With the way they f&%#cked up and funded the Iraq occupation a couple weeks ago, it’s hard to have anything to do with the Democrats these days. But an e-mail from Progressive Democrats of America this morning tells me that (inmyhumbleopinion) there are at least a few real progressive Democrats out there.

The e-mail — from Olive Tree Democrats, “A project of Progressive Democrats of America” —  is mainly about the June 11 Lobby Day for Israeli/Palestinian Peace and End to Occupation. But it also reminds us of the June 10 march and of a terrible anniversary (emphasis added throughout):

On June 10 and 11, people around the world are joining together in a Day of Action to mark the 40th year of Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem. …

Tens of thousands will march in Washington D.C. on June 10, and hundreds of activists will be lobbying Congress on June 11. Add your voice to theirs! Call your representative in support of H. Res 143, in support of a special US envoy for Middle East Peace. To reach the Capitol switchboard dial 1-202-224-3121 or call toll free: 1-888-597-0909. (Find your representative here) This is the best way to show support for the Arab League’s recent peace proposal, which the US and Israel have been slow to endorse.

As you can see, the PDA’s Olive Tree Democrats (see ++ below for more on where they’re coming from) specifically asks us to support H Res 143 (Appoint a Special Envoy for Middle East Peace), sponsored by Susan Davis of San Diego. They suggest writing your Representative something like this:

I’m writing to you in support of efforts to promote peace between the Israeli and Palestinian people. There are many things we can do at this time to support the Arab League’s recent reintroduction of their 2002 peace proposal.

One of the most important is the appointment of a special envoy for Middle East peace (H Res 143).

I care about the future of both Israelis and Palestinians. Steps to end the occupation of the Palestinian people will improve the lives of everyone in the Middle East.

If you still can’t stand having anything to do with the damn Democrats, then follow the lead of the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee, which says you should write something like the following to your Congressperson about H Res 143:

I am contacting you to express my support for H.Res. 143, Congresswoman Davis’ (D-CA) resolution urging President Bush to appoint a special envoy for Middle East peace. I urge you to cosponsor and support this resolution.

Davis’ resolution rightly points out that it is in our nation’s best interest to promote peace and dialogue in the Middle East. For the past several years, the United States has neglected its diplomatic efforts toward ending the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. It is imperative that we act as an honest broker and uphold international law while working toward a lasting peace. A just resolution to the conflict will be in the best interest of Israelis and Palestinians and serve to ameliorate long standing grievances between the Arab world and Israel.

The last few years have seen the US pursue foreign policy objectives which have severely tarnished the image of the US around the globe. Our policies in the Middle East should be implemented through dialogue and diplomacy as opposed to invasions and sanctions. Appointing a special envoy to the Middle East to work on peace between the Israelis and Palestinians would go a long way toward helping repair American’s image in the international community and particularly in the Arab and Muslim world.

A just and lasting peace in the Middle East is needed now more than ever. Reengagement of American diplomatic efforts that are even handed and uphold international law are in the best interest of the Palestinians, Israelis as well as Americans. Congress should pass H.Res 143 and President Bush should appoint a special envoy to the conflict.

Thank you for your consideration of this matter.

++ From the Olive Tree Democrats’ (draft?) Mission Statement:

The vast majority of Democrats – and Americans – support a negotiated, just, and peaceful solution between the Israel and the Palestinian people, as represented by their lawfully elected governments. OTD believes that any just solution will require the establishment of two states as a precondition for achieving a lasting peace, and that the 1949 Green Line armistice line must serve as the basis for any future border or territory swaps. Palestinian claims regarding refugees, restitution, equal rights and freedom of movement must be seen as the equal of Israeli security needs. OTD’s approach is consistent with that of most Israeli and Palestinian peace organizations, the current Arab League peace initiative, international law and UN resolutions.