pm – 8 pm
Type of initiative : outdoor concert/meeting
Further Details: 40 chained persons will hold each a picture of daily life under occupation. At the same time 40 white pigeons will be released.
Organizers: Collectif National pour une paix juste et durable entre Palestiniens et Israéliens and others

City: Nantes
Location: Place du Cirque
Date: June 9
Time : 5 pm – 8 pm
Type of initiative : creative demonstration against occupation
Other details : Big creative demonstration with drums, painting clothes with anti-occupation slogans, Marmoud Darwhish’s poems, drawings on the road and so on
Organizers : Association France Palestine Solidarite, CCFD, Pays de Loire Gaza Jerusalem, and many others
Supporters : to come
Contact details: nantes@ism-france.org


Palestine events are scheduled during the G8 protests and alternative summit.

City: Rostock
Date: to be defined
Type of initiative: workshop “G8 – Peace brokers or war profiteers?”
Organizers: IPPNW, EJJP, Palestinian Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign, National Coordination Stop the Wall in Palestine
Contact details: info@stopptdiemauer.de

City: Rostock
Date: June 2
Type of initiative: large international demonstration in Rostock with Palestine bloc
Contact details: www.heiligendamm2007.de

City: Rostock
Date: June 5
Type of initiative: action day against war with Palestinian participation
Contact details: www.g8-alternative-summit.org

City: Berlin
Date: June 9
Type of initiative : vigil and presentations at Hackescher Markt

City: Hamburg
Date: June 9
Type of initiative : demonstration and rally , information desks , leaflets etc.


Details to come soon.


City: Reykjavi
Date: June 9
Organizers: Association Iceland-Palestine
Contact details: palestina@palestina.is


City: Mumbai
Place: Islam Gymkhana, Marine Lines Station, Mumbai.
Date: June 7
Time: 6pm – 9pm
Type of initiative: Conference : “Indians for Solidarity with Palestine”
Organizers: Various Secular democratic as well as faith based organizations
Supporters: Peace Mumbai, Pak-India Forum for Peace and Democracy, Focus on the Global South, Muslim Intellectual Forum, Build, Ambedkar-Phule Vichar Manch, Vidhyarthi Bharthi Sangathana.
Contact details: Jatin Desai : 00-91-93222-55812 : desaijatin@yahoo.co.uk
Feroze Mithiborwala : 00-91-98208-97517 : ferozearachne@gmail.com ; Varsha Berry : 00-91-98206-03704 : varshab@yahoo.com


City: Dublin
Place: Assemble at Central Bank, Dame Street
Date: 9 Jun 2007
Time: 2:00 pm
Type of Initiative: National Demonstration
Further Details: Further details: the demonstration is the culmination of a week of activities, including a an open-air press conference outside the Israeli Embassy on June 5.
Contact: www.ipsc.ie


City: Rome
Place: Piazza Esedra
Date: 9 Jun 2007
Type of Initiative: National Demonstration


City: Osaka
Place: Dawn Center (Osaka Prefectual Women’s Center)
Date: June 10
Time: 15:00pm – 18:30pm
Type of initiative: Conference : Rally
15:00 speech by Professor Susumu Fujita
17:00 presentation about BDS campaign
17:30 video conference between Palestine and Osaka
Organizers: Kansai Network for Peace in Palestine
Supporters: ATTAC Kansai, Osaka YWCA International Department, Kansai United Action, Society of persistent for Article 9, The United Church of Christ in Japan (Social Committee of Osaka district) and Palestine Forum Japan
Contact details:
email: palestine.forum@gmail.com
tel: +81-90-9273-4316
fax: +81-6-6624-2835


City: Amsterdam
Place: De Dam
Date: June 9
Time 1 pm – 3 pm
Type of initiative: demonstration’Ik ben ontzet!’
Organizers: Initiatiefgroep, including Alternative View, Coalitie Stop de Oorlog, Een Ander Joods Geluid, ICCO, Internationale Socialisten, Humanistische Partij, Nederlands Palestina Komitee, Oxfam Novib, Palestijnse Gemeenschap Nederland Palestina Komitee Rotterdam, Palestijns Platform voor Mensenrechten en Solidariteit, PEACE Consumentenfederatie, SIVMO, Stichting Hope, Stichting Stop de Bezetting Stichting Talliq, Transnational Institute, Universitaire Activisten, United Civilians for Peace, Vrouwen in het Zwart, Werkgroep Keerpunt, YMWC Nederland Contact details: info@40jaarbezetting.nl.

City: Den Haag
Place: Het Plein
Date: June 5
Type of initiative: demonstration
Organizers: Initiatiefgroep
Contact details: info@40jaarbezetting.nl.

New Zealand

City: Wellington
Location: Cuba Mall (Staged Area)
Date: June 9
Time : 12.30
Type of initiative : Rally
Organizers: Wellington Palestine Group – wpgnz@hotmail.co.nz


Details to come soon.

South Africa

City and Location: Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban and other major cities and many towns
Time: June 4 – 9, every day
Type of initiative: Mass marches in a few cities; rallies in many cities and towns; pickets outside supermarkets and companies doing business with Apartheid Israel; demonstrations outside US, EU and Israeli consulates/embassies and interest sections; building of replicas of the Apartheid Wall on campuses and a parliamentary debate.
Organizers: End the Occupation Campaign, including African National Congress, ANC Youth League, Cosatu, Friends of Al-Aqsa, Media Review Network, Muslim Judicial Council, Muslim Students Association, Muslim Youth Movement, Not In My Name, Palestine Solidarity Alliance, Palestine Solidarity Committee, Palestine Solidarity Group, Social Movements (various), South African Communist Party, Workers’ Organisation for Socialist Action (WOSA), Young Communist League
Contact: 082 802 5936 / 084 574 2674

City: Cape Town,
Location: from Kaizergracht
Date: June 9
Time: 10 am
Type of initiative: March
Other details: Other activities are planned in Cape Town in the run up to the June 9
Organizers: ANC, Muslim Judicial Council and a range of other organisations.
Contact details: Max Ozinsky +27824147147

City: Gauteng
Location: University of Johannesburg Auckland Park campus (former RAU)
Date: June 5 or 6
Type of initiative: Lecture


City: Madrid
Date: June 9
Time 7 pm
Type of initiative : National demonstration
Organizers: Red Solidaria contra la ocupación de Palestina
Contact details: acsur@acsur.org

Further demonstrations and mobilizations during the week in Madrid, Barcelona, Malaga, Valence, Asturies, Catalonia and in Basque Country.


City: Geneva
Date: June 9
Time: 2 pm
Type of initiative: National demonstration and Human Chain from the Israeli Embassy to the UN headquarters in Geneva
Other details: 6 pm after the demonstration, cultural evening at the Place des Nations
Organizers: Collectif Urgence Palestine and others
Contact: www.stopoccupation.ch

Week of Solidarity – Caravan towards the Global Action Days

City: Geneva
Location: COE, 150 rte de Ferney Grand-Saconnex
Date: June 3
Time: 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Type of initiative: Opening, Picnic for Peace
Other details: Greetings from Jerusalem and around the world, local-international send-off for the caravan
Organizers: Local Church members and International Church Action for Peace in Palestine and Israel, Joint advocacy Initiative of the World Council of Churches

City: Nyon
Date: June 4
Time: 6:30 pm
Type of initiative: welcoming of the Caravan by local authorities
Organizers: Collectif Urgence Palestine (CUP) Nyon – La Cote

City: Lausanne
Location: place de la Riponne
Date: June 5
Time: 1 pm
Type of initiative: arrival of the Caravan and hand over of petition
Other details:
2 pm: picnic at Pole Sud, av. J-J Mercier 3 (Flon).
4 pm – 6 pm: public debate at Place de la Palud
6:20 pm: cultural evening at Pole Sud with testimonies from the women’s mission to Palestine
Organizers: CUP Vaud, participant-e-s EAPPI

City: Payerne /Fribourg
Location: in front of the military airport, Payerne
Date: June 6
Time: 2 pm
Type of initiative: protest “No to military cooperation with Israel”
Other details:
Evening: public debate on the same theme in Fribourg
Organizers: GSsA/GSoA

City: Bienne/Biel
Location: Dufourstrasse
Date: June 7
Time: 4 pm
Type of initiative: welcoming of the Caravan
Other details:
5 pm – 7 pm: street theatre
Organizers: Bildungsstelle der kath. Kirche Biel/Service de formation de l’Eglise catholique de Bienne, Arbeitskreis fuer Zeitfragen Biel, dt. Pfarreien der kath. Kirche Biel, Femmes pour la Paix Bienne, Pfarrei Bruder Klaus.

City: Bern
Location: Bundesplatz oder Weisenhausplatz
Date: June 8
Time: 12 noon
Type of initiative: welcoming of the Caravan and mock wall with silent vigil
Other details:
1 pm: prominent voices in dialogue
9:30 pm: film screening – The Iron Wall
Organizers: OeME Fachstelle Oekumene, Mission und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit der Ref. Kirchen Bern-Jura-Solothurn, Berner Mahnwache, CH Teilnehmende EAPPI, Komitee Palaestina Petition

United Kingdom

City: London
Location: Lincoln’s Inn Fields to Trafalgar Square
Date: June 9
Time: 1:30 pm
Type of initiative: demonstration and rally
Organizers: ENOUGH! Coalition (50 member organizations)
Contact: www.enoughoccupation.org ; martial.kurtz@palestinecampaign.org

United States

City: Washington, DC
Location: West Lawn of Capitol
Time: 2:00 PM, Sunday, June 10th
Type of initiative: National rally and march, followed by grassroots lobbying day on June 11th
Other details: www.endtheoccupation.org
Organizers: US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, United for Peace and Justice
Supporters: 200+ endorsing organizations
Contact details: 202-332-0994 or us_campaign@endtheoccupation.org

Details at: http://stopthewall.org/worldwideactivism/1460.shtml